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Livery Photoshopping

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  • RMweb Gold



This image created by Paul Burkitt-Gray is based on a photo by Chris McKenna distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License, and as such is released under the same license.


The latest report of DB's expansion in the UK is that they are bidding for Arriva, current operator of the Wales and Cross Country franchises.



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G'd evenin' All.

This livery on the 442s might be suitable, now that they're on the Brighton line.

"Kippers, anyone ? Or would Sir prefer a Bacon Buttie ?"




Edited / revamped pic.

I'm still trying to match the quality of you guys icon_thumbsup2.gif , without much success.


My present use of MS/Windows Paint always results in the 'bleeding' of the colours into one another, as you can see. I get the same problem drawing a Black line on a White background.


This might not be the right thread in which to ask, but it seems the right place.


"Has any one have any tips on how to prevent colour 'bleed' ?"


I've got Corel Paint Shop Pro installed, but my attempts result in the same thing.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.


Regards and Cheers.

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  • RMweb Premium

That take on NSE livery looks rather nice Ceptic. I could imagine that appearing if NSE had run a Pullman service. Porky is a rather fitting name laugh.gif

When the 442s moving to Southern was very much still a rumour, I knocked this up


Original pic © Martyn Read ukrailwaypics.fotopic.net used with permission


Over the last week or two I've been playing around creating a template for the 67, and sticking a couple of liveries onto it




These are all now in my Photoshop Fiddlings gallery along with the previous images




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I agree, the BR blue skip looks rather good - the livery sits well on it.


A also rather like that Southern Plastic Pig too. That livery seems to sit well on anything they have put it on ... and anything they might put it on too!



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This livery on the 442s might be suitable, now that they're on the Brighton line.

"Kippers, anyone ? Or would Sir prefer a Bacon Buttie ?"


I'm still trying to match the quality of you guys icon_thumbsup2.gif , without much success.


My present use of MS/Windows Paint always results in the 'bleeding' of the colours into one another, as you can see. I get the same problem drawing a Black line on a White background.

Considering you're using paint that is an amazing job, even with Photoshop mine failed to deliver (as you saw in the other thread). For the rest of you, here are some of my attempts here, here and here to be precise. (Base images provided for me to edit in another thread.) As you can see I didn't have any Pullman logos, which would have replaced the South West Trains logo, I also would have not named the coaches, instead putting "Southern" in the name place to identify the operator (since operators tend not to like leaving their name off the stock). The last image is supossed to be based on the Blue Pullman by the way.



That image seems to indicate that the 67 would look very good in this livery if it was done for real, nice.


Am I right in saying the rules regarding channel tunnel saftey have been deemed over the top and dropped? If so I vote for Thalys trains to St Pancras, not the ICE-3s we seem to be getting since they don't look very attractive to me. The earlier ICE trains (ICE-1 or ICE-2 I don't know, maybe they look the same?) look smart but not so the ICE-3s. So, does anyone want to have a go at doing a Thalys/ICE with yellow ends for running in Britain? I did Thalys PBA and PBKA myself but as I found the base images online I can't show you due to copywrite, my disclamer isn't good enough apparentlly. I did a Eurostar power car in Thalys livery too, same story.

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  • RMweb Gold



Image by Paul Burkitt-Gray, based on photographs by Jan Derk and Oxyman, published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license


Funny enough I did this one a few days ago. The rules haven't been changed yet, but the requirement for trains carrying passengers through the tunnel to be capable of splitting and being 400 metres long are under review.


ICE3s are the only trains likely to be used by DB, as they are already fitted with the TVM430 signalling system used in the Channel Tunnel and HS1, and the KVB system used on the approaches to StPancras International, for running on LGV Est to Paris. Hopefully yellow ends won't be needed on HS1, as they would look awful on an ICE.


If you want photographs to use for photoshopping, look on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, where there are thousands available under Creative Commons licenses. Flickr also has lots of Creative Commons photos which you can find by doing an advanced search with the "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" and "Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon" options selected.

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Funny enough I did this one a few days ago. The rules haven't been changed yet, but the requirement for trains carrying passengers through the tunnel to be capable of splitting and being 400 metres long are under review.

If you are right, then according to Wikipedia Eurostars are not allowed in the tunnel, being 394 metres long (320 metres for North Of London sets). Probablly Wikipedia's mistake, not yours. Nice work with the photoshoping by the way.


ICE3s are the only trains likely to be used by DB, as they are already fitted with the TVM430 signalling system used in the Channel Tunnel and HS1, and the KVB system used on the approaches to StPancras International, for running on LGV Est to Paris. Hopefully yellow ends won't be needed on HS1, as they would look awful on an ICE.

