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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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I know the women used to..but the men: are they cross dressing?

No. That's how Druids dress, pointed wizard hats are all the rage.Well at least in the past they were.



                                                                                                                                                                                                             Iain the Pagan.

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Corner return building almost there, shop fronts, roofs, chimneys, then back to fire cement, colron and the microwave !


On the subject of which, how do you get your fire cement not to warp when you zap it in the microwave? I've come up with some pretty reasonable results for stonework, but only if I intend to model the inside of a turret.

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On the subject of which, how do you get your fire cement not to warp when you zap it in the microwave? I've come up with some pretty reasonable results for stonework, but only if I intend to model the inside of a turret.


Hi 710


All sections will warp to a certain extent after being zapped in the microwave and what I do is back them up with 2mm card which straightens them out no problem at all.


Any further problems just let me know.




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You couldn't pay me enough to watch a soap !


One big arguement every 5 minutes.


Here's a test.


Switch on a soap, any soap, at random at any time and an arguement will iether just have finished, or just about to start. I call it the misery slot.


People who watch this crap world wide must think we're the most miserable and arguementive nation on the planet.




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You couldn't pay me enough to watch a soap !


One big arguement every 5 minutes.


Here's a test.


Switch on a soap, any soap, at random at any time and an arguement will iether just have finished, or just about to start. I call it the misery slot.


People who watch this crap world wide must think we're the most miserable and arguementive nation on the planet.





Although I don't watch the soaps here in Brazil either, they are quite good they last about 6 months then a new one starts.  they keep SWMBO out my hair each evening.


But I quite agree about the British ones.

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Pictures from the workbench


The corner block seen flat on its back on the workbench and finished at last and I've been all day finishing it !


That makes it close on five foot so far and I'll probably knock it on the head at six - so guys, looks like you've got another foot and another thousand  pictures of Old Tudor to come yet!


Let me know when you've had enough!!






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