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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Hi Allan,


Assuming its Faller HO 607, I've had several sheets of it for years. If it was the right size it would make excellent old red brick, but - no surprise - its far too big. Alan Gray "ST George's Pit" - Railway Modeller May 2013 - uses it for 7mm brick which is what I'm saving it for. Its tempting to copy it and reduce it  (OK-ish for personal use, perhaps) but the real stuff has a nice degree of print-texture. I don't think its available now but I'd be happy to be proved wrong.


I've not seen the stone, but it does look good. I'm a huge Scalescenes fan but I don't like the rough stone at all; its photographically accurate - 'cos that's how he does it - but rough stone needs texture, end of




( - Talk about weak willed! - confusing it with a social life, obviously - sad git!)


Was it really listed as tunnel-liner!?


Hi Tony.


Yes,I would agree that the brick sheets are far too big for 00 and therefore must look absolutely massive for the intended 'scale' - HO  - Infact, I built Hemyock in O guage using Faller's HO brick sheets !


And yes, it is listed as 'Tunnel Liner' - and  all the products are still available - just Google 'Faller building papers'




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Hi Tony.


Yes,I would agree that the brick sheets are far too big for 00 and therefore must look absolutely massive for the intended 'scale' - HO  - Infact, I built Hemyock in O guage using Faller's HO brick sheets !


And yes, it is listed as 'Tunnel Liner' - and  all the products are still available - just Google 'Faller building papers'




Thanks Allan, I didn't realise they were still available. Will have to get my hands on some as they could be ideal for 0 Gauge buildings.

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Hi Tony.


Yes,I would agree that the brick sheets are far too big for 00 and therefore must look absolutely massive for the intended 'scale' - HO  - Infact, I built Hemyock in O guage using Faller's HO brick sheets !


And yes, it is listed as 'Tunnel Liner' - and  all the products are still available - just Google 'Faller building papers'





I'm delighted to have been proved wrong. Alan Gray says, quote "I have a precious piece of old Faller brick paper which I photocopied for most of the buildings."  And I had the same thought. I think I might have asked about it somewhere, years ago, and was told it was discontinued. Whether this was true or not at the time, I don't know. I have ten sheets. It really is lovely stuff. Gray embosses his sometimes, and it would be easy to do. One of my many armchair builds is an On30 (is this right for O gauge narrow gauge using OO track? - my mind plays tricks with me, these days) micro layout, using this card. 'Don't suppose it'll get any further than my head. Her Ladyship's demands, bless her, grow by the day. MS is a particularly vile disease. Her major organs are fine so she could suffer indefinitely; sufferers often outlive their Carers, statistically. LOL! enough of the self-pity! ;-) But it is frustrating to get no modelling work done.



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I'm delighted to have been proved wrong. Alan Gray says, quote "I have a precious piece of old Faller brick paper which I photocopied for most of the buildings."  And I had the same thought. I think I might have asked about it somewhere, years ago, and was told it was discontinued. Whether this was true or not at the time, I don't know. I have ten sheets. It really is lovely stuff. Gray embosses his sometimes, and it would be easy to do. One of my many armchair builds is an On30 (is this right for O gauge narrow gauge using OO track? - my mind plays tricks with me, these days) micro layout, using this card. 'Don't suppose it'll get any further than my head. Her Ladyship's demands, bless her, grow by the day. MS is a particularly vile disease. Her major organs are fine so she could suffer indefinitely; sufferers often outlive their Carers, statistically. LOL! enough of the self-pity! ;-) But it is frustrating to get no modelling work done.



Just remember that you are a hero Tony. You have my respect and admiration for looking after your loved one ....and I would be constantly whining and grumbling if it were me.



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Any experience with 'N' gauge sheets? Embossed brick and stone would be useful to me as I find a lot of 'N' gauge building sheets are just right for 3mm scale.



I do believe that Faller and Co, do provide for 2mil. - but wouldn't it be possible to download any of these, resize, and print them off ?




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Just remember that you are a hero Tony. You have my respect and admiration for looking after your loved one ....and I would be constantly whining and grumbling if it were me.




