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Boxenby depot


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This week I have made a start on the corrugated metal strips that sit in between the roads inside the depot, I am not sure what they do but can be clearly seen hanging from the roof in the below photo;




If anyone knows what they are for I would be very interested to know!



The strips may be cable tray used for carrying the cables to feed lighting and electrical systems.


Here's a link to show what I mean - http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/CT6.html?source=adwords&kw=&gclid=CO2H2NLSs7ICFYKMfAodrX0AiA




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Pit lighting - personally I would go for flexible LED strips. Cut holes in the side walls to match up with the spacing of the LEDs on the strip rather than try to get rivet counting accuracy with distances etc. If you end up using every second LED then the blanked off one simply gets covered up. The current price of flexible LED strips online now is now so cheap that a £10 investment would give you around 5 metres of 3528. If you get only 150 LEDs (five metres) then the spacing should be about right as well?


As said elsewhere, when you come to photograph this monster, you will need internal lighting!!! :sungum:

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Pit lighting - personally I would go for flexible LED strips.


The problem with LED strips is that they look like what they are: lots of individual LEDs. What is needed is something that emits a "line of light" to emulate the fluorescent tubes of the prototype. The Maplin side-facing LEDs seem to be the best thing available to emulate this.

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Whatever you do, don't buy electrical components from Maplin unless you have a particular reason to go to the shop in person and view the products before buying. Online retailers such as RS (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/) or Rapid Electronics (http://www.rapidonline.com/) will supply the same components for a fraction of the price, which is important if you're buying large numbers. I don't have any connection with either of these suppliers (there are others too) other than as a satisfied customer both for model railway and full-size railway projects.






PS. No disrespect to Maplin; they serve a useful purpose in having a high-street presence and knowledgeable staff, but their prices for components are high.

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If you want to emulate fluoro tubes along the walls of the pits then why not try a piece of acrylic rod flattened on one side. Pump some light into the end with fibre optics and cover up the bits you don't want emitting light with plasticard (paint is not dense enough usually).


Or Plan B - using cheap LEDs strips, place the strip behind the wall and cut fluoro sized openings which are covered with translucent acrylic panels to represent the fittings seen in the photos.

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We're hijacking GrimleyGrid's topic....

Perhaps it's best to keep the pit lighting discussion in one place: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/47304-inspection-pit-lighting/

(CWJ, thanks for the warning. Artizan, plan B had already crossed my mind, but how would you going about accuratly cutting the openings so they won't look like they're all over the place?)

Sorry Alex!!


Back on topic, about those corrugated metal strips in the roof. My walk-way theory is almost certainly wrong, as I found some photos taken inside Eastfield where they're angled by about 45° so I think Mick aka Newbryford theory is certainly more plausible than mine.

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Thanks SXHALL, that is a good idea. I could have dummy lights in the majority of the inspection pits with only a few actually working. I agree it would be a shame to not include them and regret it later on. Looking through some videos and photos from the early 90s it would appear that you can switch them on and off to suit which makes sense. No point lighting up all the pits if there is no need!


Hi Daryl, you need a time machine!


Hi Vac_Basher, I am now looking into this and can confirm that I will be adding lights to some of the pits. As mentioned above I will have to come up with a way to have dummy versions too. If you are interested I will keep you updated with my plan once hatched! Once I have finished working on these metal strips I will be starting on getting the inspection pits in position permanently so will have to get a solution then. Thanks for your input.


Mick, I have been informed that the metal strips were used as an experimental form of heating for the depot albeit an unsuccessful one!


Ian, indeed although if the depot doors are down you won’t see anything!


Lyneux and CWJ, many thanks I will have a look into these. I might have to ask Grimley senior for some assistance with the electronics.....


Once again many thanks to all those members that have kindly offered input and advice. After reading through the replies and following the pit lighting thread I have taken the decision to install lighting in some of the pits. My plan is to install the lights but only having some actually working. When I think about it the inspection pits would have looked silly without them even if they didn’t work! Can’t believe I even thought about having the pits without dummy lights?!!!!!......

Still I will get the metal strips finished and then start looking into this properly.


