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Boxenby depot


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Thanks Mark, to be honest I don't envy myself either! After seeing your excellent bridge perhaps you could help out?!!


Well this weekend I have managed to do some modelling and built two more running rails;




Three down, five to go........

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Not much time for modelling this week but I have managed to get a bit done this weekend. Five of the running rails have been completed with the final three just requiring the cross bracing to finish them off, hopefully this will be done later this week.

Once the running rails have been finished I can then make a start on the eight cranes that will be attached.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peter, many thanks. Funny isn’t it as sometimes I have very little patience!


Thanks Ian, not sure my modelling is anywhere near that quality to be honest!


Thanks Dave, I will have a think...as you say there must be something that requires just the one to be made!


Well I have finished the overhead cranes and will update shortly.

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On Saturday I managed to finish off the overhead cranes and yesterday made a start on the hoists.


Here you can see the overhead cranes before the addition of the hoists;




The hoist production line;






The overhead cranes with the hoists attached;




Some photos showing one of the overhead cranes on the running rail;










As yet I have not decided what to do about the cables and hooks for the hoists....I may well leave that until nearer the time. As locos will be driven in and out it is difficult to know what to do, I think it is probably prudent to have the hook high up otherwise there could be damage!


Now to get them painted!

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Imagine trying to get 11 hoists moving and shaking! All this extra detail will make this model truly excellent.


Can't wait to see it full of SOUND locos. Might give a few exhibition managers a heart attack!

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On Saturday I managed to finish off the overhead cranes and yesterday made a start on the hoists.


Here you can see the overhead cranes before the addition of the hoists;




The hoist production line;






The overhead cranes with the hoists attached;




Some photos showing one of the overhead cranes on the running rail;










As yet I have not decided what to do about the cables and hooks for the hoists....I may well leave that until nearer the time. As locos will be driven in and out it is difficult to know what to do, I think it is probably prudent to have the hook high up otherwise there could be damage!


Now to get them painted!



Loving your work, I'm scratchbuilding a traction engine shed myself but nowhere near as ambitious as yours. I've been enjoying the progress and look forward to seeing more.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for the comments.


Thanks Ian, it is nice to be back doing some modelling! Looking forward to getting my Peak inside the shed.


Sorry Jeff, I can only apologise for the cranes not actually working! I really should just call it a day and stop.......

Someone asked me the other day if the cranes would move up and down the running rails, now that really would be well beyond my modelling skills!


I don’t want to think about that Ian, it was hard enough just trying to make them, let alone getting them moving! It has caused me no end of stress just to get to this point!


Thanks David, I do wonder where I get the patience from!


Hi Mark, glad that you are enjoying my project too. Good luck with your traction engine shed.


After a lot of pondering over how to fix the running rails to the shed, on Saturday I finally got on and made a start. Mrs Grimley was called upon to help and she certainly came up trumps as the result is very pleasing. Following measuring, marking and positioning, the running rails were held in place using clamps and masking tape to allow the shed to be put back on the board and see how it looked. I have to say that I am very pleased, far better than I could possibly have imagined, great work Mrs Grimley!

It certainly does make a big difference to the appearance of the inside of the shed, can’t wait to see some Choppers, Grids and 58s sat under the cranes.

Now the running rails are in position awaiting a coat of primer and top coat of matt black before being permanently attached to the shed.

Yesterday I prepared the running rails for grey primer which I am hoping to get applied tonight.

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Hi Alex,


Looking great the attention to detail is superb and those cranes are very detailed. building one would have been bad enough but to create that many for your depot will result in such a realistic building overall.


Look forward to seeing them in place.



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Thanks Mark glad that you like them. Hopefully they will look okay once painted and in position.


Yesterday evening I managed to spray the running rails with grey primer;




My youngest did find my contracption highly amusing hanging from the washing line!


I was hoping to get the running rails sprayed with matt black this evening but looking at the forecast that might not be possible. Typical, after all the nice weather it is now raining!

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Over the weekend I managed to spray the running rails matt black, and they are now ready to be permanently attached to the inside of the shed. I am hoping to get this done later in the week.




The overhead cranes have been given a coat of primer and are now waiting to be painted orange.


Whilst browsing eBay last week I came across these which I think will be just right for Boxenby 1988, although I think that they are probably a little early for that period.




Will post some photos later in the week once the running rails are on.

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Hi Alex,

I am still following your progress, the overhead cranes look superb. I think the Transit may be a bit out of period but the Bedford vans were still about mid 80s I have a couple on Llanbourne. You might be interested to know Hattons have a BR yellow Landrover in stock, they are by Oxford. I ordered one the other day.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks for the info Raffles and Peter. To be honest I thought that the Transit was a bit out of period but really wanted one! I suppose as you say I could have it in a rusty, battered state having been left unloved and retired by the depot?


Thanks Peter, I might have to get a Landrover. Does anyone make a more recent Transit than the one I have that would be suitable for late 80s/early 90s? I would quite like a Ford Cargo as well.


Last night I managed to get the running rails attached to the shed so now I can focus on getting the cranes painted and finished. Once the cranes have been put on the running rails I will take some photos to show progress, hopefully at the weekend.

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Looking really good Alex, I am really impressed by the cranes, they look superb, good to see some progress again on this huge task, but it's so worth the time and effort. Great work mate

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Thanks for the info Raffles and Peter. To be honest I thought that the Transit was a bit out of period but really wanted one! I suppose as you say I could have it in a rusty, battered state having been left unloved and retired by the depot?


Thanks Peter, I might have to get a Landrover. Does anyone make a more recent Transit than the one I have that would be suitable for late 80s/early 90s? I would quite like a Ford Cargo as well.


Last night I managed to get the running rails attached to the shed so now I can focus on getting the cranes painted and finished. Once the cranes have been put on the running rails I will take some photos to show progress, hopefully at the weekend.


Hi Alex,

Check out Jims vehicle tread he has done a few ford Cargos for his P4 New Street layout I did a crew bus a few years back too. The Cergo is an old Corgi model, they did a M.A.N as well. Jim has also done a later model Transit by replacing the front. I think you could have yours dumped round the back of the shed looking a bit tatty. I have done an old Leyland crew bus looking a bit knackered for Llanbourne.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks Neil, I am pleased with the cranes and can’t wait to see them added to the running rails in the shed. I hope it is worth it as I just want to play!


Thanks Peter I will have a look at Jim’s thread. Yes I think the Transit might have to be parked up at the rear of the shed. I will have a look at your crew bus, are there photos of it on your thread?


Not much progress to report, the cranes are still awaiting the top coat of orange which hopefully will be applied in the next few days. This morning the shed was put back on to the board so I decided to take a couple of photos to see how it looks with the running rails added.


Not the best photos but hopefully you get the idea;






Mark 37, I took a quick photo to show the white lining on the edges of the inspection platform, apologies that it has taken so long! The tape still needs trimming at the ends but hopefully you can see how it is looking. I have been slightly preoccupied working on the overhead cranes!



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