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Boxenby depot


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Thanks Wayne, as I mentioned before the excellent Aberdeen Kirkhill has one and was a big inspiration for me to try and tackle mine. Glad that you have found it now on their thread.


Thanks Flood, it now has a coat of grey primer and hopefully in the next couple of days will be green!


Thanks Neil, it certainly looks better now it is not just plain white plastic! Hopefully it will look more like a wheel lathe once green.


This afternoon I have added the support girders and gave the wheel lathe and track a coat of grey primer:










This is the view looking in from the front of the wheel lathe road:




Always have been intrigued about Tyre Turning - do you have any images of the prototype? - good work - Ian

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Always have been intrigued about Tyre Turning - do you have any images of the prototype? - good work - Ian




Here's the Talgo Wheel Lathe on Road E at Chiltern Railway's Aylesbury Depot:




I would doubt many photos exist of them in operation as it's noise, dirty, fairly dangerous (and scary) and very smelly!



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Hi Ian,


Here are a few photos to give you an idea of what I am trying to replicate:


This is the wheel lathe at Cardiff Canton during construction:



A few of the one at Toton:







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This will eventually become 45141 Zephyr.


Should you need prototype photos of the name, there's a rather substantial iron artifact beneath a layout not so very far from where I sit typing this. :pardon:


Ironically, of all the Peaks it's one of the minority of which there's no evidence (yet) of having worked over the Waverley Route.....

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Thanks Chard will be in touch!


This afternoon I gave the wheel lathe a coat of green, it needs to be toned down and faded a little before weathering. There are a few little bits and bobs that still need to be added including transfers before the working parts will be painted to make them look like shiny greasy metal and also the chequered plate needs to be given the same look but dirty. Then the whole thing can be weathered to make it look like a piece of working machinery.


A few photos of progress:








A view looking down road 16 from the south end of the shed:




Looks like 049 needs a replacement multiple working socket as well as tyres turned!

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Hi Alex,

The wheel lathe looks excellent, and I am sure will look even better once you weather it up a bit.


45141 is a good choice as you know she visits Llanbourne quite often. Let me know when you are going to start on 141 as there are a few mods you might want to do to the body.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Alex,

The wheel lathe looks excellent, and I am sure will look even better once you weather it up a bit.


45141 is a good choice as you know she visits Llanbourne quite often. Let me know when you are going to start on 141 as there are a few mods you might want to do to the body.


Cheers Peter.


Leave it unweathered! - the colour is spot on! (Machine Green) like kit I have worked on in the past. - It could be a recent installation maybe? dont know too much about when it was installed at Toton but seems a shame to lose the newness - excellent - Ian

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Hi Ian,


Here are a few photos to give you an idea of what I am trying to replicate:


This is the wheel lathe at Cardiff Canton during construction:



A few of the one at Toton:









Thanks Grimley - Would like to see one in operation sometime - I have worked on KTM - Marwin Automax and currently Mazak machine centres in the Aircraft Industry but wouldn't have minded a do on one of these...!


I take it the tyres are heated and "sweated" (shrunk) on to the wheels then the locomotive is rolled in for turning?

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Hi Alex.


I´m glad you had a good holiday down here. It was great meeting you and putting the world to rights and talking trains for a couple of hours. Glad you liked Portland Grove.

After being away for 2 weeks on my holidays without RMWeb, your wheel lathe is looking the part. From memory, you have captured the colours of the real thing to a T.

The pictures of the Grids awaiting their turn on the lathe capture the atmosphere of a working depot already, and it’s only half finished!

That Peak brings back memories of visits to Cricklewood a Toton too.


Keep up the inspirational work.

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Thanks Ian, just need a few more Peaks!


Thanks MM, I am still not sure about the green it looks a bit dark to me. But then just looked at it again in natural light and think it looks ok! Not sure……perhaps as you say with some fading, dirt, grease and general machine grime it may change my mind.


Thanks Peter I certainly will let you know although I think it may be quite some time before any weathering is undertaken! As I am not an expert on peaks any help would be very much appreciated. Not sure 141 will be seen much at Boxenby as it always seems to be visiting Llanbourne!


Hi Ian, I am planning to give it that old and used look sorry! Glad that you approve of the colour, as mentioned above I am still unsure myself!

