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Big jim's (now dismantled) 12 x 6 shed layout

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

Not really thought about signals yet, i do have a stack of 2nd hand traintronics 2 aspect signals which will do just to get signals on there but doing it prototypically will be a pain as there are lots of shunt signals and position lights needed

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Not really thought about signals yet, i do have a stack of 2nd hand traintronics 2 aspect signals which will do just to get signals on there but doing it prototypically will be a pain as there are lots of shunt signals and position lights needed


Presume signal's are budget limited,


 " prototypical " Matt,drive's train's for a living,  Absolute Aspect's

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  • RMweb Gold

Ive had a look at the absolute aspects stuff, i'd have to do it bit by bit if i go that way about it because of the cost


i wont need that many to be honest, the 'country side' of the layout only needs a couple but the station will need quite a few with position lights and route indicators on them which is where yhe cost starts to add up

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  • RMweb Gold

popped into Dapol earlier on my way back from chirk and got myself a backscene and a Hornby building


the backscene is an ID backscene of a retail park


before cutting down



and with the grass trimmed off and placed roughly where i want it, i will fix it in place with wallpaper paste



its 10ft long in 2 sections, i only need about 7ft on this side though, i could have curved it round the shed front wall but i had a plan for the bit i eventually cut off


the view from the platform



depot end, im going to put a concrete sectional wall up in front of the backscene, you can also see where the join is





and looking the other way



the offcut is at the other end of the layout



and cut down...


i couldnt decide how to do the backscene transition between the levels as the "sky" on the country side of the layout is overcast and the new one has blue skies so i scanned and copied an A4 section of the backscene (yes i know i probably shouldn't have) and cut the sky away so its just the buildings element of it remaining, i then placed it at the same level as the terraced houses roofs and dropping down behind the warehouse roof, the blue then continues round at a lower level along the back wall



its quite difficult to get the sky looking right as the layout is on so many different levels, probably would have been easier had i used just one brand of backscene!


i recon once its fixed in place and the low relief wall on the rear wall is complete it should look quite smart


final thing, the town area, placed the paving slab sheets roughly where i recon they will go, still need to print some more off though but basically you can see where the pavement will be outside the station entrance (which ive now moved to the left hand side) as well as the bus stop area, the paving will continue in front of the bank and bookshop, there will be pedestrian railing round most of that area to direct people to the safe crossing points



pavements will continue from the left hand side round the bottom to the 'taxi rank' which is located on the low level building roof, i will have to build a wall along the top of it where ive removed the factory fit railings


the blue triangle structure is the roof from a Heljan tackley station waiting room that i have no use for so will become the bus shelter, the stop being where the single decker bus is stood


the stand alone building is a Hornby public toilet, i've not 100% decided what the area behind it will become, im still thinking a 'public space' but if i can get a couple of cheap ready to plant buildings i may go for that, a corner building and small shop maybe with detailed courtyards/rears


the paved area's will be raised from the roads when i get round to it, i'm in a (non trackside) scenics mood at the moment, mainly because i know ive got loads of ballasting to do so i may crack on with it this coming weekend between shifts

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

an afternoon in the shed, carried on with the town area


cleared everything off



there is a paper supply shop in dagfields who sell all sorts of card etc, popped in there earlier and piced up come 1mm and 1.5mm card in massive sheets as well as a ream of 1mm card for kit building, to start with i glued the 1mm card to the wood



and cut it down to suit, next up i placed the roads i printed off from scalescenes where i wanted them and stuck them down



then i placed the pavements in place



next up i cut the base for the pavements from the 1.5 mm card





to which i glued the pavements to



then i did the centre bit, part way through, still needed to glue the corner stones down, i also added a few road marking elements



then i did the back bit, i was going to pave the lot but ive decided to make the bit around the buildings a different texture , not decided what yet, i'll have a look on scalescenes later



picked up some railings at the lichfield show earlier from the topps trains stand



which im going to use as pedestrian safety railings (need paining silvaer before fitting



also picked up this little set from loughborough model centre in the week, despite it being a dublin bus set it will be adaptable for use on the layout





a few taxis waiting at the rank as well, need to add brick paper to the rear of the walls as well as the coping stones and a bit of extra walling on top of the low level station station building



i have a couple of extra buildings kept to one side for me at C+M models which will go in front of where the yellow mini is stood hence why ive not paved that area as it will probably be a rear court yard for the shops im going to place there



there will be things like traffic lights, road signs, bins etc to add in due course


in the other corner of the layout the low relief industrial building is going to be a classic bus workshop (as i have an eclectic collection of buses!)


