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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Great modelling on the mill (as usual) and far be it for me to find fault with the master's work but I can't help noticing there appears to be a gap between the bottom of the walls and the water on both sides. Are you planning to put some weeds along there to help hide the gaps?




Well noticed Richard, it's known a "The Downes Gap", it's like a kinda signature  so that Robinson can't nick the copyright !


I will, or intended to, plant weeds along the base of both banks - when I get round to it that is !




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You're building out of focus again, surely an article on that technique is worth more than £8 a page!

I wondered if it was out of focus or whether years of drinking colron was giving him the trembles. Mind you, having used that spray stone effect paint myself, I know exactly how far that can travel, mask, goggles, extraction fan ..................nose, mouth, ear, eyes

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Great modelling on the mill (as usual) and far be it for me to find fault with the master's work but I can't help noticing there appears to be a gap between the bottom of the walls and the water on both sides. Are you planning to put some weeds along there to help hide the gaps?



Allan, as anyone knows you obviously left the gap on purpose. This is the expansion gap needed when building in Cornwall to either let the radon gas seep out of the granite or to help the building adjust to its footings in times of drought/flood. Allans eye for detail has captured this well. As can be seen in photo 5 in 2852 he even has a plant growing from the roof, a detail we often miss.

I am looking forward to seeing the completed building.

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And just for comparisons sake (I have to keep putting the picture up so's I  can see what I'm supposed to be doing!) here is the real thing and what really amazes me is with all that experience you would have though the builders could have at least got it half looking like mine!






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That's coming along superbly, Allan.


I really do like the sag in the roof.


Thanks Kev, the wife calls it a wonky roof !


Actually, it's quite a pain to tile because as you near the top you can't really follow the ruled lines and have to follow the roof wherever it dips and rises. - but it's worth it.




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Thanks Kev, the wife calls it a wonky roof !


Actually, it's quite a pain to tile because as you near the top you can't really follow the ruled lines and have to follow the roof wherever it dips and rises. - but it's worth it.





It's definitely worth the effort. Really gives the building some character.


There must of been a point in history when everyone used bamboo canes for ridge boards because loads of old buildings have wonky roofs! :jester:  

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It's definitely worth the effort. Really gives the building some character.


There must of been a point in history when everyone used bamboo canes for ridge boards because loads of old buildings have wonky roofs! :jester:  


I once had a cottage, the oldest in Barnetby-Le-Wold actually, that had actual trees for both ridge boards and purlins.


Anyway, when I pulled the lathe and plaster ceilings down up in the bedrooms, a telegraph pole fell out of the loft !


So I sold it to Robinson...




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Would you believe that it's taken me from 10 this morning to an hour ago to build those damn chimneys?!!


Anyway, just a few more details and it will be ready for it's base - more flat grass  from the truly wonderfull Noch Grassmaster !!!






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Conversation in house to rear." Blxxdy Hxll you know that weirdo who lives across the road.He's only out in his garden now taking blxxdy pictures of a dolls house on top of his blxxdy bird table!! "


Seriously though Allan I suspect you're quite pleased with the way this one is turning out.I love it.


Note to Jaz. I know that Allan doesn't do trees (well not if he can help it), why don't you send him a couple of yours to plant in front of his post office.The winning combination of your masterful trees and Allans postoffice will be so dazzling that no-one will notice the crappy flat Noch grass.


PS.Jaz I really do like your tree.Brilliant stuff.You're right to be pleased with it.Loved the roots.

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The people accross the road Iain don't even know what time of the day it is let alone what day of the week!


A woman once passing, or at least as she was being dragged along by a massive Jack Russel, did remark once " I say, I do like your bird table, where did you get it from " - Wicks, I replied, it's got their name on it!


Re Jaz's tree, yes it would really set things off with a magnificent specimen like that on ANY of my models!!!  - She's most definately Queen Of The Trees !




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Conversation in house to rear." Blxxdy Hxll you know that weirdo who lives across the road.He's only out in his garden now taking blxxdy pictures of a dolls house on top of his blxxdy bird table!! "


Nearly had similar at home the other week.  I wanted to get a picture of a model locomotive in sunlight with sky behind one Saturday morning and the only place to put it was on the fence over to the neighbours' place which being about 6' 6" tall was just right bearing in mind the angle of the sun & so on.  I had forgotten the neighbours have a very pretty buxom blonde lodger who is prone to popping out of her ground floor bedroom in her nightie to have a cigarette in the garden.


At least, that is what I will tell the Magistrate...

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Now THAT'S the kid of post I like to read CWR !!


Way back in my wilder youth back in Bedford, I had my own window cleaning round and this particular confused and sexually starved house wife would know exactly when I would be arriving with ladder, swabs and buckets and conveneiently arrange to leave her bedroom curtains open, morning, afternoon, made no difference, where she would be just standing there in her underwear and starting to get dressed then as I knocked on her door for the money, she would always say, as if she only meant it as a joke " Well deary, here it is but there are better ways to pay you know, wink, wink "


In the end I only did her house - 10 times a day....




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Right, I deleted that last lot of pics in the hope that these might be better, but I've kept the text.


Started the groundwork today.


Everything's still wet hence the yukey green grass which will darken considerably when dry.


So now I'm waiting for more Noch stuff which is on order because, and like everything else with these wretched suppliers, they haven't ever got what they advertise in stock - in fact I don't think they carry anything, they wait for the orders to come in then order it from the manufacturers.


So meanwhile, here's some really terrible shots of progress to date taken inside cos it's raining stair rods outside !









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