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Big jim's (now dismantled) 12 x 6 shed layout

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

to be honest thats what im going to do, ive got 'coralux' sheets on the garage roof on top of marine ply, so once i re-felt the shed roof im also going to put sheets of corrugated bitumen sheets on top as well as double protection

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Yes - seal all edges with a good quality brush applied cold bitumen type roof sealer. (Wickes sell a good one around a tenner for a tin).


That bl@@dy water gets everywhere !!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

So while it was dry I got up on the roof to repair the damage to the felt


Nailed the existing stuff back down



And then covered the lot with sheets of Coroline bitumen roofing sheets



Which fitted perfectly width wise, they overhang both the top and bottom of the existing roof by a couple of inches so should provide the protection I need


Only problem being 4 sheets are 8" too short for the width of the shed!



I think I have a spare sheet from when I did the garage roof a few years back, if not its back to build base for another sheet!


Of course the kids thought the most amusing part of the job was when I knocked the ladder over and stranded myself on the roof, ended up phoning the house to come and be rescued with much mirth!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

shed day today, family away so time to crack on with stuff, as it happened i just ended up playing trains!


a new addition to the fleet, 08417, this is my "pet engine" as its the 08 that i drive in derby and did all my training on, so glad to have finally got it



and of course my pet engine would be complete without a mini me





runs beautifully, got richard at trident trains to fit a Hornby chip to it while i was in the shop


also while in there i collected 4 more Dapol MIA wagons to go witht he 4 i got from mike at C+M earlier in the week



i can probaly get away with another 2 or 3 in my longest siding in the yard


also added the buffet to the WAG express and swapped the schenker 67 for the arriva one, an impressive looking train, had to swap the thin coupling on the 67 for a wider one as it didnt like the downhill grade as when the coaches started shoving the couplings rode over each other and caused a derailment but swapping the couplings pretty much sorted it



painted the cant rail stripe on the test train (tidied it up above the door since), still need to refit the glazing to the other coach though



and added the model rail genny van and 37057 to it 





back in the house i have added wire handrails to my TTS sound 97302 and was about to begin sound chipping and fitting lights to 37057 but decided against it until tomorrow 


not a fantastic job with the rails but more than passable, it wasnt a loco i was going to detail anyway as its one i got cheap from a car boot ($40) but low and behold i now drive the real thing day in day out so i thought i would tidy it up, going to lightly weather it at some point



as for 37057, too many wires to be messing about with while tired so that can wait (there is also a separate custom wiring set up to add!


Edited by big jim
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The Network Rail  08 is good value at most model shops as Hornby have priced the loco at the announced price some £15 cheaper than some others just released.

Good on Hornby for that, don't think Blue Box makers would have done that!

Looks like Jim is in for a busy few days

Edited by brittannia
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The Network Rail  08 is good value at most model shops as Hornby have priced the loco at the announced price some £15 cheaper than some others just released.

Good on Hornby for that, don't think Blue Box makers would have done that!

Looks like Jim is in for a busy few days

The pricing is weird as this is about the same price as the Bachmann DB 08 (as per Hattons) but all the other Hornby 08 are over the £110 price mark, £25 more than the other Bachmann 08s. 

Edited by thebritfarmer
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Hello mate,


Cracking layout and have been engulfed reading the thread, from beginning to current. I recently watched a video somewhere about some of the Humbrol washes etc that are becoming available, is heavily weathering the brick something you've considered?


Maybe some sort of dark wash would help it blend in better with the cut stone?


Otherwise, I'm loving it! Looks great! If mine comes out anything like that i'd be delighted.


All the best.



I think i'll go with the stone option


Ive managed to leave a small plynth 2 stone tall above the platform side of the building so the canopy can rest on it

Again, with 2 unmodified Hornby canopies in place to get the idea

Ive reglued the 6 canopy sheet and left the exopy to cure until tomorrow when i can get back in the shed and see how it looks in place

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Got the lights done on 37057, still need to add a bit of fibre optic to the light holes, it's also got a zimo chip fitted which sounds ok at the mo but I've not looked at the instructions to see how to 'drive' it properly






And as I put in another thread 4 of my HIA wagons took a tumble from the layout onto the patio earlier resulting in lost buffers and couplings



So the next job is to add some sort of retaining wall to the removable section!

