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Great British Locomotives


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There are lots of models that could be done from scans of existing models. Some of those odd ones done in other scales, might have been scanned from kit built models. Not sure. Anyway why do we have to have scans of existing models. How about some brand new models, not done r2r, as Atlas Editions have very successfully done for French and Swizz markets. Maybe we don't buy as many of these partwork magazines as in France, but I am sure models that had not been done before would be popular.

I could start a wish list.


Austerity 2-10-0

London Underground trains including Metropolitan locos

Coaches, especially pre-grouping


There are not many British single car passenger units, possibly some of the experimental/prototype ones.


Broad gauge?


Irish models(plenty of interesting Bullied designed railcars)

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Just rang my local WHS where I have GBL on order. Issue 41 is in, but I can't collect it until tomorrow so don't know the scale etc of Locomotion yet.

I've just been to Wallington Smith's and they've not seen a sign of it. I'll phone Sutton.

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  • RMweb Gold

Depends on your definition, doesn't it?


The 59's weren't made or designed in Britain, but it's where they have spent their lives so far (ignoring 59 003).


Moreover, they were commissioned by a UK company and designed specifically for the UK (and, if the stories are to be believed, the exterior styling was supposed to be based on the class 52 - but was it based on the real thing or the Lima model?)

The Lima model, definitely!


Either that ot they'd got stone dust in their eyes.....


(I believe the "Class 52" story lies in the layout of the controls in the cab, though Wikipedia attribute that to the class 58. The idea being that although built in the US, the cab would be familiar to drivers and require less retraining.)

Edited by Hroth
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...when cloning a model do they just scan it or actually take a mould off it as if they just scan it couldn't they have just scanned a real loco and then the range could have included some locos that there were never models of.

The cloning is by scanning. If a mould were taken that would be theft of intellectual property. (And yes, it is totally bizarre that one technology is acceptable for copying and another - inferior - technology isn't.)


Why not scan a real loco? Compare the costs.

A team of at least two people have to physically travel to the loco site with the relatively large and expensive equipment (which cannot be used for anything else while it is out on this job). Permission has to be obtained to have the subject accessible in free space for the time required to obtain the scans. The owner is going to charge for all this access. Then the scans have to be both cleaned up, compiled and analysed, to break them down into suitably scaled components for the production process to replicate, to arrive at a set of CADs suitable for tool cutting.


By comparison, obtaining a model and sending it to a location with a desk top scanner, where one operative can quickly dismantle the model into large components suitable for the production processes - exploiting the work of the model designer -  make the scans of these components (and the scanner is immediately free for other jobs once this is done), and then clean up the CADs to production ready status to cut the tooling. That's a fraction of the money to perform.


It does surprise me a little that none of the manufacturers have thought to challenge this process, on the basis that it is their investment in analysing the prototype form to produce a model from a set of components that is being ripped off. The three I have looked at in any detail slavishly reproduce the model component structures that the RTR manufacturer has devised to suit the capabilities and limitations of the reproduction processes. That aspect of the process is intellectual property theft, very clearly.

Edited by 34theletterbetweenB&D
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The LMS twins would have been nice

 Question, when there cloning a model do they just scan it or actually take a mold off it as if they just scan it couldn't they have just scanned a real loco and then the range could have included some locos that there were never models of.


It's lot easier to scan something small

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The cloning is by scanning. If a mould were taken that would be theft of intellectual property. (And yes, it is totally bizarre that one technology is acceptable for copying and another - inferior - technology isn't.)


.....It does surprise me a little that none of the manufacturers have thought to challenge this process, on the basis that it is their investment in analysing the prototype form to produce a model from a set of components that is being ripped off. The three I have looked at in any detail slavishly reproduce the model component structures that the RTR manufacturer has devised to suit the capabilities and limitations of the reproduction processes. That aspect of the process is intellectual property theft, very clearly.


The question is whether said established manufacturers have the budget and inclination to pursue litigation. Given the apparently tight margins on which they appear to operate these days, I would have thought that would influence their legal decisions......

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  • RMweb Gold

Nothing at my local Sainsburys - I'll keep a close eye on the situation over the next couple of days!


Lets have a photo!


(Stick a more usual sort of loco from the GBL range beside it for scale - Evening Star perhaps?   :jester:  )

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  • RMweb Gold

Wonder if it would be possible to separate the drivers from the chassis?


Careful drilling out and mounting on plain axels might be a possibility, and move it using one of those under-board moving magnet systems.


Its a pity they didn't do a special plinth with fish-belly tails.....


"fish-belly tails", I ask you. Could have sworn I typed "rails".......

Obviously my mental spell-checker decided that "tails" was more appropriate! :scratchhead:

Edited by Hroth
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Wonder if it would be possible to separate the drivers from the chassis?


Careful drilling out and mounting on plain axles might be a possibility....


Could be an opportunity for split-axles, given that the wheel centres and stubs look to be "live".


The chaldron wagon can use AGW's split-spoke wagon wheels.


....Who will be first to stick a motor in it?


As for a motor and drivetrain, I know of at least one system (it's coreless, has bevels, and is NOT the RG4!) which could be adapted to fit.....  :jester:

Edited by Horsetan
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