On Saturday I went to the model shop for some plastic filler and came out with this in addition;




Expensive filler!....


I have been after one of these Brush machines for a while but didn’t want to pay over the odds for it so very pleased. The last time I bought a Type 4 was 20 years ago and it was a Lima version!

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Mick, I have been informed that the metal strips were used as an experimental form of heating for the depot albeit an unsuccessful one!


They are indeed a heater. We used to have them where i worked. They are gas feed and stink when turned on.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind comment Will, the floor needs finishing too! I am looking forward to adding some dirt and grime to 47535.


Thanks for the confirmation Carl, very much appreciated. It is nice to finally know what they are for!


Well not much progress at Boxenby since my last update, I have been busy with work and family so not much time for modelling. Whilst work has been undertaken on the heating metal strips (Thanks Carl) albeit slowly they are now just awaiting the pipes to be added before being given a coat of primer. If the weather is dry this weekend hopefully I can get them primed.


I have also been continuing my research on the Morris 4 Tonne overhead cranes, bits and bobs have been ordered and hopefully over the weekend I can make a start on building the two cranes.


I did visit Scaleforum, my first time! Really enjoyed it, had a good chat with 43179 whilst looking at his superb Laira P4 layout, enjoyed Western Road Depot (one of my favourite layouts) and spent time with Shedmaster chatting. All in all a very good day.


Last night I took this photo quickly;




A typical scene that I look forward to replicating when finished with 56s and 58s in the bays for attention.

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Thanks David, I wouldn’t mind a BR blue and Original Railfreight 47 as well.


Thanks DickieGrid, I’m afraid that I have to agree, always nice to have some Grid action.....


Over the weekend I managed to get a bit of modelling done, in addition to adding the pipe work to the heater strips which will sit between roads 1, 2, 3 and 4 I made a start on the Morris 4 Tonne overhead cranes. The two were finished this morning and are now ready for primer and a coat of yellow paint.

Hopefully this week I can get the hoists made as well.


A few photos of the cranes;






In position, although a few minor adjustments are required to make sure that they sit nicely;









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Thanks Ian that is very encouraging and kind of you to say. I think the floor is the main distraction!


I know Ian, I took the photos on my iPhone and it kept uploading them upside down?!! Quick call the IT help desk!!....


Yesterday I made the hoists for the cranes, now to give them a coat of primer followed by some yellow paint. Hopefully the weather will be dry this weekend allowing me to spray.



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Hi Alex,

Pitty we couldn't catch up the other week, I will try again next time I am over.

The depot is coming along really well and I see you have a nice Large Logo class 47 in the fleet, those Grids look good too you must be finding it hard not to go and weather them up.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter, yes it is a shame that we couldn’t meet up, still as you say next time. Hopefully Boxenby will be nearly finished by then and you can come and see it.....well, I don’t know if it will be finished but certainly progress should have been made!

I have wanted a Bachmann 47 for a while now, I used to have a big fleet of Lima models years ago so it is nice to have a Brush type4 again.

I have to confess it is very hard not to have a go at weathering some of my BR stock, especially the 20s, Grids and 58s....I am looking forward to weathering them all at some point. Could be a few years away though!

Looking at some of the superb weathering that you and other members have done on here it is very difficult!


Over the weekend I managed to get the 4 Tonne overhead cranes primed and sprayed yellow, this is how they are looking;




They still require some touching up of the detail parts and also the hoists need finishing off as they have just been plonked down for the photo.


The metal strips have now had the pipe work added and are ready for painting. Now all I need is some dry weather to allow me to spray them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Alex,


Very nice work on both the 4t and the 1.5t cranes they really look the part. The overall scene just keeps getting better and better as the details go in and they all blend in very well too which makes it all the more atmospheric. Keep up the good work.



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Thanks Mark, slow progress at the moment!


Thanks Ian, you are obviously a bit of an expert on cranes, unlike me! Hope you like the photos below....


Here are a couple of photos showing the 4 Tonne cranes installed;






Two new arrivals at Boxenby, 20058 and 56013 which will eventually become 56022;








Now to get the metal strips finished.......

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