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

In response to yesterday's 'flying freightliner incident I have added a retaining wall to the outer edge of the removable section, a bit of a shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted situation but thought I better had!





For the bridge bit I've cut a couple of peco lattice girders down and glued them back together to make a longer piece





I have attached that to a piece of plasticard glued to the bridge deck as it was too close to the track, adding it pushes the girder out just enough for clearance



The opposite side I think I'm going to add the girders between the higher bridge parapets, not exactly prototypical but should look ok


Other things I did today were re-glaze the SGT coach



I also used he broken NEM pockets off the HIA wagons to replace the old airfix couplings on the blanked off coach, basically removed the existing coupling and securing 'pip' and glued the 'pocket' part of the coupling in its place, I had to trim off the fantail part (the very rear bit was already missing) but once in place and fitted with a straight NEM tension lock coupling they are exactly the right height


Last thing was change the roof colour on my model rail genny van from black to grey



Now I have a nice matching rake of coaches with correct colour roofs



Final thing for that set of coaches is network rail decals and things like ohle flashes

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A real shame about the HIA wagons mate. Bet you were gutted. The solution looks good though. At least it wasn't a loco that took the tumble and the hoppers look fixable. 37057 looks nice. Pretty envious of you driving her.



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  • RMweb Gold

A real shame about the HIA wagons mate. Bet you were gutted. The solution looks good though. At least it wasn't a loco that took the tumble and the hoppers look fixable. 37057 looks nice. Pretty envious of you driving her.



i was a bit p'd off but at least the damage was minimal on them, my colas 70 was pulling it at the time so i would have been gutted if that would have fallen too


haven't driven 057 for a while, seem to be on DRS ones more than anything at the moment as tou can see from my on the tracks thread

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  • RMweb Gold

Back to the bridge today, got another lattice girder set from trident trains to complete the other side, this side however I thought would look quite good braced between the parapets of the higher bridge


As before I glued the 2 pieces together



But This time I cut the ends off and fitted it between the uprights





And on the upper deck I made up the first of 2 wills flexi girder's to fill the gap up there



Also today I got 4 Dapol "falcon" wagons, looking good behind my colas 70, may one day have a go at weathering them



Finally I got some new couplings to replace the broken ones on the HIA wagons, just waiting on some buffers now, Dapol didn't have any but DCC supplies hold the spares for them so I'm waiting on them calling me back with a price for a dozen

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  • RMweb Gold

Made the 2nd flexi girder for the higher bridge



Then I realised the spare panels I had were enough to make a parapet over the tunnel entrance, I'll have to cut the wood back a touch so I can get the removable section out but it should look good when fitted properly


Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

while having a tidy up in the house I found a pair of Dapol intermodal flats that I bought to replace a pair of s-kits fea-B wagons I built from a kit a good 6 or 7 years ago, on my old layout they were OK as it was a shunting plank but on this layout they just didn't want to run at all, forever derailing, I even changed the bogies on them for Dapol ones but no use


I know the Dapol wagons are visually different, perminantly coupled twin as opposed to a pair of individual wagons with buffer stocks at both ends but I'm not too bothered as lon as they go round the layout when tested!


This is the original S-kits RHTT train with the brass wagons (heavily weathered)



And how it looks with the Dapol wagons instead, obviously once it's tested and proved to run ok I will heavy weather them too



One thing the original wagons have is a through wiring set up so I can run my sound chipped DRS 20 at one end and the speaker fitted dummy at the other end with a speaker cable "jumper" between them, I may look at refitting that to the Dapol wagons


Next up I found some MIG weathering powders I forgot I had so decided to dirty up one of my falcon wagons



Mucked up a touch



And brushed over with the sealing solution (so still a bit wet) and next to an out of the box one



Quite pleased with it, I'll do the rest at some point

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