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A Nod To Brent - a friendly thread, filled with frivolity, cream teas and pasties. Longing for the happy days in the South Hams 1947.


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  • RMweb Gold

As promised here are some photos of the newly released Bachmann NE fish van 38-575.As can be seen it's very nice and I particularly like the detail on the solebar.The running number looks a straight forward job to renumber on subsequent purchases but I'm sure Bachmann will release further numbers anyway.A train of these behind a Hall would be more agreeable.










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Still looking for a pre-1948 photograph of a fish train actually taken in the West Country, although I have found this pre-production shot of Bachmann's new dual purpose "fish coach."


It more than justifies Bachmann's recent price increases, as you get a two-in-one addition to your fleet for your money.


Firstly a really useful coach for strengthening purposes and, secondly, by simply adding the design-clever push-in fish head to the rear of the coach, it converts instantly into a vehicle suitable for fish head  tail traffic. From all the carp on top of the fish's head/back I'm guessing this might be the weathered version.





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Still looking for a pre-1948 photograph of a fish train actually taken in the West Country, although I have found this pre-production shot of Bachmann's new dual purpose "fish coach."


It more than justifies Bachmann's recent price increases, as you get a two-in-one addition to your fleet for your money.


Firstly a really useful coach for strengthening purposes and, secondly, by simply adding the design-clever push-in fish head to the rear of the coach, it converts instantly into a vehicle suitable for fish head  tail traffic. From all the carp on top of the fish's head/back I'm guessing this might be the weathered version.


attachicon.giffish-head-train 2.jpg

Could you go for a change of livery? http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffc02.deviantart.net%2Ffs71%2Fi%2F2012%2F154%2Fb%2F1%2Frhino_fish_by_kr3uzl3r-d524y91.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkr3uzl3r.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FRhino-Fish-305921125&h=675&w=900&tbnid=X9gZZSge71OA8M%3A&zoom=1&docid=382WLJYMI3n9lM&ei=4UR2U7OmDozUPN70gdgF&tbm=isch&ved=0CGoQMygBMAE&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=3144&page=1&start=0&ndsp=31&biw=1920&bih=955

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Well as Bachmann are still at the pre-production stage perhaps a range of alternative "push in " accessory heads would be possible....... starting with a Rhino barrier coach conversion.........

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I would like to see a block train of Palethorpes sausage vans speeding through Brent, perhaps with a slip van or two to keep the locals supplied...


Palethorpes Sausages?


Surely with The Wiltshire Bacon Company at Chippenham and Harris's at Calne both being rail served in ANTB times a train of Siphon C's and F's would be more appropriate.

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As promised here are some photos of the newly released Bachmann NE fish van 38-575.As can be seen it's very nice and I particularly like the detail on the solebar.The running number looks a straight forward job to renumber on subsequent purchases but I'm sure Bachmann will release further numbers anyway.A train of these behind a Hall would be more agreeable.










After the sound chip. it's now high time for the smell chip. Just imagine the realism of a broken down fish van left in the sidings at Brent, quietly simmering in the hot midsummer sun...... 


Does your shed have adequate ventilation Robin?

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After the sound chip. it's now high time for the smell chip. Just imagine the realism of a broken down fish van left in the sidings at Brent, quietly simmering in the hot midsummer sun...... 


Does your shed have adequate ventilation Robin?


Especially if one of the sausage vans has done similar and is parked next to it...



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  • RMweb Gold

Still looking for a pre-1948 photograph of a fish train actually taken in the West Country, although I have found this pre-production shot of Bachmann's new dual purpose "fish coach."


It more than justifies Bachmann's recent price increases, as you get a two-in-one addition to your fleet for your money.



I think you need to stop carping on about the detail, it'll scale up just fine...

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I don't understand this thread.... :scratchhead:

I don't think anyone does - I like to think of it a bit like a cross between RMWEB and the weirder, more experimental bits of Monty Python's Flying Circus...


All the best,



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After the sound chip. it's now high time for the smell chip.



The smell chip appears to be a fine idea in principle, but how long would it be before a nit-picking review appeared:


"...now moving on the smell chip, when tested it was nowhere near malodorous enough to accurately replicate the smell of two-week old rotting fish in a GWR Diagram S9 Bloater. I suspect the manufacturer has cut a corner here and used some cheap generic one week old fish smells from an LNER Diagram 143 Fish Van, whilst hoping not to cause a stink."


I wonder what the smell chip equivalent of sound chip "reblow" would be?  Answers on a postcard........

Edited by cary hill
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  • RMweb Gold

"...now moving on the smell chip, when tested it was nowhere near malodorous enough to accurately replicate the smell of two-week old rotting fish in a GWR Diagram S9 Bloater. I suspect the manufacturer has cut a corner here and used some cheap generic one week old fish smells from an LNER Diagram 143 Fish Van, whilst hoping not to cause a stink."


I have to disagree with the previous reviewer - if he ( or she) cannot tell the smell is actually akin to a 3 week old Grimsby fish supper, then may I suggest a course of rhinoplasty ? Edited by Stubby47
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  • RMweb Gold

You can't help but imagine the sort of thread that would develop on RM Web too. A discussion on the smell quality of DCC chips versus keeping an old haddock under the baseboard (which of course would work on DC) This would inevitably be hijacked by some self-procaimed fish aroma experts arguing over the depth and quality of smells.


Then debating scale smells and bass reflex, getting progressively more heated until someone used the disagree button, something unpleasant got said and the Mods shut it down.


Later, some innocent would ask an innocuous question about the difference between findus and bird's eye smell chips and it would all kick off again.


Or not.....

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