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Hi folks,


I thought this may be the best place to put up a request for help on finding this article as the layout itself was set loosely in northern California in the late '60s.


The layout was to H0 scale and around 14-15 feet long and 3' wide and was a tailchaser with a passing place, small depot and team track. We had refurbished and converted it from an older CP area layout built by someone in Ayrshire.  At exhibitions we used to drive folk, including me, nuts by playing a soundtrack of music of the era and area.


The article appeared in the Continental Modeller in the latter half of the 1990s and was written by Brian Kettle and Alex McAspurren (me) of Cumbernauld MRG.  I don't think it was railway of the month.


I am trying to get a copy of the article for use in an arts and crafts exhibition on the 10th March.


Any help tracking down the article or even helping to get a copy would be a great, great, help.


As ever, many thanks in advance for any help with this.





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