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  • RMweb Gold

The station areas really coming along nicely mate. The road layout on the top looks especially good with a nice variety of vehicles as well.

Looking forward to seeing more



im hoping to get in there tomorrow and tuesday for a few hours as im rest day, going to crack on with the coping stones around the town, fix the backscene in place and i may well have a look at the road coming down the bridge and around the fast food outlet and low level station entrance, i was wondering how to get an effective base layer for the roads in that area as there are lots of baseboard joins etc, but i recon i'll go for a 1mm thick card base as ive done on the top as it appears to work well


also today i bought Hornby mag which very handily has a scalescenes low relief bus depot frontage so i may measure it up to replace the low relief factory, if not i'll certainly be using the door elements from the kit it to add double decker bus height doors to the rear of the existing factory

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  • RMweb Gold

Scalescenes website has the back half of the bus depot as a free download.


I noticed that last week while buying something else on there, i think if i do replace the existing building i'll just use the frontage as it will give me a touch more room in the yard, if i did use the add on bit i'd have to cut it down so it is shallower or it wouldnt fit in the corner

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  • RMweb Gold

Here are the buildings i got, all Hornby skaledale



And as i say they are somewhat bigger than I anticipated when placed on the layout, the main problem one being the metromart, its a lot deeper than i thought, absolutely no way they will all fit in the space i had intended



So a jiggle round gives me this, metromart and corner shop to the left and the estate agents over on the station entrance side



Looking closer at the corner shop and metromart i recon i can get away with the layout there by imagining that the buildings used to continue along but were demolished to make way for the bus stop area, similarly the metromart building used to have a building to the right with was demolised to make way for the bus stop exit road



A couple of street views



On the rear wall i'll move the low relief bank forward to the edge of the estate agent building so it's parallel with the road



I can then simply fill in the triangular void with brick card down the side next to the estate agent and add roofing back to the shed wall



The only building i will have lost from the original layout will be the bookshop

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

couple of hours work earlier, carried on with the town


bit of tarmac behind the shops





looking from the front



and in place



i then looked at the low relief bank, i added a side wall and a roof to it



doesnt quite match but its out of view so good enough



and in place





looking down the street





overall view



i then made up a coping stone to see how it looked on the wall, as the walls are thicker i have used craft 'lolly sticks' which are wider than the coffee stirrers





and roughly in place, lots more to make up though



i have used the thinner 'stirrer' to make up a narrow coping to break up the wall at road level, again lots more to make up





then it was down to the drive through area which needed a smoothish base to add the tarmac sheets to when im ready



i have added a base of 1.5mm card





i have printed off a set of roads that john at scalescenes sent me, they will come down the bridge as shown but with a pavement on one side



mr bean strikes again!



gonna crack on with a bit more tomorrow afternoon after work

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

went into the shed to get something out and got a bit distracted!


the more i looked at the low level station entrance the more i felt it looked wrong, slap bang at the bottom of the ramp, no pedestrian area in front etc so i decided to do something drastic which i felt would improve the area and allow me to expand in the town too


inspired by my adding to the Bachmann bank i decided to have a go with the station too


first up i cut the end of the low relief office off by scoring the perspex "windows" and running a razor saw along the roof



the short bit i added to the edge of the "town" low relief office



glued in place



then i made a roof out of card



and clad it in scalescenes "tarmac", looks about right to me



glued it to the building



and in place, obviously things to add to the roof in due course, air con units, railings maybe



going back to the offcut i again cut a "bay" of windows out 



clad a piece of card with stone paper which i fitted to the left hand side of the cube



and in place



again, stuff to add, going to use some plastistrip to make some sliding doors and i'll most likely add a roof to it, may do something fancy like a swooping "porch" to give a covered drop off area/ pedestrian plaza  









and i forgot to bring back out what i went in the shed for too!

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