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Big jim's (now dismantled) 12 x 6 shed layout

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

so, to the canopies..


2 more were waiting for me when i got back from work this week, the other 3 are hopefully with the neighbour as the postie says he has loads of parcels for me but i never managed to see him today to get them!


with 5 in place this is how it looks



the 6th will fill the gap and No 7 and 8 will go along the rear wall, thise can be placed on their original sides with 'stirrers' as the rear legs due to space (or lack of)



i've decided to make the block of 6 one big piece so i can remove it to retrieve derailmens, clean the track etc, so first job was to glue a pair together using 2 pack epoxy



which i masked off ready to prime, i ran out of masking tape hence why its not finished



2nd pair glueing in the background



i then glued those 2 together





got some more masking tape and finished the job



and glued the 5th already masked canopy to the others



hopefully i can catch my neighbour tomorrow and get the other canopies off him so i can mask off and prime them too


the canopy 'sheet' will be held up by the centre platform legs and rest on painted 'coffee stirrers' glued to the retaining walls on the outer sides, that way it will be easily removable

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  • RMweb Gold

Am I the only one though that sees a modern highrise office building ?


no your not, i thought exactly the same when i put the canopy on end!


as hoped the extra canopies had arrived while i was away, i masked up the final one for the block and stuck it to it



and in place, im going to change it slightly having looked at the model rail canopy article, instead of mounting it inside the wall on the bay platform side im going to mount it on top of the wall, it just means i'll have to remove about 3mm off the height of the wall to get it level on that side



and with the other 2 canopies in place too



i will leave those pair separate to the block of 6 but glue them together when i get round to doing that bit


i then primed up the block, i will finish it in grey/black and add walkways etc as and when



its now just a case of waiting for paint to dry, i also picked up a bargain from the alsager show earlier on the club stand, 4 packs of Heljan lighting for £30 the lot, the seller also has another 8 pairs at home so im going to have a number (if not all) off him, that should sort out the station lighting nicely



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I've been lurking a lot lately and just wanted to say how impressed I am with the speed and skill with which you are developing your layout whilst still apparently working all the hours that God sends!

How has your lift out section performed, as this is something I'm forced to consider due to disability - any connectivity issues? Sorry to be a pain,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold


I've been lurking a lot lately and just wanted to say how impressed I am with the speed and skill with which you are developing your layout whilst still apparently working all the hours that God sends!

How has your lift out section performed, as this is something I'm forced to consider due to disability - any connectivity issues? Sorry to be a pain,

Kind regards,


at the minute one line is oou on the removable section as i damaged it lifting out, ive put in a new brass sleeper but need to solder the rail to it, just been concentrating on the scenics over the summer and running trains down one line for now, i'll hopefully get it done soon though, no issues with the connectivity at all, even the point motor on it works fine, its all wired through an 8 pin din plug so is quite robust

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

just been in the shed to get something out and i've noticed ive got a very small leak on the shed roof, dripped onto the roadway in front of the station and discoloured it, will have to investigate and possibly lay some fresh felt before the winter sets in


other than that, not done a thing in there due to work commitments

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  • RMweb Gold

sprayed up the big canopy earlier today



(you can also make out where the rainwater has dripped onto the home printed roadway in the top left of this pic, discolouring it) 


and de-masked it this evening, it has come out terrible though, the biggest mistake is the primer is white, i didnt know that before i started spraying though!


a lot of paint has lifted with the masking tape and where i used my nail to lift it has caused the clear panels to have adhesive smudges from the tape, i can clean it off but it will take a while



from there i touched the lifted paint up with a fine brush, still need to remove the finger marks though, also noticed that somehow some overspray has gone on the underside of the canopy in one spot, hopefully i can also get that off too



it doesn't look too bad in place, once its cleaned up and properly fitted it should look alright. no pics yet though as i'd unplugged the extension cable to the shed and locked up

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

Unmasked the other side of the canopy with a knife, its come out so much better, no smudges and very little touching up required


Loosly in place.....





The uprights are all drying too, hopefully i may get in the shed later in the week to get it all fitted up properly

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  • RMweb Gold

Jim what size is the shed?


the external size is 12ft by 6 ft


a brief 1/2 hour in the shed this evening, took a bit of height off the side wall on the station so the roof sits at the right height



and with the unpainted canopies in place, the 2 legs are just placed on the outside for now, they will be moved to the inside of the canopy and the extra 2 added when i get round to painting them up etc, looking quite good now, it also sounds good too when a sound chipped loco goes under the canopy and into the tunnel!



and a new addition to the fleet, already sound chipped up (taken the chip from 37409), it would be rude not to really


Edited by big jim
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The canopies look much better than the standard Hornby offering. Good job mate and I'm sure the others will clean up OK.

Didn't think it would be long before 37421 appeared on the layout and very nice she is too. I must admit I was torn between the DRS version and that one. I'm afraid the DRS won, although I will probably get that one eventually. Unfortunately I've already bought two others recently so the old wallets taken a bit of a hit.

Did you enjoy the Coalville branch? Apart from being a bit slippy its a nice little back water.

See you soon mate.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Had an hour in the shed earlier and ive come out a bit disheartened, not been in there for a bit 'for a play' and discovered a few issues


ive really got to get on the roof and sort the leak as ive discovered another area which has had water dripping into it, on the same level as the other leak and only 10cm futher along



Then i noticed that the retaining wall i PVAd to the risers a long time ago has come away so ive got to hoover out the ballast and reglue it



But to top it off the canopies i glued together the other week have fallen apart, i glued them together with 2 pack epoxy but its come apart on the long edge between the 2 long lenths of canopies, gonna have to reglue them too


So to cheer me up i had a play with my sound chipped colas 37 for a bit, had it pulling the Dapol side tippers that i modified the couplers on earlier in the year, this is the first time i've tried them since and they ran without problems, derailments or splitting, before i modified them they couldnt even make a single circuit of the layout without falling off etc

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Hi Jim, when I first did my Shed I had a similar problem that turned out to be Condensation that gathered on one area looking like a leak, a small £10 de humidifier sorted out that one.


All the best with it mate.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll have a look at that, it has been cold in there as ive still not got any electricity to the shed so i cant keep a heater going, there has been condensation on the windows recently so hopefully it may just be that but i will still get up and sort the roof asap


Where the shed is located it would actually be possible to add a lean to roof above it attached to the garage wall so the shed could be completly in the dry!

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  • RMweb Premium


Try using butanone to glue the canopies as it works well with most plastics. If all else fails some plumbers plastic glu seems to weld everything in plastic. Good for sticking heljans and bits onto their O gauge diesels. But be careful with it!

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Hi Jim,

It's been a long time since I checked in so I've just had a huge catch up - please accept 100 "likes".  You have certainly made tremendous progress since I last visited.  Fantastic stuff.

Sorry to hear about your potential leak.  I'm also in a shed with my (much more slowly) evolving layout so that is also my dread although the shed has a timber treated T&G roof, but only covered in shed felt though, but internally lined and insulated.  My brother has put corrugated plastic on his shed roof but I've not seen how he did it, the ridge detail would perhaps be problematic I would have thought unless you can incorporate some sort of ridge tile.  I need to check it out as I really fancy doing that, painting the underside of the plastic white to add a bit of solar reflection to keep the heat down in the summer.

Anyway, I hope the drips are much more trivial.

Keep up the great work.



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