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How realistic are your models? Photo challenge.


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Paul superb doesn't say enough.


The images on your South Pelaw link are stunning with incredible detail like the bridge with the pipework and the fabulous signals..who builds these?


I take it this is an exhibition layout and hopefully will be out soon.


With that in mind can we interest you in a trip north to Modelrail Scotland in Glasgow in the near future?


Looking forward to seeing this large layout in the flesh..its what modelling is about. 



Edited by vitalspark
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You might have been there already but there is a bit of build info on the South Pelaw Blog @ http://southpelawem.blogspot.co.uk/

 You'll know the main protagonists as they are regulars at "The Ranch".

For those unfamiliar with the prototype location the photographs on Jondons blog might assist with getting your bearings.



Here's another pic looking west along the old Stanhope & Tyne route. The position of the sun tells me the photograph was taken at approx. 8:20am on the 10th January 1955.






Very kind but I don't think any of us have recovered from the hospitality at lasts years show yet.





I'm sure we can top that if we try…it really needs to be journeying north at some stage though.


Are you attending with a layout next month?


Only demo tables this year for us..Alloa was there last year so obviously not involved and our other club member with his superb EM incarnation of the Wharfedale area has once again put back its unveiling..too much time spent on casting lamps and bufferstops!

Actually thats unfair and we don't want to upset him..he's giving of his time building points on our humble new project Larbert.. like South Pelaw a proper size at 40ft..but a few years away from the exhibition circuit.


Beautiful image of Stella Gill Flatts box and I would agree you are spot on..it is very likely Jan 10th 1955.


Puts me in mind of the Ranch where I have been reliably informed its a certain date in August 1957..tied down by '27 on the up non stop.


….then 60701 comes along and blows that theory!



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I'm sure we can top that if we try…it really needs to be journeying north at some stage though.


Give them a chance to get it finished first.  


Are you attending with a layout next month?


Nah. As I said we are still recovering from last years soiree and some of our passports need renewing.



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Isn't that dry grass on the embankment a bit of a fire risk.


It's not actually that pale, I think it was the way the light was catching it. It does, however, need attacking with a bit more colour, brambles, weeds, etc.


92006 has now moved onto shed and, looking into the distance,  the grass on the embankment definitely looks greener in this light!



Edited by Killybegs
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