You're very kind, Iain, but I'm far from heroic; ill-tempered and irritable is more the default mode. Just.. its getting embarrassing beyond words to continually post on stuff without a single tiny item to show. I've put up a couple of pics to show that a layout actually exists. There are acres of space, particularly on the stock-free pic where there is about 2' X 12' requiring a city-scape beyond the far tracks. And its been like this for years, literally. OK, you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew, but when I started things weren't anything like as demanding, so I'm stuck. The Bilteezi house backs, to the left of the girder-bridge - a temporary expedient!!! - are falling over they're so tired of standing alone. When I win the lottery I'll be in touch!







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You're very kind, Iain, but I'm far from heroic; ill-tempered and irritable is more the default mode. Just.. its getting embarrassing beyond words to continually post on stuff without a single tiny item to show. I've put up a couple of pics to show that a layout actually exists. There are acres of space, particularly on the stock-free pic where there is about 2' X 12' requiring a city-scape beyond the far tracks. And its been like this for years, literally. OK, you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew, but when I started things weren't anything like as demanding, so I'm stuck. The Bilteezi house backs, to the left of the girder-bridge - a temporary expedient!!! - are falling over they're so tired of standing alone. When I win the lottery I'll be in touch!






Steve, you just HAVE to finish that layout, wonky Builteeze or not !!





Edited cos I called you Tony !

Edited by allan downes
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Tony! That's some great trackwork. You sound just like me, except i've no longer got any track down - I ripped it all up after discovering RMWeb - damn you and your inspirational mass of threads! ;)


I've been at mine for 3 years now and all I've got to show for it are two tunnel portals, a Signal box, Station building and a waiting room...

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You're very kind, Iain, but I'm far from heroic; ill-tempered and irritable is more the default mode. Just.. its getting embarrassing beyond words to continually post on stuff without a single tiny item to show. I've put up a couple of pics to show that a layout actually exists. There are acres of space, particularly on the stock-free pic where there is about 2' X 12' requiring a city-scape beyond the far tracks. And its been like this for years, literally. OK, you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew, but when I started things weren't anything like as demanding, so I'm stuck. The Bilteezi house backs, to the left of the girder-bridge - a temporary expedient!!! - are falling over they're so tired of standing alone. When I win the lottery I'll be in touch!





Steve (or is it Tony :jester: )

Nobody on here minds if you don't have a layout or if you never made anything...that kind of crap can be saved for the "pretentious ultra scale rivet making" forums elsewhere. As it happens, you do have a layout, I see...a rather highly promising one and much better and bigger than mine!! Please don't worry, there are many others who just join in with their spin on modelling and are equally valued for that.  I also value and greatly enjoy your knowledgeable and supportive comments along with those of the majority of stout fellows on here. The layout looks great and I suspect is good fun to operate!



Edited by Iain C Robinson
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Tony! That's some great trackwork. You sound just like me, except i've no longer got any track down - I ripped it all up after discovering RMWeb - damn you and your inspirational mass of threads! ;)


I've been at mine for 3 years now and all I've got to show for it are two tunnel portals, a Signal box, Station building and a waiting room...


Thank you! :D The one sensible decision I did make from the off, was to have large radius curves, so that ten coach expresses could look natural at moderate speed. Its four track mainline (fast up, fast down in the centre two tracks; down slow and up slow on the outside 'cos I like to see expresses overhauling slow commuters, etc. Otherwise, the lighting gantry is half built as is everything else - eg, the foreground bridge will be straight flat girders, not multiple Peco, etc, etc.


I've two buildings on the stocks: a terraced corner shop and a back-street garage. If I could just get those done! :D



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Steve (or is it Tony :jester: )

Nobody on here minds if you don't have a layout or if you never made anything...that kind of crap can be saved for the "pretentious ultra scale rivet making" forums elsewhere. As it happens, you do have a layout, I see...a rather highly promising one and much better and bigger than mine!! Please don't worry, there are many others who just join in with their spin on modelling and are equally valued for that.  I also value and greatly enjoy your knowledgeable and supportive comments along with those of the majority of stout fellows on here. The layout looks great and I suspect is good fun to operate!



 Agree with everything, don't wanna hear another word bout the name mix up.........I'm old, I've got a bus pass, I'm allowed.

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 Agree with everything, don't wanna hear another word bout the name mix up.........I'm old, I've got a bus pass, I'm allowed.


Me too. Actually, I was trying to recall freebs' name - Lee, is it? - as the senior moments come in thick and fast.


Tony. ( I don't think therefore I'm not.)

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