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Boxenby depot


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Hi Alex,

Nice to see a bit of blue mate. There is a pic of my crew bus on my thread somewhere but here it is. Done a few years ago now, needs a bit more work but looks ok.


Cheers Peter.


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Hi Chris, a big thanks to Mark37 for the tip and now I too would thoroughly recommend the tape, I will certainly be using it again for future projects.


Thanks Daryl, glad that you like it!


Hi peter, I do like Romanian BR Blue Grids, a couple will be required for the fleet. Hopefully Hornby will produce an Original Railfreight one next year along with a Large Logo version! Could also do with a couple of Banger Blue 31s 37s and 47s as well.

Thanks for posting the photo, I really like the Ford Cargo crew bus. Following your recommendation I bought a Landrover!




The overhead cranes have been painted and now just need weathering and transfers added which hopefully will be done this week.

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Thanks for posting the photo of Ixion Ian, I wouldn’t mind a model of that one. Peaks do look nice inside the shed!


Thanks David, coming on slowly......


No worries Neil, they are a nice model.


At the weekend I managed to finish weathering the overhead cranes and this morning the last transfers were applied. To say that applying the transfers was at times frustrating would be a huge understatement.....but we got there in the end.


Here is a photo taken quickly this morning showing the finished cranes;




Hopefully the cranes will be attached to the running rails later this week, I will post some photos then.

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Thanks CR, although time consuming and at times frustrating I feel that with it being such a prominent feature it has been worth every second. I sometimes wonder where I get the patience from!

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one to hang modelling parts on the washing line!


This evening I have installed the Pelloby 1.5 tonne overhead cranes, tomorrow I will take some photos showing them in position. The hooks for the cranes will be added later when the depot is eventually finished as I have not decided how best to model them. Still I have enough time to think about it as this project will take a while yet before being finished!


My plan is to conduct some research on the 4 tonne overhead cranes that straddle the heavy maintenance roads 13, 14 and 15 before making them in the next couple of weeks. As the 1.5 tonne overhead cranes have been made I thought it prudent to get the larger 4 tonne ones made and ready.


This week I have made a start on the corrugated metal strips that sit in between the roads inside the depot, I am not sure what they do but can be clearly seen hanging from the roof in the below photo;




If anyone knows what they are for I would be very interested to know!


My plan is to get these metal strips painted, weathered and added, get the 4 tonne overhead cranes built and in position and then start weathering the inspection platforms ready for getting the depot floor down.


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Nice cranes. Well done!


This week I have made a start on the corrugated metal strips that sit in between the roads inside the depot, I am not sure what they do but can be clearly seen hanging from the roof in the below photo;


If anyone knows what they are for I would be very interested to know!


Are you sure that's the right photo? 58040 & 20121. I don't see any corrugated metal strips there :scratchhead:

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Hi Vac_Basher, thanks I am very pleased with how the cranes have turned out.


If you look at the photo either side of the fluorescent tube lighting are some metal strips suspended from the roof trusses. In the centre of these metal sheets are a metal pipe.


In this photo you can see the metal sheets either side of the support girders directly above 56009 and the other side of the running rail of the over head crane;



And in this one too you can make them out;



Hope that helps. Sorry if it wasn't clear.

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Ah, now I see what you mean....

It's funny actually, because just a few days ago I was looking at some photos of the inside of Bath Road and I was wondering what these things were for (although they seem to be wood at Bath Road).

The only conclusion I've been able to come to is that they must be walk ways to facilitate the change of light bulbs without having to interfear with what's going on on the floor.

I can't think of any other possible logical reason for them (probably wrong anyway) :scratchhead:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ian, the interior sheet siding will be staying white but with some dirt washes applied. Not too much but just a little to tone down the white.


Hi Vac_Basher, I am sure someone on RMweb will be able to explain why they are there!


I have been working on these metal strips for the past couple of weeks but unfortunately the longer examples which sit between roads 1,2,3 and 4 were not up to scratch so I decided to start again. This proved to be the right decision as over the weekend I built six new ones and they are much better. I am happy now with all of the strips.

Yesterday with the help of Mrs. Grimley, all the strips were laid out on the upturned depot and holes drilled ready for attaching them.


Now I can get them primed and sprayed over the next week or so.

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Hi Vac_Basher, I am sure someone on RMweb will be able to explain why they are there!


No doubt about that. The collective wealth of knowledge that's on here is transcending!


I know what you mean about sometimes having to scrap something you've been working on because it's not up to standard. At the time it seems like a real pain, but in the future you'll certainly look back on it and be glad you made the right decession to do the job again.


Just one question, do you plan on adding lights to your inspection pits? I've been looking for some suitable lights but I can't find anything :(

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Hi Vac_Basher, very true. As you say afterwards you are glad to have made that decision. A couple of times I have thought, shall I or not bother?...is it really worth it? And then if I don’t it will really annoy me every time I see it so have taken the decision to remake/redo. I agree in the end it is worth it.


It is funny that you should mention about adding lights to the inspection pits as only the other day I was showing someone some photos and they asked the same question! To be honest I have pondered that question on numerous occasions and as yet have not made a final decision. I was thinking it would be a lot of work and would it really be worth it, especially you actually have them working but now you have mentioned it I may look into it.

Once I have added the metal strips and the 4 Tonne overhead cranes, my plan is to get the inspection pits permanently in position and the floor down so will have to make a decision soon. I have wondered about just adding the lights but not have them working, still undecided although I am now coming round to the idea of adding them.......


Most days I search Flickr for photos taken of Toton and last night found these two crackers;



I especially like this one as it shows just the sort of scene that I am hoping to model;


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You're layout's already resembling that allot already!


Now about these pits.... As these lights really are quite prominent I was originally thinking of having false lights too. I was thinking that perhaps strips of semi-circle plastic would have done the trick. But the more I thought about it the more I begun to realize that it really is a detail that needs to be included, also because once everything's in place it would be near impossible to add the lighting at a later date. Somehow a loco in the shed at night with the pit beneath it in darkness just doesn't look right.

But I guess it also depends on what the final objective for your layout is. You certainly wouldn't need to illuminate all of them because it would be unlikely that in the real Toton the pit lights on all roads would be on at the same time. If I were you I'd certainly give a thought to doing it on some of the roads, as SXHALL suggested above.

If you're like me and you do allot of photography I don't know how you're going to be able to get away without them!


I've been looking into a few things. Strip LEDs; Maplin LEDs, etc. Nothing innovative. So I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about it either. I was hoping you'd already decided because what would have been good enough for you would certainly of have been good enough for me too! :biggrin_mini:

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