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Big jim's (now dismantled) 12 x 6 shed layout

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

Advice time please


This is the current station retaining wall set up



However i got this today mail order from modellers mecca for the princely sum of £6.50



Obviously its red brick and all the other brick on the layout is grey cut stone so how to get it to blend in, these are the options


First up a new wall with a cut away for the building



And in place, with the canopy on the wall above, stone finish



I then reduced the height of the wall (and if i go down this route the height of the canopy), this looks much better


Stone finish





And brick finish





So what do we recon, which way shall i go with it, stone or brick, i dont think it looks too bad staying as stone, better than i thought it would anyway


Ive also reglued the canopies tonight so they will be ready to refit soon

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  • RMweb Gold

I think i'll go with the stone option




Ive managed to leave a small plynth 2 stone tall above the platform side of the building so the canopy can rest on it



Again, with 2 unmodified Hornby canopies in place to get the idea



Ive reglued the 6 canopy sheet and left the exopy to cure until tomorrow when i can get back in the shed and see how it looks in place

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  • RMweb Gold

popped up to the local model shop for some supplies to carry on with the station


first up on to the top of the wall i glued some U channel



and the same on the rear wall, i will have to cover the ripped brick card at some point



into which the 6 canopy sheet sits



with the station building in place



these uprights are just glued temporarily in place, ive had to move them over from the centre of the 2 canopy spans as they are too close to the edge of the platform, it doesnt look too wrong!



i have a couple of lengths of lattice girder that i'll add between the legs when i fit them up properly, also looking at that last picture i will paint the underside of the canopy edges to look like steelwork rather than it being transparent


moving on to the track, i'm going to add a short siding between the bay and through line, i tried it the full length of the bay line but it looked too much, stopping just short of the canopy looks good





its starting to come together again now, still 2 more canopies to prepare, paint and fit to the rear wall


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  • RMweb Premium

hi Jim,

Going back to the heater/condensation thing. Have a look for one with a "frost" setting. I normally heat my shed with a 2kW fan heater - turning it on about 30 mins before I plan to go in it,, but I have a small wall mounted one with a "frost stat" and it switches on at very low temperature.




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  • RMweb Gold

hi Jim,

Going back to the heater/condensation thing. Have a look for one with a "frost" setting. I normally heat my shed with a 2kW fan heater - turning it on about 30 mins before I plan to go in it,, but I have a small wall mounted one with a "frost stat" and it switches on at very low temperature.




the problem i have at the moment is there is no perminent electricity to the shed, i just run an extension cable out when im working in there, once its wired up properly i'll add an anti frost heater

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  • RMweb Gold

Back to the canopy, first up bonded a couple of loose joints with mek, a nice string structure now



Next up i made a girder 'rig' joined together with some left over pieces of wills flexi girder





Which will sit back from the canopy centre



And in place, the girder is loosly fitted with glue dots as i'll need to paint it before glueing it to the canopy



And from underneath



And with added circular columns





Picked up a roll of magnetic tape from poundland earlier for guess what, a pound!!



Added it to the rear of the wall below the town



And to the base of the town



So now when i get a derailment below the town i can just pull the wall away, it works surprising well, very solid


Laid a new pavement under the station building and cut the existing one back to suit





Then had a change of rolling stock, ive put the wsmr stock away and replaced it with my new Hornby 'black friday deal' arriva rake with 67018 up front






And that was it for the night

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi, Some greast pictures and the station is looking good.


As for your shed roof, I suffered a leak (felt roof) so I purchased some lightweight  metal corrugated box sheets like the ones you see on industrial buildings along with a ridge and fixings and put these on the roof, this was 5 years ago and I have never had a problem with leaks since. Nor do I have to think about changing the felt


When it stops raining if ever! I will take a photo and post it,



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Great Work mate. Station building looks good as a station with a grand overall roof would have a grand entrance, so much better in my opinion. Also I like the canopy supports which are a massive improvement on the Hornby offerings. Sorry to hear about the leakage problems. Unwanted water ingress can make a real mess. I bet you were gutted. Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon.

All the best


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  • RMweb Gold

cheers marcus, im happy with the station building, it certainly looks the part now, i kept looking at the wall on the low level thinking it needed 'something', im now going to make that the main entrance to the station, the modern entrance in the town can now become a tesco/costa/waterstones, whatever i decide in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

i havent done a thing with it since december, only been in the shed a couple of times for other things but i have noticed a very damp smell in there in the last few weeks due to the lack of any heating and there are a few mould patches on the roof panels, i think once i finally get heating going and in anti frost mode that should cure it


i really need to crack on with a few bits and bobs but its just having the time to do so at the moment

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a desiccating dehumidifier in my garage. It holds the humidity below 55 pc, mould cannot grow at this level.


Edit to add. Desiccating because they work down to freezing unlike the compressor type. It takes out a lot of water.

Edited by dhjgreen
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

My neighbour came to me ealier and told me he'd noticed the felt on my roof was ruffled, so I went for a look with the ladder and found this




No wonder I've been getting damp!




I've effected a temporary repair until I can take the lot off and re-felt it when the weather improves

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  • RMweb Premium

what a nightmare, felt doesn't seem to last five minutes these days.


My dad used the corrugated bitumen sheeting on his shed and its as good as new after 10 - 15 years.

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