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Boxenby depot


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Hi Neil, thanks. I am tempted, although I might need a bank loan to purchase the cladding that is required!

The plan is to use Evergreen Corrugated Metal Siding, number 4528, cut into sections, sprayed a mid to light grey, weathered and then glued to the outside. Hopefully once added it will make the shed look a lot better.

I also need to add the drain pipes, vents and other little details including the trim.

Hope that makes sense!

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This evening I cleaned the brass skylight tops ready for priming:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I am a bit concerned that my OCD might have stepped up a gear as I have now started numbering them......


Tomorrow is Mrs Grimley's Birthday so no modelling, hopefully I can get them sprayed with primer later in the week.

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Hi Dave, I don’t think it would bother me, but, if the skylight tops were switched pegs, then we would have a problem. I might blow a gasket!


Thanks, I might surprise Mrs Grimley and say that we are spending her Birthday modelling. Might not be a good idea.....could see the modelling budget severely cut.....best not!

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Hi Alex,


Love your OCD, sorry - attention to detail on this layout. The roof is looking superb.


A couple of questions for you:


- do you plan to exhibit this?

- how heavy will it be?


I hope you will exhibit but I think one or two people will have to bring additional stock along to fill the layout, especially if you model some of the outside storage sidings....


Thanks for sharing


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Hi Jeff,


Thanks it is certainly coming on, cannot wait to move on from the roof. I am hoping that by the end of next week the roof will be done and dusted so to speak!

I definitely think it is time to admit that I have an OCD problem. When finished I just hope I don’t have problems with lining up locos in a certain order inside and outside the shed!


To answer your questions, firstly I am not sure about exhibiting Boxenby. Whilst the layout is not permanently fixed and is potentially fully portable, therefore giving me the ability to take it outside the home, as mentioned previously I do not feel it is of the required standard for exhibitions. 

Looking at the layouts currently on the exhibition circuit and the quality of them, it just makes me think it is not up to it if I am honest.

With regards to weight, I am not too sure how heavy it will be. The main board which houses the depot shed, which I am working on now, has been built with strength in mind and not weight. Because the board has the inspection pits on it, I have added wooden battens in between each set of pits which run the full length of the board. My thinking behind this being that the through roads could potentially have four locos on them, roads 5 to 8 could have two or three and the heavy lifting roads 13 to 15, again another two or three per road. When you consider the weight of these newer detailed model locos, that is quite some weight for the board to have to take. In theory there could be up to 30 locos inside the shed, that is a lot of weight to support! On top of that you then have the shed itself which is fairly heavy.

Sorry I cannot really give you a definitive or even rough answer but quite heavy is probably a good start!

Hope I haven’t waffled on too much.....


That is a good idea, although I think looking at the current Boxenby fleet levels it may take a few more than just one or two people to bring stock!

I do plan to model the majority of the stabling sidings at the front of the shed so I would need lots of people to bring stock!!!


Yesterday I managed to get the skylight tops sprayed with primer, hopefully over the weekend I can get the top coat added. Subject to some dry weather...

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Hi Alex


I have to disagree there mate, totally should be on the exhibition circuit. It is right up there with alot of great layouts and really has the standard and exceeds alot of many exhibition layouts i have seen too.

It would be a a shame not to show off the hard work and detail that has and will go into Boxenby and there is nothing out there like this, yeah there are TMD layouts but nothing to the scale of yours.


Couple of operators ( myself and Cav ) and lots of stock shuffling would be worth watching in my book.


Keep up the great work mate.

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You know what would be cool is a small set of cameras in the rear of the building that look down a few of the roads or even in the top corners, display it on a screen. that would be pretty cool.


Got excited a bit there hahaha

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,

To answer your questions, firstly I am not sure about exhibiting Boxenby. Whilst the layout is not permanently fixed and is potentially fully portable, therefore giving me the ability to take it outside the home, as mentioned previously I do not feel it is of the required standard for exhibitions. 
Looking at the layouts currently on the exhibition circuit and the quality of them, it just makes me think it is not up to it if I am honest.



You're joking, right?


Not only is your modelling to a very high standard but you have built a layout that is something very different (and on a large scale); people would be queueing round the block to peer over each other's rucksacks to see this; I know I would (although I'd more likely introduce myself and nip round the back :D ) and I'm not exactly known for my love of diseasels.


I have to say, not sure which exhibitions you've been to recently but your layout is better than many I've seen at recent shows; far, far better.

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As you know, I live in Australia. If was ever in the UK on holiday and I could get to an exhibition that included your layout, I would try my best to get to see it. Just imagine 60-80 sound diesels in one layout!!!!!! 

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To answer your questions, firstly I am not sure about exhibiting Boxenby. Whilst the layout is not permanently fixed and is potentially fully portable, therefore giving me the ability to take it outside the home, as mentioned previously I do not feel it is of the required standard for exhibitions. 
Looking at the layouts currently on the exhibition circuit and the quality of them, it just makes me think it is not up to it if I am honest.



Alex, I'm sorry but that's just plain daft.  :) 


I was at MRS Glasgow over the weekend and the standard of your workmanship and your modelling skills are right up there with the very best of the layouts I saw. I for one would love to see it at an exhibition, even in its current state. I'm just hoping that my depot buildings are half as good. I really enjoy dropping by on your thread and seeing your latest progress. And to see whether I can pinch any of your ideas for my depot too of course.  :)





PS Thanks for the tip about CA10 glue. Managed to pick up a couple of bottles at MRS. Wood and glue now purchased. I just need the plasticard now.