Sorry I do not know about the workings of the lathe but I am sure there must be someone on here that can answer that! I have seen the brief clip of the lathe in action on Toton the Works but that is the extent of my wheel lathe knowledge.


Thanks David, need to work on the conveyor belt for the swarf now!


Hi Andy, hope you had a nice holiday. Thanks again for letting me see your excellent layout and as you say it was nice reminiscing about the good old BR days!

I am really pleased with my Peak and think that you should get one for Portland Grove, go on get involved!


A big thanks to Graham (Flood) for pointing out that there were no steps for the staff to get down into the lathe pit! Although I had planned to install them I got so carried away with making the wheel lathe itself that the steps got neglected. I did have a bit of a panic the other night thinking that the steps would be missing but luckily enough the lathe pit is not finished so it is still possible to put them in.

Tonight I have been working on the steps which have just been sprayed with Halfords grey primer.

Will post some photos tomorrow.


Time to start researching the conveyor belt now….

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Thanks Lewis, 062 is a rather nice model. I do like 60s in Triple Grey, could do with a Metals and Coal sector version. Or two, or three….


ARJ1982, thanks very much for your comments that is nice to hear especially from someone that knows Toton well. Many thanks.


Graham (Flood) here is a photo of the wheel lathe pit with the steps added, hope you approve! The railings will be added later.



Today I have been working on more detailing bits for the wheel lathe area and in particular the two protective screens which sit between the operator and the lathe.



Tomorrow I hope to spray them steel grey and then later in the week give a couple of coats of yellow.


I have decided that my nuttiness has reached new heights as you probably won’t even see the protective screens once the shed is on. But hey at least I will know it is there!

I have also been carrying out some research on the conveyor belt which takes away the swarf and hope to make a start on it later this week. Yesterday I picked up some plastic bits in readiness for construction and whilst in the model shop saw the Bachmann Blue and Grey EPB, what a superb model. Didn’t used to like them when travelling on them and wasn’t really a third-rail fan but have to say that I do really like the model. I actually wouldn’t mind getting one although I cannot possibly imagine why on earth one would be visiting Boxenby!

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And I thought I was a bit mad with some of the details on Orchard Road! But, I admire your work!

nope you would put a coat hanging up and a calander hanging hahaha


Great work Alex that wheel lathe is looking more and more impressive as you go along...superb

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Hi Alex.

I'm sure an EPB could be dragged in by one of your blue grids for wheel turning.

You've got the perfect excuse to buy anything now.

I might send you one of my Spanish diesels if the damn thing doesn't stop shorting on one of my crossings!

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Great job there Alex. You can give us some clues on how to do the conveyor for the swarf, we've had our lathe in for over a year and we still have to sort out how we would get rid of the waste. :scratchhead:

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MM I think we are all a bit mad in some way! But You have got some great details on Orchard Road.


Thanks Neil it is coming on albeit slowly.


Thanks Andy I do quite fancy an EPB and you are right it might look quite good behind a blue Grid! Feel free to send over one of your Spanish locos as they are very nice models. I would offer my help but wiring is not one of my strong points, in fact as yet I have not thought about how on earth I am going to wire up this layout..........?!!! Might need some help!


Ess1uk, it has been hard enough building one let alone many!


Thanks Flood, I have been researching the conveyor built and plan to make a start on it this week. Will keep you updated with progress.


Arj1982, I have seen photos on the Internet of HAAs inside the shed so did think about having one inside.

I know Thornaby used to do a lot of wagon wheel turning. Did DMUs ever visit?


I have been doing a bit more work on the lathe and pit. First of all the floor has been raised as the wheel lathe was sitting a bit too low, the protective screen has been raised up as that was also sitting too low and then a channel has been cut out ready for the chequered plate and conveyor belt.

Here is a photo showing the metal plate between the lathes and the channel ready for the conveyor belt.






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Yesterday we had an enjoyable visit to the Trains4U open day and got home to find that split box 37049 had arrived. After checking TOPS it arrived on the 9M40 Engineers from Whitemoor. Thanks Gareth…… Quality!






Over the weekend I have been conducting some further research into the conveyor belt for the swarf and also the pit floor. I am hoping to get the floor area finished this week before starting on the conveyor belt.


Good job I am not able to run anything at present other wise there would not be much work going on!

Edited by Grimleygrid
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