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A Nod To Brent - a friendly thread, filled with frivolity, cream teas and pasties. Longing for the happy days in the South Hams 1947.


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Larry, I don't think this thread would survive on just my measly photos of the layout even with a Castle on seven coaches . I'm happy with off topic chat in small doses and have made some friends along the way

Although I have a tinplate layout, not particularly interested in rivet detail and now live far from the GWR or Brent, I appreciate the tolerance of this site as it enables me to have some connection with my past times in the area and its trains.



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  • RMweb Gold


And as we're talking about Mr Hawksworth forward looking 4-6-0 engine I'll add this pic which was taken by a very young,  many years pre Stationmaster, me.  The poor quality of the photo might be slightly excused (I hope) as it shows 1028 at Reading very recently outshopped from Swindon after being fitted with a double chimney in August 1958.


attachicon.gif1028 at Reading 1958.jpg

I think many of us in our/our father's/our grandfather's (delete as applicable depending on your age), we have a number of over exposed, off centre, poorly constructed photos and with any number of other faults that the professional and experienced photographer could pick up on. To me, that adds to the charm. It's as people saw them and recorded the moment

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Sometimes things go full circle. My wife bought me a top of the range Kodak Instamatic in 1970. Armed with flashcubes (anyone remember them?) I fired away at the illuminated trams in Blackpool and wasn't one bit surprised that they exposed well. I trusted that little machine. Then a few years later I started to take photography seriously and bought an SLR and a powerful flashgun. But guess what, I was stumped when it came to arriving at a nighttime exposure and factoring in flash compensation! Today there isn't a situation that would beat my digital SLR, mind you, knowing when to override the exposure helps. Nevertheless, that inexpensive Instamatic of 45 years ago knew a thing or two!


I like Colin's Dinting 'Castle'. It has a painted quality about it.

Edited by coachmann
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  • RMweb Gold


I like Colin's Dinting 'Castle'. It has a painted quality about it.

I think it's called 'Brunswick Green', or at least a version of it.


'From a photograph by Victor Welch'.

I remember visiting the site of the former Dinting centre back in the early 1990s, it seemed a very sad thing that a preservation centre had actually closed.

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I remember visiting the site of the former Dinting centre back in the early 1990s, it seemed a very sad thing that a preservation centre had actually closed.


One day after dropping off some models at Norman Wisenden's shop in Greenfield, I sat in my car at the end of the lane by Dinting Station eating my butties before wandering onto the platform. There were upturned and smashed wagons all over the station with barely any on the rails and my first thought was the Dinting Centre had been thrown off it's site!!!!  It was of course a DC electric derailment of the first water. 


I agree the preservation centre was alright, in fact it was the closest to where I 'holidayed'  with family in Oldham in the summer months. It got me photographing the Woodhead electrics as well, a route I had totally ignored after the wires were energised in 1954.

Edited by coachmann
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  • RMweb Gold

Great photos Rob.......thank you for posting. What was your reaction to the Hornby(?) Kings. Have you one on order or are you , like me, waiting for the DJM/Hattons option





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  • RMweb Gold

Great photos Rob.......thank you for posting. What was your reaction to the Hornby(?) Kings. Have you one on order or are you , like me, waiting for the DJM/Hattons option



John.I have the Hattons one on order and although nice the Hornby version looks pale to my eyes.The Locomotion version is ok for collectors but no good on a working layout.Colin queried whether the copper plating was excessive on the chimney. It ran nice enough on their trainset type exhibition layout.Perhaps I should have borrowed it for an hour.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Rob

Will be interesting to do the side by side of the STEAM and Locomotion KGVs. On a separate topic, was there any sign of the Bachmann auto coaches?


Not to buy but in their cabinet.









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  • RMweb Gold

Canadian Thanksgiving** this weekend......no modelling today......family dinner.....carrot and ginger soup followed by roast pork with chestnut stuffing.......a few steps up from sausages!


Our thanksgiving is a month or so earlier than the USA......I always thought it was linked to the harvest but apparently we are celebrating Martin Frobisher discovering Labrador some 40 years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed a bit further south......one lives and learns!





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  • RMweb Gold

John.I have the Hattons one on order and although nice the Hornby version looks pale to my eyes.The Locomotion version is ok for collectors but no good on a working layout.Colin queried whether the copper plating was excessive on the chimney. It ran nice enough on their trainset type exhibition layout.Perhaps I should have borrowed it for an hour.

I think I see what you mean, Robin. I looks quite nice, but if the DJM version is anything like as good as the Kernow 02 now arriving, then that one will probably be hard to beat.

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  • RMweb Gold

A few more of 1848 at ease on its 'home'shed, very nice too.Graham's layout has so much detail that you only notice stuff in photos.Quality rolling stock in abundance too.













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I think many of us in our/our father's/our grandfather's (delete as applicable depending on your age), we have a number of over exposed, off centre, poorly constructed photos and with any number of other faults that the professional and experienced photographer could pick up on. To me, that adds to the charm.

You could be talking about some of mine!



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  • RMweb Gold

Couple of quick thank yous,


Larry thanks for your kind comments about my photo. About 7 years ago I feared that my 35mm slide collection was deteriorating in storage and stumped up to have them all scanned. To be honest I used some pretty poor film at times and some of them have taken a grainy effect. I agree with you that it makes them look a bit like paintings but I actually don't mind that. I am gradually working my way through them using Photoshop to crop, clean and correct any issues with colour or exposure. That shot was number 1600 of 4400, so on the rate of 200 per year I will be retired before I do the lot. At least they are stable now in digital format.


Rob, it was great to meet up and have a good old mooch around. I will pop over and thank Phil Bullock and Muz in  a minute on their own threads, but I also liked Cheltenham South, Leicester South Oakenshaw and Sydney Gardens. 31/2 hours to get home but to meet up with good people and see a couple of layouts that have been on my wish list made it worthwhile

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