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Big jim's (now dismantled) 12 x 6 shed layout

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

A few hours earlier track laying and woodwork


First up was laying the mainline on the doorway section



The goods line was a bit too close to the wall for the incline so I cut it back to make more room



Then it was adding the goods line



Then I cut the wood for the high level line on the doorway board (as the removable section will now be called!) I drew it up and cut it out in card first as I only had one piece of wood to spare (hence why it's in 2 pieces)



Loosely in place



And how the track will look when I eventually get round to it



I want to be able to reuse the buildings I already have so I'm going to add a further high level area above the tracks on the high level bit to add a small bit of town, I have some Bachmann retaining walls which I'll use on the edge of the board, I'm only going to have the town over 2 tracks so the outer line will run outside the walls



Looking at the station I will be able to fit the Hornby station canopy over the 2 tracks that come out from below the town



The Hornby station building can go above the tracks with steps down to the platforms



Forgot to get a pic of the shed yesterday



08417 on the shed with the colas 70 on the main line



70 on the Sinfin tanks



A view from the door again





Next job is wire up the bottom level, have a tidy up of the high level under board areas and then when that's done I can get on to securing the high level boards so I can get the track laying completed

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Station canopy will look great. Word if warning about the station building it is very under scale I gave one I am replacing and will be selling the other one when I can. Given the running issues you had before may be worth testing trains on the layout when you can

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  • RMweb Gold

Station canopy will look great. Word if warning about the station building it is very under scale I gave one I am replacing and will be selling the other one when I can. Given the running issues you had before may be worth testing trains on the layout when you can

i cant really fully test the layout until i wire up around the scissor crossings to get the power right round, regards the trackwork though ive been pushing the 100 ton tankers round to check clearances etc, not had any issues doing that so far


the station building is just about right for what i want to do with it, i used it on the old set up and it looked alright, when i place it on the high level bit i will have to add a platform to the rear as the doors on that side are "platform level" from there i will put steps down the platform level, again a while til i do that

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  • RMweb Premium

Have just discovered your blog and have had a most enjoyable read over the last few days catching up with three years or so work. Very inspirational to see what you have achieved.

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  • RMweb Gold

thanks, its come to a bit of a stop again, was hoping to get the wiring done on sunday but ended up going to have a look at a "new" car, yesterday evening was collecting it and this evening was spent removing the stereo from the car im selling on ebay and refitting it to my other car!


with any luck i'll get some more done the end of the week though

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  • RMweb Premium

Relegated to the shed for a few hours earlier so cracked on with he wiring in the low level area and a short time later a significant landmark was reached, all lines live, no shorts, double slip and scissors all working perfectly without having to find any faults




It's all going a bit Newbryford though



One more yellow 37 than me! For some reason, I only have one. That needs to be sorted sooner, rather than later.




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  • RMweb Premium

Yes it is the kernow one, etched plates are in the box, not going to fit mine, will be adding the ploughs though


Thank you very much for letting me know Jim.


I saw the loco the other day when I was quickly checking their website. Very tempted to buy it. I wonder if it would be worth trying to remove the fitted nameplates to create another loco. Possibly a 97302 or 97303 model to make a pair for a test train. That would be more money though haha. I will have to wait and see.


Fantastic layout and stock.


Thanks again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Secured the top boards today, first up was to cut the track further back on the existing incline as I'd previously added an exaggerated cant to the track which despite looking good was a bit impractical



Then it was a bit of time thinking about how I was going to bed in the transition from foam riser to the wood of the 'bridge' after a lot of messing about the most obvious answer sprung to mind, extend a rider out and place the wood on top



As the right side board is ever so slightly higher than the left then the unintentional join in the bridge now actually serves a purpose as the start of the rise



I will add wooden legs to the bridge when I fit it up properly for stability, strength etc


With track placed to get the idea again



At the other end I'm going to have to raise the inner track up to the new baseboard level with some additional poly risers, luckily I have a few left so I can start the rise quite a way back to keep it smooth


Edited by big jim
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

We're having a new kitchen fitted at the end of may and have had an electrician round to give me a quote for the major amount of work associated with it so while he was here I asked him to quote me for wiring up my garage and shed, the quote he gave for that job was a good £100 cheaper than the last guy who ever turned up after I booked him 2 years ago so I decided to go ahead with it


