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A Nod To Brent - a friendly thread, filled with frivolity, cream teas and pasties. Longing for the happy days in the South Hams 1947.


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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't think Spamcans were painted maroon.


I was thinking more rolling stock.Thinking back to when I first started this thread and the lack of coaching stock, now I have a plethora to choose from.Everything but LNER !

Edited by gwrrob
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  • RMweb Gold

Im on the train home from Pendon. If they run another one PLEASE GO. It's BRILLIANT!


I will give you a quick taster here and let you know when I've processed some more. These are from my smartphone.








Really sorry about the glitch posting from my phone whereby it puts photos randomly upside down.

Edited by colin penfold
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I think you should get out more.


I took your advice and did get away for a few days and "discovered" a 26 arch viaduct which I knew nothing about:




Unfortunately there were no spectacular or unusual loco combinations performing on the day. This picture is from a few years ago, but the scene could be repeated if certain long term plans ever come to fruition. Where is it?




Maroon rolling stock it must be LMS stock on a Crewe, Liverpoool or Machester service 

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I took your advice and did get away for a few days and "discovered" a 26 arch viaduct which I knew nothing about:


attachicon.gifCROP VIADUCT.jpg


Unfortunately there were no spectacular or unusual loco combinations performing on the day. This picture is from a few years ago, but the scene could be repeated if certain long term plans ever come to fruition. Where is it?



Upper Furnace pool.


Edit: Northroader beat me to it..

Edited by Trains&armour
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Anyone fancy a maroon photoshoot ?


That would be great, but I didn't realise you were going

to back date ANTB to the pre Great War era!

(BTW I think it's actually called Crimson Lake!)

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Um, yup. I seem to have heard that a few times over on another thread.............................................. :rtfm:


Where's the "I haven't got a clue what you're talking about" button when you need it?  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

I took your advice and did get away for a few days and "discovered" a 26 arch viaduct which I knew nothing about:


attachicon.gifCROP VIADUCT.jpg


Unfortunately there were no spectacular or unusual loco combinations performing on the day. This picture is from a few years ago, but the scene could be repeated if certain long term plans ever come to fruition. Where is it?




Maroon rolling stock it must be LMS stock on a Crewe, Liverpoool or Machester service 

OK, so it's not where I initially thought it was (someone else posted the correct location before I had put anything up), but the overall scene does remind me quite a lot of Frampton Mansell on the Swindon to Gloucester line, just down from Sapperton Tunnel on the Chalford side.

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