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A Nod To Brent - a friendly thread, filled with frivolity, cream teas and pasties. Longing for the happy days in the South Hams 1947.


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  • RMweb Gold

The last view under the tree is nice. Sort of needs the classic bike leaning against tree / hedge / fence and ladies with picnic to finish it off.

That sounds like something from a Don Breckon painting.

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  • RMweb Gold

The last view under the tree is nice. Sort of needs the classic bike leaning against tree / hedge / fence and ladies with picnic to finish it off.

Brent- The perfect spot for picnics. It's never been known to rain there.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hats off to Royal Mail and Canada Post........arrived 12.30!




Sorry about the industrial background......although it is Granby......I only have a tiny bit of DC track crammed in above the work bench. I generally run in on DC before fitting the decoder but felt it was mandatory in this case because of the iffy reports. Happily both (5801 is waiting its turn) appear to run  smoothly.........cant wait to test them on my not very well laid branch track.


First reactions are an exquisite model with all manner of delicate detail........not sure about the weathering......if this is "light" one wonders what the "heavy" option looks like........I will do some comparisons on my Granby thread.


One point........ 5801 is green GWR but came with a number plate firmly fixed to the smoke box door.......that cant be right can it?


All in all though I am a very happy camper





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  • RMweb Gold

Thought I had better check the Hattons site........5801 is described as BR green with GWR lettering.......hence the smoke box number plate!


Now I vaguely remember querying this way back when it was first announced...........although I am still confused about the description.......I will dig back and try and find my original post...........anyone know how soon after nationalisation these plates were fixed on older locos?

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  • RMweb Gold

All this drama while you guys are sound asleep.


I answered my own question.......now all I have to do is find the number plate I impetuously prised off :O   Who said prudence and caution comes with old age




As promised I emailed Hattons regarding the 58xx in BR Black lined livery asking if it would be suitable for my 1947-48 layout


Within 5 minutes I received this reply


Hi John


Thanks for the email.


We have evidence of the loco in question (5816) carrying BR lined black with British Railways lettering but the dates it was repainted takes a bit of delving and presumption.


The earliest we can see it would have been repainted was during a Heavy Casual repair on 11/2/49 and then it looks as though it will have carried it until 15/1/53 when it went into Stafford Road Factory for a Heavy Intermediate overhaul and should have been repainted to show the BR early crest.  With it being withdrawn in 2/7/57 it is highly unlikely to have had the Late Crest applied.


So to answer your question unfortunately the loco is not going to fit into your 1947-1948 time frame.


The best loco's for you would be:







Of these H1411 (5801) is in GWR livery with Smokebox door number and 89C Machynlleth shed code and was in this condition 1948-1958 so would cover your period and (almost) your area of modelling.


I hope this helps.


Kind regards,


Dave Mylett

Research & Development


I have no connection with Hattons other than as a very satisfied customer for 20+ years........even by their standards this is pretty impressive customer service.


Dave Mylett is clearly an ace at research.....my email never mentioned Granby is based in North Wales!


Now off to get my pre orders in



Sorry to clutter your thread Robin......I am not normally so verbose and I havent even had my pre-dinner glass of Chateau Plonk

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  • RMweb Premium

So why are you wasting time on my ramblings?

Good question! I could say I'm waiting for paint to dry but that's not true - I've spent the morning building a point and solder dries very quickly!


Seriously though, having RMweb running in the background is a bit like listening to the banter you get at the club. It's all part of why railway modelling is fun.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thought I had better check the Hattons site........5801 is described as BR green with GWR lettering.......hence the smoke box number plate!


Now I vaguely remember querying this way back when it was first announced...........although I am still confused about the description.......I will dig back and try and find my original post...........anyone know how soon after nationalisation these plates were fixed on older locos?

John, these were taken in 1950 in the Barmouth area according to the captions..





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John, these were taken in 1950 in the Barmouth area according to the captions..




Barmouth itself, in fact. The first is at the 'Excursion Platform' used for the Dolgellau shuttle (on which 5801 was a regular in the fifties before the Ivatt 2-6-0s took over) and which was separated from the main station platforms to the north by a level crossing and a superb footbridge. The gates would usually be left open for road and foot traffic on Sundays, with all services terminating in the 'Excursion', or 'Sunday' platform.


The familiar 'NIP-A-KOFS' advert can be made out on the gable end; was there such an advertisement anywhere else in the country, I wonder?





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  • RMweb Gold


The familiar 'NIP-A-KOFS' advert can be made out on the gable end; was there such an advertisement anywhere else in the country, I wonder?





Unable to confirm that, sadly, but do have a sort of railway story about a comparable product, Zubes.


Students of early railway history will be aware that the first recorded railway fatality was William Huskisson, a prominent politician and MP, who had the misfortune to fall under the wheels of Rocket at the opening of the L&M Railway in 1830. In the 1960s, his descendant Geoffrey was Divisional Manager for BR South Eastern Division. Formerly in two locations, the Divisional Office was amalgamated in new accommodation at Beckenham circa 1968. Travel arrangements for the relocated staff were indifferent, and some scallywag put together a spurious roneo'd news-sheet discussing this and other matters of moment to the proles in their new den. This included an advert, with the incautious text "Huskisson? Go suck a Zubisson!" I believe retribution was swift and serious.

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