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Boxenby depot


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Following a session playing trains on Tidworth last Saturday thanks kindly to Ian, I am motivated to get some progress made with Boxenby.


So, yesterday afternoon I toned down the pipes before they get added to the inside of the shed.




I am now thinking of how best to approach the weathering of the depot floor pieces. Not looking forward to this......

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All good Alex.


Have you decided on a weathering method for the floor yet?


I know why you are hesitant especially so long in progression and seeing that everything so far is top notch. The more subtle the better.




Hi Ian, to be honest I keep going over different ideas and methods but as yet no final decision has been taken. I am at some stage just going to have to take the plunge I think! 


The problem is that I have a lot of pieces to work on and normally when I am conducting the same process on numerous parts, I like to try and get them all done to the same stage at the same time. If that makes sense?!!


In my head I keep thinking of dirtying them first with washes of brown/dirt and then a few washes of weathered black. My idea would be to apply the washes with a flat paint brush and then remove with a cloth dipped in thinners to give the weathered look. Repeat forseveral different colours.


Very time consuming.....


Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated!

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Testpieces the way forward Alex


Sometimes using washes they seem fine on initial application then appear different when drying out especially if the paint is contaminated.


I binned the flooring on the micro "OIL" layout due to this and am back to trying another method eventually.


Maybe add gloss black to the initial Railmatch black and locally drop on prewashed areas to give the impression of fresh oil?


Watch out for any paving and  capilliary effect runs though.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Another year passes Alex.


Have you anything else on the go modelling wise other than the Cavalex projects?




Another year Ian, and not much progress either! Disappointing......


I planned to post on Boxenby's birthday but it has been a bit manic.


To be honest, Cavalex projects is taking up a fair bit of time at the moment and along with work and family, Boxenby does not get much attention. However, that is shortly about to change........


More on that over the next fortnight......


I recently got out my Heljan class 60 for the first time in nearly two years which might just have reignited my interest in a 7mm layout!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now I know what you are all thinking, no update since September and not much progress over the past two years, he must have finally given in and admitted defeat. Time to call it a day….
Alas not! Whilst not much progress has been made recently, that is soon about to change…..


Boxenby now has a new home, a train room! I am really pleased. Understatement!


Whilst the room is pretty full at the moment, over the next couple of weeks whilst we get sorted the other stuff that has temporarily been put in as well, this will be removed allowing the train room to be just that!
I am really excited, hopefully now I will be able to pop out to the new room as and when time allows and start getting this project back on track!


A couple of photos showing the state of play at the moment:


39857161755_20600217f3_c.jpgIMG_8152 by AP474, on Flickr


40041911344_e05b275cef_c.jpgIMG_8151 by AP474, on Flickr


I am also glad that during the move the main board and depot did not get damaged which I was a little worried about.

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A proper play room :)






Thanks Will, yes it is, I am really pleased with it. Hopefully after this weekend I will be in a  position to actually do some modelling!

I am really looking forward to getting on with this project now. It's been going on for far too long and with very little to show for it over the past two years.


Impressive room




Thanks David, yes I am lucky to have a nice room to house Boxenby. Thanks Mrs G!

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Now I know what you are all thinking, no update since September and not much progress over the past two years, he must have finally given in and admitted defeat. Time to call it a day….

Alas not! Whilst not much progress has been made recently, that is soon about to change…..


Boxenby now has a new home, a train room! I am really pleased. Understatement!


Whilst the room is pretty full at the moment, over the next couple of weeks whilst we get sorted the other stuff that has temporarily been put in as well, this will be removed allowing the train room to be just that!

I am really excited, hopefully now I will be able to pop out to the new room as and when time allows and start getting this project back on track!


A couple of photos showing the state of play at the moment:


39857161755_20600217f3_c.jpgIMG_8152 by AP474, on Flickr


40041911344_e05b275cef_c.jpgIMG_8151 by AP474, on Flickr


I am also glad that during the move the main board and depot did not get damaged which I was a little worried about.




Yes Alex - at times I thought the towel had been well and truly thrown and you had moved over to the dark side albeit Helly 60's :D


No rush (again) :D



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Yes Alex - at times I thought the towel had been well and truly thrown and you had moved over to the dark side albeit Helly 60's :D


No rush (again) :D




Hi Ian, at times I did wonder if I had thrown in the towel!


Not sure saying no rush is a good idea, going any slower and I might as well call it a day!!!! 


As yet I have managed to keep any further O gauge action from developing!


I have been looking at the track plan for Boxenby this week, planning to get some timber and bits to make two 6 foot boards for the front of the shed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it has been a long time since I have got in from work and managed to get some work done on Boxenby in the evening.


I have just touched up some of the weathering on the inside walls of the shed ready for the pipework to be added. The pipes were painted and weathered last summer and are ready to be fitted.


My plan is to get the pipes added, revisit the electrics on the main board as I think some wires may have come loose during the house move. Once I am happy that all the wiring is okay and power is there to all roads, I am going to start weathering the depot floor pieces.


It's great to get back to some modelling!

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A delivery of wood has turned up, can only mean two more boards!


I hope to get the next two boards built over the next week or so.






Found this on YouTube recently, a nice video.



A distant bygone memory - I was out of the loop in 1990 so it all passed me by but nothing like a decent TOTON video to get the creative juices going Alex......


18:27 Paxman Thrash




EDIT:38:50 I had one of these - nearly killed myself on it

Edited by Crisis Rail
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A distant bygone memory - I was out of the loop in 1990 so it all passed me by but nothing like a decent TOTON video to get the creative juices going Alex......


18:27 Paxman Thrash




EDIT:38:50 I had one of these - nearly killed myself on it


Indeed Ian, some lovely traction in traffic then. I do like the Original Railfrieght Grid, always did like them in that livery.


1992/93 was when I got distracted by other things and so after then didn't really have much interest for a few years.


I sill think I may run the layout in two time periods, 1985 to 1988 to allow some Peak action and then 1990 to 1992. The latter allowing class 60s to come out to play!

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Today with the help of Will, we got new board number two built. I was not happy with the original board number two and also took the decision to make the board longer.


Here are a few photos of the new board, Will's 47818 is sat on the board to give an idea of the size of the board:








Hopefully we can get board number three built this week.

Edited by Grimleygrid
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Hi Alex,

Good to see you doing a bit. Those boards are pretty big they should hold a few loco's. :locomotive:


Cheers Peter.


Hi Peter,


Thanks, I have to be honest, it is great to actually get some modelling done! 


I think you might be right, maybe a couple of locos stabled out the front of the shed! Oh and an 08!  :mosking:

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