So finally after over 3 years wait I will have electricity in the shed, no longer need to run an extension cable out from the conservatory, the plus side is he can do it in a couple of weeks, I have all the bits he needs at the cable from the last guy so it will be done in a day

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We're having a new kitchen fitted at the end of may and have had an electrician round to give me a quote for the major amount of work associated with it so while he was here I asked him to quote me for wiring up my garage and shed, the quote he gave for that job was a good £100 cheaper than the last guy who ever turned up after I booked him 2 years ago so I decided to go ahead with it


So finally after over 3 years wait I will have electricity in the shed, no longer need to run an extension cable out from the conservatory, the plus side is he can do it in a couple of weeks, I have all the bits he needs at the cable from the last guy so it will be done in a day


And heat . . . don't forget the heat !!

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  • RMweb Gold

And heat . . . don't forget the heat !!

heat is already sorted but i may add one of those low power frost prevention type heaters too and leave it running to keep damp at bay


had a few hours earlier, didnt get as much done as i hoped as i forgot to buy cork earlier, managed to buy a Dapol 68 put forgot the cork!


anyway, secured the top station boards better to stop them flexing and also fixed the new aproach board on the doorway section



looking at the station again i do have some nice precut cork strips that ive put in place to see how much room i have, as they are nice and straight i can be sure the platform is also parallel with the trackbed down its whole length


im going to run some Bachmann retaining walls along the rear wall and butt the cork up to those



and some more of them as originally planned to hold the town in place



im going to need to add a small fillet to the high level board for the inner track to run over (the one outside the tunnel)



the reason ill run the wall along the rear is to be able to add my Hornby canopy's to the station, i'll add a wills flexi girder across the tunnel mouth this end and continue the platform a short distance into the tunnel to create the illusion of a longer station



the outer edge will need some sort of plastistruct girgers adding between the uprights i'll fit, i'll actually do it so the canopy will be removable for cleaning etc, i will mount it lower than in the pics, ive just placed them on top of the wall to get the idea, basically i'll run a plasticard U 'gutter' along the retaining wall at the top of the arches (where the wall goes vertical) for the canopy to sit in, similarly do the same on the outer side between the stone uprights



looks quite good with a 5 vehicle train in the platform



even better with the basic idea for the canopy placed in position



the usual, "view from the door" picture



37401 hired in to move the translator vehicles



hopefully get some cork tomorrow and get the track fitted over the doorway section towards the station, maybe even roughly lay a complete circuit

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

Jim, looking good one question do you always have the door open when you in the shed?

Always appears to be open in the pictures is it really that hot in there?

It's always slightly open because the extension cable currently comes through the door so I can't fully shut it when I'm i there, all will be sorted once the electrician comes in a few weeks, not had the heating on in there for a while but it is nice and snug when it is running

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

A bit more done tonight


First up corked the new board and loosely laid the track



Going to fix it to the cork with adhesive when I'm happy with it as trackpins are useless on the cork risers


Then I fitted the 3 points, I've not bothered with point motors (yet) but may add them before I secure the mainline leading up to them



And round the corner with the cork



Cut a top board



The edge is cut to fit the Bachmann retaining walls





Backfilled the wood at the station end so the high level board goes right up to the canopy, also loose fittedbthe extra 6 retaining walls along the back wall of the shed in readyness to support the canopy





And with buildings above



I picked up a Bachmann low relief underground station entrance last week which I'll adapt to make the mainline station entrance, looks ok alongside the low relief bank, again a little bit of back filling to do this end too



Unfortunately the Bachmann tunnel mouth I bought won't work as the lines going into it are on a curve so vehicles catch the sides as they enter so I'll have to use a wills flexi girder this end too, obviously not this one!



Another view of the buildings, going to have a roadway come alongside the corner building and across the front of the supermarket,

Turning toward the station entrance and bank, the public toilets can be in a pedestrian area, possibly the edge of a park



The final thing I looked at was some Hornby station canopies I bought at the Macclesfield show on Saturday, basic Hornby parts with nice metal uprights, bought 3 in total that once I give a nice coat of paint will cover the platform from where the overall roof ends to the platform end



And finally a request, if anyone else has used the Bachmann retaining walls (44-221) on their layout and has any of the extra uprights spare please get in touch as I need 2 or 3 more


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