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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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A few overhead shots ( standing on a chair !) showing capping stones and laminated thickness of walls - three layers of two mil card, one layer of two mill stone sheeting and guaranteed to keep any marauding Scotsman at bay - and one in particular ! -


Also seen are homemade gauging tools and template which were essential if speed but not necessaraly accuracy was  the priority !








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Thanks, Iain.  I wanted a scenic break and a wall like this seemed to hit the spot.  It was a relatively simple task to adapt the Scalescenes wall kit to make the towers - the round one by using (rather than Chubber's packeto-cornflako) tuba-da-crispa!

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Thanks, Iain.  I wanted a scenic break and a wall like this seemed to hit the spot.  It was a relatively simple task to adapt the Scalescenes wall kit to make the towers - the round one by using (rather than Chubber's packeto-cornflako) tuba-da-crispa!

Ah, yes, but once you start that, you can't stop...those Pringles are strangely addictive :jester:   Seriously though, great walls, very convincing.



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I am just always so gobsmacked by what you can do with an extra thick piece of 'paper' And make it look substantial.

We need some bedding in the structures as the work progresses.....that always makes it believable.


Great work.

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Gosh, possibly a bit more robust than my city walls/castle:


Regarding robustness, is it just because you and Allan are using different finishing techniques that your robustness varies? I presume that Allans embossed walling needs more support. Is that correct? Or is it just a personal preference? Incidentally, Allan, how do you finish the top of your walls ie when viewing from above the tops of the castellations etc? Or do you work on the theory that the top of a castle will be too high to be seen?


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What I meant, lightengine, was that Allan's walls look a lot thicker and more robust, indeed more like a castle than mine!  His are 8mm thick if I read the description of his sandwich correctly whereas mine are plain vanilla Scalescenes so on a combination of 1.5mm & 2mm mountboard and in places bits of corrugated cardboard to secure them to the side of the layout box.


In terms of day-to-day use on my railway mine work fine, though as they are fixed to the afore mentioned layout box.  The layout folds up into the wall, hence having the box round it.  Perhaps this picture will help:




The wall is firmly glued down at the bottom with Evostick (and later held in place with PVA and ballast); you can then see a strip of corrugated card glued to the back of the wall & in turn to the woodwork at the top of the main part of the wall level with the top of the buttresses, again using Evostick; and then the very top edge of the parapet is similarly glued in place.  It's all pretty tough and I eventually dispensed with the supports behind the wall su[pplied with the kit as I couldn't be bothered to cut out all the triangles!

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This is the retaining wall and scalescenes tunnel portal I built and then ripped out


It's all gone now ---- arrrrgh!


(I blame RMWeb for making me want to do better :) )






yes, even those Scalescenes platforms are being replaced...

Edited by freebs
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As someone who has stuck with the Scalescenes platform & retaining walls not sure how to take that, freebs ;)

Oops sorry - not wanting to disparage your work good sir. I do like the Scalescenes stuff and they're brilliant to put together, but I was never happy with the colour that my printer put out for the stone, it didn't match what I wanted to achieve, plus I was starting to develop scratch building techniques and wanted to build something with a bit of relief..

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Only teasing, freebs!  I also had some printer issues (see how the paving on top of my promenade is in different shades) but for what I want Scalescenes has worked very well.  I have seen suggestions on here about enhancing these papers by indenting individual bricks and may give this a bash.


I've also had a pop at scribing and painting my own brickwork & will be pursuing this.  I finally found a supply of watercolour gouache at a sensible price to help in this.  Here's my first attempt from a while back, coloured with a childhood paintbox:




I also got into the scratchbuilding side of life (albeit using texture papers) and this is the first thing I built, inspired by the main protagonists on this thread and a John Ahern plan:






I also had fun turning this:




Into the wall in the background here:




Everything forward of the back of the promenade here is scratchbuilt, less the Peco Lineside benches:




My Railway Civil Engineer father helped me come up with these:




Which dropped rather nicely into here:




And here's the latest project:








Curses, deliberate mistake honest.

Edited by C&WR
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Anything you can do Freebs and C&WR the new double act.Good Stuff.Look out Downes and Robinson!!


You're very kind, but I'm nowhere near the level of these chaps.  I am, however, soaking up every little bit of technique I can so I can improve my work and it is thanks to members here and elsewhere that I have managed what I have.  I will take credit for having a bit of imagination about what I build (even if the results don't come out as spangly as I dream up) and am pleased I haven't constrained myself with a particular place!


Brilliant! Do I spy a couple of YMRV Coaches there?

Many thanks.  Yes, they are the Hachette Jobs - see here where I ran through the detailing and here where I discuss the costs.
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