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Great British Locomotives


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The H-D 8F was always the stand out model for me in their range, as it was the sole example in RTR of the typical UK heavy freight machine which could be seen every day on any significant route. (H-D could only have gone one better by choosing the WD 2-8-0 for almost nationwide coverage - but they were generally despised by young train spotters - let's face it, those of us born post war 'knew nothing'.) In the 'representng the prototype' stakes it truly nailed it, the also much liked BR std 4MTT it's nearest rival in this respect. Apart from having bodies that were decently accurate I think this is because the underscale wheel diameter didn't hurt these models, as it did the otherwise generally decent models of the express types which were given a decidedly 'mixed traffic' look.


Unless prepared to build a kit chassis, a suitable mechanism is the problem. What I did for a cheap RTR eig

ht coupled loco drive chassis while running OO in the garden thirty odd years ago, is loot the running gear from Rivarossi/AHM HO USRA  2-8-2s. (Regular business trips to North America helped with economic acquisition.) The regular driving wheel spacing isn't representative of UK practise, but the eight all flanged 18mm diameter drivers and decent drive line (with easy fitting of an alternative motor if required) made up for that.


The 4MT and 8F actually have driving* wheels of the right diameter and pattern though rather generous in tyre dimensions. What really lets them down is their rivets - none on the 4MT and overscale on the 8F. Dublo were streets ahead of their (R-T-R) competition at the time and the flush glazing of the coaches has never been equalled (IMHO).


* The less said of the carrying and tender wheels the better, although they are easy enough to replace (cutting clearance on the tender is rather laborious however).

Edited by Il Grifone
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Just bought one in Smith's. I must say it's a good model, whatever shortcomings the original may have had. Whoever said that the quality of GBL models was falling as we moved to the end of the series might like to have a look at this one.


It doesn't, however, have the same 'look' as the old Dublo one I coveted as a child...


Now, I believe some 8Fs worked the Southern in WW2. What livery did they sport?

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Hi to all again.


Very quick notes here from me on this occasion. I noticed on post (#4734) from jonhall that there was a request for a Gbl 8F for somewhere to purchase in the SW London/ Surrey area. I do not know if he had some success? :scratchhead:


Passing through Weybridge today approx 11am I looked in Smiffs in the High Street Weybridge there was one left.


You may have all remembered that I put out a message saying that Smiffs there in Weybridge were not going to do this magazine anymore. It would seem that they have now started selling the GBL magazine again?


I may drop back in there tomorrow and enquire if the series will still be sold, and now been seen out to bitter end!!???




If still interested please PM me, thanks.


Before I leave this page tonight I have added a photo of the 8f I obtained last night. My model and magazine is now put by fortnightly at my local post office shop.

They came to my rescue when I could not get hold of a previous issue of Gbl .


However, somebody else now orders theirs there too. They got there before me and had first 'dipping's' at these items. I got left with the duff one.! :scratchhead:


Engine and boiler were straight though. But tender was not screwed to cast chassis and you can see the awful 'strange' paint job on the main wheels! :stinker:


I still went ahead and purchased this model as it was salvageable. Loads of screws left over from the 'Peak' conversion job.


My wife was amazed as I got it straight home and stripped model down! She screamed at me " you have only just bought that model, and you are breaking it up already "! :haha:

Fortunately for me the model was dismantled very quickly and a very quick pass of Halfords Grey Primer and later last night Halfords Matt Black was used. To get near match in Black I lightly shook can so you have a semi matt finish. To blend in the tyres on this model it will me a mix of Tamiya Metallic Grey and Black.

Second Photo shows Matt Black applied.


I hope to publish Peak model later in next few weeks. Will have to pass it past a couple of people first!!!!? :locomotive:



Edited by Uries15
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I've been cherry picking GBL from my local newsagents ( who informed me from the start that the series was on sale or return ) from the begining ( and reading this thread with great interest)


On different occasions I have increased the order to kit bash and practice my skills and first aid, at an affordable price.


But alas on this occasion my newsagent has informed me that there is a 'shortage' and will only receive my original order but any extras will be on back order.


My question .................... has anyone else heard this. 


Will just have to peruse the shelves of other shops more diligently

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Not checked myself, but a friend and fellow contributor to this thread has informed me a list has appeared on another website of the proposed 12 models...that I assume won't now be made....sorry Smiffy but include the terrier...also duchess...(tear in corner of eye)...std 5....o4...assume that's the Robinson , rather than the shunter...Lms 4f...the legend of the lost 12 begins..rather like the proposed but never made kitmaster kits.....oh also the 08 shunter EM2 and a J72.....

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Yes, I've seen it. It would have been nice - I wanted several Terriers for a fictitious railway project I had in mind. Also a Q1 would have been good, but not to be. But Bachmann J72s do very nicely as picturesque little locos on a fantasy line.

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Any chance of the rest of the list (or the source), please?


I was surprised we didn't see an N2, especially if a 4F might have been done. And I'd've preferred that EM2 to have appeared so that there could have been a magazine covering the history of electric traction, too. :dontknow:

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The H-D 8F was always the stand out model for me in their range, as it was the sole example in RTR of the typical UK heavy freight machine which could be seen every day on any significant route. (H-D could only have gone one better by choosing the WD 2-8-0 for almost nationwide coverage - but they were generally despised by young train spotters - let's face it, those of us born post war 'knew nothing'.) In the 'representng the prototype' stakes it truly nailed it, the also much liked BR std 4MTT it's nearest rival in this respect. Apart from having bodies that were decently accurate I think this is because the underscale wheel diameter didn't hurt these models, as it did the otherwise generally decent models of the express types which were given a decidedly 'mixed traffic' look.