What about Thalys trains? you said ICE3s are the only trains likely to be used by DB, but what about other operators, is anyone else likely to try to run services through from mainland Europe if the tunnel rules are relaxed?


If you want photographs to use for photoshopping, look on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, where there are thousands available under Creative Commons licenses. Flickr also has lots of Creative Commons photos which you can find by doing an advanced search with the "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" and "Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon" options selected.

Thanks for the tips, however I asked somewhere before and suggested linking to the original image as a form of attribution but was told I actually had to try and contact the author to obtain permission. Therefore in the case of the 5-WES trains above I waited for the base images to be provided for the purpose in the topic. Assuming I don't need to ask for permission on creative commons images there's still an issue with many of my photoshops. This is that that I obtained certain logos from all over the place, would I need to track the sources of these down too? (The only reason I can think of for not having to track them down is that maybe once I've got down to just the logo it becomes the work/copywrite of the relevent company, in which case, seeing as everyone else here seems to be getting away with it, there isn't a problem using them for our purposes.)
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  • RMweb Gold

The 400m figure came from a articles in the Financial Times http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ef4a3446-2b58-11df-9d96-00144feabdc0.html and Railway Gazette http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/single-view/view/10/channel-tunnel-working-group-investigates-shorter-trains/browse/4.html. I assume they round the length of normal Eurostars up a bit, but it's interesting that, as you say, the 320m regional Eurostars would be banned from the tunnel.


Thalys is a joint venture between SNCF, SNCB and DB. Since the SNCF and SNCB are already partners in Eurostar and DB has ambitions to operate their own service through the tunnel, it is highly unlikely Thalys would consider extending their network to the UK.


Air France has been reported to be considering launching a rival service to Eurostar running new AGVs http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=451804&in_page_id=2 , possibly running to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport to draw passengers away from Heathrow onto its long-haul flights.


There have also been suggestions Eurostar is looking at buying AGVs, possibly to use on services to Amsterdam. I did a photoshop of an AGV in Eurostar livery a while ago http://alternativerailways.fotopic.net/p62711187.html .



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Hi All. Many thanks for your kind comments.


Rhydgaled, here's another (poor/off-centre) 5-WES shot for you, and others, to play about with, if you so wish.

I've left enough space on the side, as I did with the pics posted on the Lymmo 3-CIG thread, for you, or anyone else to fill in the appropriate details.




Regarding the Pullman logo in my earlier effort, these were drawn/painted by hand, using the pics in Keith Parkin's Mk.1 Coaching stock book, as a guide. The Pullman font was done using 'Imprint MT Shadow', available in MS Paint tools.

They started out by being quite sharp, but the colour 'bleed' has resulted in them becoming blurred.


Best Regards & Cheers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold


This image is based on a photograph by Ian Britton published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license. Modified image is copyright Paul Burkitt-Gray with all rights reserved.

What if after replacement with HSTs on the ECML, the Deltics were relegated to secondary duties and survived long enough to wear large logo blue?

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  • RMweb Gold




Image by Paul Burkitt Gray, based on a photograph by Matt Buck, published under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

The German state railway DB has had its bid for Cross Country operator Arriva accepted, so maybe the 220s will soon wear ICE livery.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hmm, ICE livery looks good on the Voyagers. Very neat. I had a far simpler idea for DB-isation, will have a go and stick it online, bearing in mind they plan to retain the current branding




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  • RMweb Gold


Image by Paul Burkitt-Gray based on a photograph by David Ingham, published under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

Another look at what DB livery might look like on their latest UK purchase.

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That looks really good, much better than my attempt (on an Intercity 125). If I'm allowed to I would like to post mine though (based on this image). The real XC livery does look rather good but due to the pink doors I have to say the ICE livery you have there (assuming the doors are red at the top not just at the bottom, which I can't quite tell from the pic) looks better.



Well, that makes the most boring trains round here look a little better, Arriva's standard livery almost always looks a bit drab. The darker colouration of the WAG express is quite smart though. Quality of the image edit is good too, as normal. By the way, is Arriva livery really not being replaced or is it expected to disapear after a while?
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  • RMweb Gold
If I'm allowed to I would like to post mine though (based on this image).


That photo is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, so you can use it here or anywhere else as long as you comply with the terms of the license - that you give attribution to the original photographer (Steven Crozier) with the photo. The license doesn't even stipulate that derivative works be shared under the same terms, so you can claim copyright on your photoshopped version, as long as attribution to the original photographer is always given.

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That photo is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, so you can use it here or anywhere else as long as you comply with the terms of the license - that you give attribution to the original photographer (Steven Crozier) with the photo.

Thanks. Here we go, as I said not a great photoshop (mostly because my addition of text and stripes is poor), I just wanted to show the idea of using IC125 instead of ICE:


Original image by Steven Crozier.

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