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'Chard, I'm coming south again in the spring. Be there, be equal-sided-rectilinear-shape. Details tba, but find 3-4 of the best sassenach ScR layouts I've seen, put them in one corner of the hall and it sounds like it'll be amazing.


Pete & PCM , I know, but I've never been happy with Bachmann's 24, and I can't use three 27s. The GSYP ones look so much better by virtue of the splash of yellow, and it'll take a long time till I can beat this picture which really, really hits the spot IMO. Just for you diesel fans :


Realism by South-by-Sou'West, on Flickr

Enormous resolution available via the Flickr page...

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Phil you're giving me the fear, man. About to get the big saw out and chop up some wood. Why? Find out on Saturday.


Andy... is that so? Well, if the right folk ask, I'll have to consider.



Yep, Ayr MRS, Citadel Centre (formerly Ayr Baths), this coming weekend. Nice and easy to reach on the South Harbourside, if you're considering coming. Stevie from Ayr will welcome you with open arms, but don't let that put you off...

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I don't go in for posting stuff on the thread after shows, but I'm making an exception here on 2 counts. Firstly - a complaint to that effect was made on Saturday, and secondly, I thought a picture of the layout as a complete entity would be of interest to the distant readers who only see my carefully composed photos.


Cully@Ayr by culreoch, on Flickr

Thanks to Jim, Dave, Rob, Brian and John (in order of appearance) for giving me another lesson in how to operate the layout properly. I'll learn some day.


As one of a minority of two (I think) EM layouts seen on the Scottish exhibition scene it is gradually drawing the local EM modellers out the woodwork. The other thing that is interesting is the increased prominence of RMWeb amongst the Scottish modelling public. The forum goes a long way to break the ice across the barrier line, and I enjoy the interaction. We're still a tiny minority, but there's a lot of you out there who stop by for a chat, heckle me about "kettles", try (sometimes achieve) to sneak blue diesels onto the layout, or come across and tease me with things like this:


Dunwoody by culreoch, on Flickr

"I've got a 126 on my layout this morning". Aye, salt and wounds... salt and wounds... Lovely model, which isn't the obvious option of the MTK, err, kit.


So, the thread will go quiet again no doubt until Cully's booked back out. See you from the civilian side of the barrier meantime.


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It's been a busy weekend for Ivatts in 4mm Galloway.


Concurrently with the Wigtownshire Linesman* posting a photo of the 46467 working the first Portwilliam goods upon reopening of the line ( linked here ) by coincidence, I was putting my own 2MT back together, without much confidence in how it would run. Mine isn't a true Galloway loco, but I like mine lined out, and relatively clean. happy.gif



It is running on Gibson wheels now, and the tender is close-coupled - maybe too close, we will see.

It runs very nicely at last, and it will probably take a short goods train back and forth, occasionally popping into the siding at Culreoch when required. I need to sort out some balance weights, glue on the steps and sort the incorrect chimney. But the hard bit is done.


Next up, something 4MT or 5MT to displace another diesel from front line service. wink.gif


(*) sorry Stuart, it's too good to pass up. You've lost the Lairdship.

Love the 2MT, was it difficult to Rewheel? I am trying to recreate Llanfyllin in P4 and could do with one of those for the 60's scenario

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Hi Terry, I follow your layout progress on the topic here :)


It wasn't particularly difficult, the 2MT comes apart quite easily compared to older Bachmann stuff. It remains the only loco I've managed to rewheel properly, using the Gibson conversion sets - all other attempts have failed. But it's due to my own ineptitude rather than any particular difference between the Ivatt and other locos.


What it really does need though, is pickups on the tender wheelsets. Given the wiring already crosses the loco/tender gap, they shouldn't be too hard to retrofit.


I thought I'd written it up, but don't see it anywhere.

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  • 4 months later...

Evening :)


For the interested, some of the Culreoch stock should be available for inspection on the EMGS stand at the forthcoming Model Rail Scotland exhibition. Please feel free to drop by the stand even if EM isn't your thing - there should be something for just about everybody.

The layout itself is out a month later, down in the deep south: Nottingham. Perth after that, back in more familiar territory. Very much looking forward to both.


Haven't anything new to show here, really but here's 44977 yet again. She now wears the chassis of an engine bought from MartinWales at EM North. If ever there was proof that EM profile driving wheels are better than the originals, this loco is it - as far as I'm concerned. For a start, the wheels no longer hang over the head of the rail enough to drop shadows down the web.


44977 by culreoch, on Flickr

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks great as always, the couple of ultrascale wheeled bits off stuff I had the wheels did look better, but its arguably not as noticeable on the diesels.

I think with the steam locos the driving wheels are such a focal point and the whole is visible that it probably makes much more of a difference. On the diesels you hardly notice the wheel behind the sideframes.


When exactly is Perth? - it might almost be a sensible-ish dayout from here, Ayr is definetly too far for a day- despite being almost visible from here - I look forward to this road equivalent pricing thing Calmac are on about it might be tempting to cut across Arran then!

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  • RMweb Gold

Although I can generally fill the 'exhibition void' from looking at stuff on here, it would be nice to go to an exhibition again. Dont think there is anything in these parts.


I keep making mental notes to organise a trip back to friends/relatives around EM north time, but there are no school hols then unfortunately.


Will look out for Perth though, it takes roughly the same time to Stirling (via Dalmally & Chrianlarich) as Glasgow and I think there's a corner to be cut off by going down Loch Earn on the A85. It'd certainly be worth it if could get the whole weekend, sat show, then a decent walk on the Sunday that'd be pretty good :sungum:

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  • 1 month later...

Having just heaved it down said stairs I know damn fine that isn't jealousy Jim. ;)

But it's not as bad as Monday's task. Up the way. :O


Come on now Jamie.... tell the truth, I carried one down for you, and packed it in the van.

See those Glasgow roads though.... I think you should take some more ballast and PVA as there can't be much left on the layout by the time I got home. Only kidding, I was driving like there was an egg on the dash!!!!

See you tomorrow,


Dave Franks.

p.s. And you will be carrying them up the stairs yourself on Monday. :mocking_mini:

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Having just heaved it down said stairs I know damn fine that isn't jealousy Jim. ;)

But it's not as bad as Monday's task. Up the way. :O


Hi Jamie

Its the opposite for me, Glenuig lives down the dungeon (cellar). so its up tomorrow night and down on Sunday night, you do however, pass the booze cupboard on the way past.

Enjoy the M6, see you Saturday.


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Guest Max Stafford

Kingmoor tea howff will be available on Monday if such facilities are required on the return leg!



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