Unless prepared to build a kit chassis, a suitable mechanism is the problem. What I did for a cheap RTR eight coupled loco drive chassis while running OO in the garden thirty odd years ago, is loot the running gear from Rivarossi/AHM HO USRA 2-8-2s. (Regular business trips to North America helped with economic acquisition.) The regular driving wheel spacing isn't representative of UK practise, but the eight all flanged 18mm diameter drivers and decent drive line (with easy fitting of an alternative motor if required) made up for that.

Agree totally about the prototype. The 2-8-0 freight loco was a very common type (even the Sr built some 8fs during ww2 I think?) and apart from wds there were more 8fs.

Previously h-d people could have an A4 and N2 if ER or duchess if an LMR fan. Then there was th 4mt of course. However the 8f meant that you could authentically run a slow speed long freight rather than an express passenger or local passenger or freight.

Now the range of r-t-r locos is vast (if you can get them of course!) that it's so much easier to model the precise area and era you want.

So the gbl 8f should be a very useful engine, motorised. It's perhaps surprising that Hornby haven't released their current 8f more recently.


Using the American loco chassis sounds a good idea. I guess the exchange rate isn't so good now so maybe more expensive but I'm going on a trip there later in year so have to see if I can find a model shop!

Edited by railroadbill
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The 4MT and 8F actually have driving* wheels of the right diameter and pattern though rather generous in tyre dimensions. What really lets them down is their rivets - none on the 4MT and overscale on the 8F. Dublo were streets ahead of their (R-T-R) competition at the time and the flush glazing of the coaches has never been equalled (IMHO).


* The less said of the carrying and tender wheels the better, although they are easy enough to replace (cutting clearance on the tender is rather laborious however).

Although later lesser models have come and gone I just had to keep the h-d 3 rail. Agree about the flush glazing (unfortunately some of my packed away stock had printed windows!) The mainline ex lms 57' coaches that came out in the 80s looked very good window wise imho certainly compared to thick windowed mk1s.

Your 3rail lima western in an earlier post sounds an interesting idea...

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Any chance of the rest of the list (or the source), please?


I was surprised we didn't see an N2, especially if a 4F might have been done. And I'd've preferred that EM2 to have appeared so that there could have been a magazine covering the history of electric traction, too. :dontknow:


An EM2 would have been great (I've a soft spot for the Woodhead electrics), an O4 would have been good either as another 2-8-0 on my books or as the basis for a Q4.  Oh well. 


The list is on the 'rebel' site - PM me for details. You have to register. I still don't understand why the toys left the pram...

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been cherry picking GBL from my local newsagents ( who informed me from the start that the series was on sale or return ) from the begining ( and reading this thread with great interest)


On different occasions I have increased the order to kit bash and practice my skills and first aid, at an affordable price.


But alas on this occasion my newsagent has informed me that there is a 'shortage' and will only receive my original order but any extras will be on back order.


My question .................... has anyone else heard this. 


Will just have to peruse the shelves of other shops more diligently

Various of us in different locations have experienced this from time to time throughout the series. The allocation and availability of models does seem to go rather 'random' at times and there's been no discernable pattern to it.

The V2 was the only issue of the Magazine & Model which failed to materialize for my regular order through a local newsagent. Their attempt to 'Back Order' was unsuccessful. Fortunately I was able to obtain this one 'off the shelf' in Durham City where WHS had it freely available.


You need to grab what you want when you see it with this series.


On the subject of the might have beens, it seems a great pity that these will probably (never say never 'til never comes) not appear

as there are some interesting subjects listed, the 04 and EM2 would have been the highlights for me. A little bemusing that the Duchess, presumably none streamlined, is listed, the 'streamlined' (?) version having been No 2 in the series.


Edit for syntax

Edited by Brit70053
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  • RMweb Premium

 I still don't understand why the toys left the pram...

Set to remain one of life's great unanswered questions I think, plenty of folk on here were very supportive and appreciative too.

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Popped into Wimborne yesterday afternoon and there was one in WHS. I resisted the urge....


Dropped in again this afternoon and it was still there. This time I gave into temptation I'm afraid.


Well it's one of the best GBL's and I remember them from my childhood days.

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Not checked myself, but a friend and fellow contributor to this thread has informed me a list has appeared on another website of the proposed 12 models...that I assume won't now be made....sorry Smiffy but include the terrier...also duchess...(tear in corner of eye)...std 5....o4...assume that's the Robinson , rather than the shunter...Lms 4f...the legend of the lost 12 begins..rather like the proposed but never made kitmaster kits.....oh also the 08 shunter EM2 and a J72.....

I've tried to find the list on that particular forum but it's not to be found anywhere, but it's tedious to find stuff on there anyway.





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The GBL series, sadly, seems to have disappeared from the shelves of our local Asda.



Poyntons, in the old market hall in Derby, always seem to have good stocks. Picked up an 8F yesterday and at least one boxfull still available.

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