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Millers Dale in the 80s - BR Peak Line in N


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Yes an extra motor does give some options but it means messing with consisting which can be a pain. The snowplough thing might be fun although Im setting the layout in the summer, may to julyish to catch the 45 and the 37. Not much chance of snow that tome of year.


I didnt do the whole loco stuart no. It was originally in coal sector. I had to do the cabsides and noses to cover the cosmetics but the rest is just decal change really. I was originally going to do her in railfreight red stripe but liked the factory finish too much to go through the hassel of stripping it back.



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Cheers Peter. If I get time later the 45 is going to get its blue coat on which will be nice. In case you hadnt noticed I pre painted the black bonnet top and masked it off prior to starting with the yellow. Once the blue is on Ill reveal the black. It was quite distinctive on 110 as the black cut across the yellow in a weird curve nothing like the black bonnets on the 37 which had the yellow keep its form. Itll be interesting to see how it comes out. Once thats done I may make a start on the 47 which you can see hiding behind 688. Its going to be large logo railfreight grey 47190.



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Would have been nice andy but not had chance to do any modelling for ages. Getting back on the horse this week so hopefully more progress soon. Got all my track now too so will be able to pop some of that down too!

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Would have been nice andy but not had chance to do any modelling for ages. Getting back on the horse this week so hopefully more progress soon. Got all my track now too so will be able to pop some of that down too!

Good stuff mate I am looking forward to the pics of progress.



P.S. See you at the weekend I hope.

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Well do you ever have one of those times that you cause your own disasters? Last night keen to get the blue on the 45 I cracked open the railmatch to find it had dried out. Hands up anyone who has ever finished a tin/jar of paint. I know I haven't, its always turned into a dried skin a long time before that ever happens. Anyway I digress. Disheartened I chucked the jar in the bin and started packing up when I noticed the little pot of never used humbrol rail blue acrylic in my paint drawer. Now this is the bit where I should have said to myself, I hate acrylics leave it alone. Instead I cracked open the pot thinned it up a little and had a test shot on some paper. Looks good. So onto the 45. No sooner had I covered a cabside the airbrush was no longer spraying in any great quantity. Grr. Back to the paper more pressure to clear it no chance. So paint out and a quick clean then back on it. Spraying ok. Right lets get some on the 45. After a stripe along the side same again. Grr. Pull the pressure button back a tad more, tad more, tad more, now fully back and hardly a spray except for such a small spotty amount I may as well have been applying it with toothbrush flicking. Arrghhh. Then whoosh a big flow of paint that went on like a thick orange peel skin then nothing again. Instead I washed the lot in water to get what I could off and ordered some railmatch. Lesson learned I think. I applaud anyone who can spray acrylic because I have never managed it before drying in the nozzle. I just hope that whats left on the peak wont affect the finish when I come to overspray with enamel. All I can say is damn my impatience.



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Well do you ever have one of those times that you cause your own disasters? Last night keen to get the blue on the 45 I cracked open the railmatch to find it had dried out. Hands up anyone who has ever finished a tin/jar of paint. I know I haven't, its always turned into a dried skin a long time before that ever happens. Anyway I digress. Disheartened I chucked the jar in the bin and started packing up when I noticed the little pot of never used humbrol rail blue acrylic in my paint drawer. Now this is the bit where I should have said to myself, I hate acrylics leave it alone. Instead I cracked open the pot thinned it up a little and had a test shot on some paper. Looks good. So onto the 45. No sooner had I covered a cabside the airbrush was no longer spraying in any great quantity. Grr. Back to the paper more pressure to clear it no chance. So paint out and a quick clean then back on it. Spraying ok. Right lets get some on the 45. After a stripe along the side same again. Grr. Pull the pressure button back a tad more, tad more, tad more, now fully back and hardly a spray except for such a small spotty amount I may as well have been applying it with toothbrush flicking. Arrghhh. Then whoosh a big flow of paint that went on like a thick orange peel skin then nothing again. Instead I washed the lot in water to get what I could off and ordered some railmatch. Lesson learned I think. I applaud anyone who can spray acrylic because I have never managed it before drying in the nozzle. I just hope that whats left on the peak wont affect the finish when I come to overspray with enamel. All I can say is damn my impatience.



Sounds like a good and proper Crisis Cavan - my commiserations - I now know I am not alone. 



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Well whilst waiting for a jar of rail blue to come I thought I would get cracking on 47190 instead. Using 47535 as the donor the well known problem of flush marker lights at both ends reared it head. 47190 came to the rescue as it was so fitted and a railfreight grey loco to boot. Nearing the end of its time as a railfreight grey machine I want to get this loco looking well used but by no means past it. The railfreight grey paint looks a little dark so to give it a slightly faded look Ive mixed it about 70/30 with rail grey. I think its about right. Ive given the buffer beams a light brush coat of rail red too which will get weathered in later. No need to do a perfect coat here for what will be mostly dirt.


Gloss coat next for transfers and cantrail stripe.



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