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So Alex, will you be purchasing one of those icons of Toton, slightly earlier than you are depicting but so very, very lovely?


I am, of course, referring to the Heljan Beyer Garratts :D

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Hi Jeff,
To answer your questions, firstly I am not sure about exhibiting Boxenby. Whilst the layout is not permanently fixed and is potentially fully portable, therefore giving me the ability to take it outside the home, as mentioned previously I do not feel it is of the required standard for exhibitions. 
Looking at the layouts currently on the exhibition circuit and the quality of them, it just makes me think it is not up to it if I am honest.


You have to be joking.


The standard of construction and attention to detail is something rarely seen.


Since reading the replies from your post, I don't think I have ever clicked on the agree button as many times on one thread.


Exhibiting Boxenby is something you should seriously consider.



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Hi Alex,


I appear to have poked a hornets nest!


I plan to exhibit Manor Road and I help to operate Oulton TMD so I get out and about on the circuit quite regularly. Exhibition layouts are all different and appeal to a wide audience. I think you should exhibit this as it is a fantastic piece of modelling that is very different to anything else I have seen. Closest layouts in terms of scope would be Aberdeen Kirkhill - for me. And that layout is superb, not just the modelling but the operation and realism.


Your efforts are inspirational for lots of RMWebbers who follow and drop in. The only challenge I see is working out an interesting and varied set of 'moves' to keep the "general public" interested.


I am sure that any number of us would be happy to come along with appropriate stock to fill the layout.


Just realised this is a huge response but I want to see this on the circuit.


Keep up the good work


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Hi Alex,


I appear to have poked a hornets nest!


I plan to exhibit Manor Road and I help to operate Oulton TMD so I get out and about on the circuit quite regularly. Exhibition layouts are all different and appeal to a wide audience. I think you should exhibit this as it is a fantastic piece of modelling that is very different to anything else I have seen. Closest layouts in terms of scope would be Aberdeen Kirkhill - for me. And that layout is superb, not just the modelling but the operation and realism.


Your efforts are inspirational for lots of RMWebbers who follow and drop in. The only challenge I see is working out an interesting and varied set of 'moves' to keep the "general public" interested.


I am sure that any number of us would be happy to come along with appropriate stock to fill the layout.


Just realised this is a huge response but I want to see this on the circuit.


Keep up the good work



Although I agree 100% with Jeff - Committing oneself and layout to the exhibition circuit is a big step - Needs very careful thought, but saying that, I would like to see it sometime at exhibition - Maybe 1 or 2 shows to start off with to see how it go's.




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Thank you all very much for your positive comments, may be I will have to seriously consider an outing for Boxenby once finished. I will see how I feel then but really appreciate everyone’s feedback.
At least I won't need to worry about the operating crew as by the sounds of it Neil, Cav and Jason have already volunteered!
Neil, I do like your idea of a small camera placed inside the shed allowing people to see. Something to think about, especially if the depot doors are closed!
Cav, I do sometimes wonder if all the time and effort is worth it bearing in mind that even with a couple of the depot doors raised you won’t be able to see much of the inside. But, I suppose at least I know it is there.
Jason, please forgive me, I had not even heard of a Beyer Garratt before seeing your post! My knowledge of steam locomotives is pretty much, well zero I’m afraid to say. I had to look on the internet and conduct some research into them. Wow, they were a strange looking locomotive. I quite like the look of them, might look a bit out of place on Boxenby though!
Duncan and Ben, I am glad that you like it so far. Thanks.
Jeff, as previously mentioned I plan to run the layout in a prototypical manner with prototypical operation. Movements on and off the shed will be as per a time table just like the real railway. Using information gathered, I have produced a time table of movements for example, loco moves off shed at 02:45 to work 6A21 to Silverhill Colliery, loco departs shed at 07:25 to work 7V44 to Didcot PS, 13:15 loco arrives on to the fuel point having worked in on 6A22 from Ratcliffe PS. This equates to approximately 80 loco movements on and off the shed in a 24 hour period.
I was then also thinking of having locos then coming on to the shed for exams, be it on to the fuel point for an A exam or going into the shed for a B exam etc.
Locos also being random serviceability issues e.g. on to road 3 for minor repairs (AWS fault) or on to road 7 for attention to engine oil leak, on to road 6 for turbo replacement, or on to road 13 for traction motor change or on to the lathe due to a wheel flat.
Locos being moved around the depot as they come off exam or become serviceable again.
Locos coming out of the shed and on to the load bank for an engine test.
Just a few ideas, I suppose it will be easier to see how this will work once the track is down on the boards and wired up. Then I will be able to see how this works in practice.
Thanks Intercity 125 and Bob. I will see how I feel once the project has moved on considerably with boards 1 and 2 having track down.
Over the weekend I managed to get the skylight tops painted and they are now ready for gluing on to the skylights. I am really excited at the prospect of having this finished, it has been a long time coming and is a big focal point of the shed. So to almost have this part of the project nearly completed is very pleasing and exciting. Sorry, I know it is really sad to get excited about gluing some pieces of brass on to some pieces of plastic........is this what happens when you grow up?!!
I am hoping to have the skylight tops and industrial roof vents on by the end of the weekend.


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