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Dobris In HO - (pronounced Dobzhreesh) - Milton Keynes show in June2024


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  • RMweb Gold



It's a class 477 loco . At least one is preserved in the Czech Republic




This loco has a scratch built body and a modified ready to run chassis (I believe). It was built by long time friend Rochard Ellis Hobbs who has recently fitted a decoder and Kadees so that we could use it this weekend.


It runs very nicely. Hopefully wil get a few more photos of it on a steam special today.

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It's a class 477 loco...


Thanks, but I'm not awake yet Ian. I read that as Class 47/7...

I shall Google it later, it just caught my eye as something different.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another great day yesterday operating Dobris.

We did have a failure. The small tablet PC that has been used under various layouts for quite a few years has now started to switch it self off presumably when it gets too hot.


So for a while we couldn't use the wireless control. Luckily I carry a spare netbook used for programming locos, so that was pushed into use.


A few Prieser figures were purchased at the show and are now stuck down on the layout. There will be a few more but I don't want too many people as it is normally fairly quiet around the station area. Still looking for a suitable figure carrying shopping bags and walking down between the tracks from the station towards the buffer stops. It's quite a well worn path at the real place.


A few more photos including the steamer on a special service. A few videos to follow once we get home from our overnight stop in Lancaster.


Our next show with this layout will be RISEX next February in the shorter 16 foot set up.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I have only just found this thread and it looks great. Can't wait to see it at the Solent show in Feb.



However, it was last February's show.


Next show is in February next year at RISEX and then St Neots in March 2016.


Others in the pipeline later on in the year and the following year.

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  • 3 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Just under two weeks to go for the layouts third show.


It will be in the shorter format for RISEX so it will be 12 feet of scenic section and 4 foot fiddleyard.

There are quite a few details to add including more signals and turnout ground throws.


No new stock this time though as I have already filled the stock boxes!


photos ot follwo in the next week of the work being carried out.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday was time to start working on the rolling stock for this weekends show at Princes Risborough.


The MTB class 742 that had a broken surface mount LED was opened up and the damaged LED carefully unsoldered off the circuit board.


using a small piece of Blutak the replacement LED was positioned in place and soldered on. Luckily I had it the correct way round onto the circuit board as its now working again albeit a slightly different shade ot the factory fitted ones.


Further work carried out on the log loads whihc are removable by hand by pushing down on the load flicking the other end up so they can be pulled out with fingers.


The 4 wheel trailer passenger cars have now had the 'CD' logo added to their sides but other decals still need to be sourced.  Most are white on red so not much use using home made decals.


Plenty of work to do to the layout itself but it was too cold in the garage yesterday. Maybe tonight I will be able to get in there. More signals seats cars and people to fit in place.


This weekend its the short format for the layout then in March the longer format will be at the St Neots show.

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  • RMweb Gold

A few tasks completed on the layout last night and this morning.


Th log unloading area was looking a little too clean so a few lengths of twigs that were unsuitable for logs were scraped with a Stanley knife to create shavings representing the bark that has fallen onto the track whilst unloading. A lot more is required especially on the unloading dock but that will have to be built up over time.


There is Czech Big Jim!!



Next is a photo of the CD class 742 that had one of the headlight LEDs replaced. This area of the layout stil requires quite a bit of work. There is a small portable building up on the loading dock plus various other items of clutter but the biggest missing item is the overhead pipe gantry. It's a lot more intricate than I first thought so needs a lot of planning before I try to construct this. It may just lend itself to sectional 3D printing.



The last photo shows the newly installed signal part way along one of e platform roads. The base of the signal is designed to plug into a plastic slot so it can be easily removed. However I laid the track and ballasted long before these signals were discovered so they are semi permanently fixed in place and new ballast is now setting around the base.




This morning I worked out that I am one signal short. Oh well another order to the online supplier in the Czech Republic!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all for the comments.


The signals are unlikely to be working for this weekend as I need to translate the instructions then work out the best way to get them working. Unfortunately I have ended up with two different tpyes of connection. Most are conventional but a few are marked as 'S-com'.



One item currently on the workbench is a little 4 wheel maintenance vehicle, an MUV69 plus a trialer I have yet to commence. I commenced work on assembling the body on Sunday and its gonig together rather nicely but the motor assembly threw me.


I have found the following link for the motorized chassis construction luckily.



It may be on show this weekend but I doubt very much that I will have it working.

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  • RMweb Gold

The grain elevator has now had the glazing added. Scribed on clear styrene each window has been filed to size before gluing in with canopy glue. However it's taking longer to dry due to being sandwiched between the building walls and glazing. It is drying but I just hope is does so and go clear before tomorrow mornings show.


Still plenty more detailing to add such as the discharge pipes and he patch paintwork may require another coat.


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