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Boxenby depot


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Hi Mr Grimley,


Just to say I'm not at all impressed with your new 60'.........much !


I mean, how could you, it'll never fit on your wheel lathe.......or through your shed doors ?


Now, seriously, have you tried 'recreating the photo' yet ? Where you take a pic and then try to set it up in model form to see if the model 'looks' right ?


When the family have smashed the mojo out of me and I can't be assed to do anything constructive, this is something I do just to confirm the look of things and have to say it is great when it shows up as being just right.


Again, I'm loving your Boxenby thread, but, also the photos of the real thing are very much keeping me tuned in here.


All the best, keep up your inspirational work please.......


Kindest Regards,




Hi Mr Shedmaster, I am!

You are right, it is going to struggle to get inside Boxenby shed!


I often look at your thread and wonder if I should have rebuilt my shed. When I first started this project I didn’t have the knowledge of the real thing that I now have and may be you could say that I rushed into it. Looking at the way the parts to your shed have been mass produced it does make me think that perhaps it would look better. For example, the cross sections on my shed are completely filled in whereas at Toton they have web openings. But there are many differences between Boxenby and Toton and that is why my depot is a representation of a large TMD as opposed to a model of the former.

With laser cutting and other new production methods available, it would be possible to have a model which looks better than my scratch built example. However, it is too late now! I will have to stick with the shed otherwise it will never get finished. Oh and Mrs G would not let me start again after the amount of money that has been spent on the main shed so far!


As yet I haven’t no, once the floor is down and finished then that will hopefully allow me the opportunity to recreate some similar scenes.

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OMG Alex.........have you finally turned to the dark side??? :O :no: :O


As superb as the Heljan offerings are in 7mm, I have thus far been able to resist the temptation to be seduced although, admittedly, it has been a struggle.


However, if I was to do what you have just done and make a purchase of said 7mm loco's I know that for me it would be the death knell of 4mm, as once you have been seduced and turned to the dark side there is no turning back........just ask Mr Vader..... :nono:


Just put the "BIG" 60 back in it's box like a good boy and forget about it as it WILL be nothing but a distraction to you, especially when you have dark moments with Boxenby.


Keep focused with the force Alex and it will guide you to a pleasant and satisfactory end my young padawan. 


And stop focusing on the negatives with Boxenby, not as if there are any as they only exist in your eyes.


If you don't succeed in finishing Boxenby, as a result of the 7mm distraction, and putting it on the exhibition circuit for all to revel in it's fantastic glory, I will have no option than to have to report you to the Jedi Council for banishment to 7mm World. :protest:

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Hi Alex,


I have to say I totally agree with the above post, especially the bit about 'negatives'...


I have spoken to several people over the duration of my project and although I couldn't 'see' it at the time, they have been simply bewildered at some of my 're-starts' and have not agreed them to be necessary. The point being that most of my issues, were just that......'my' issues that nobody else noticed until I'd told them !


I too, knew a lot less about Stewarts Lane, building construction and architectural modelling at the beginning and laser cutting too, how easy do we have it now as modellers ?


Dare I say it........We've never had it so good !!!!


You mention expenses in your post.


Considering how much over budget my project has become, I seriously wouldn't allow me anywhere near a 'real' major construction project !!!


So, to finish on  a positive, I don't think I'm alone in hoping to see what you do with your new 60'.........will there be more? Maybe one in each colour?


All the best,


Kindest Regards,



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Alex


Just thought I'd drop by to say hope you're well and not lost your modelling mojo, as it's been very quiet on your thread recently. I hope you're not working overtime in order to be able to afford a fleet of Heljan tugs! Don't let yourself get distracted by the dark side! 




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  • 1 month later...

I stumbled onto this blog by chance, and glad that I did. First page I saw was 23 and have got to page 45. I have just sneakily looked at the last page to see how far you have got, but will be reading all to catch up with this mammoth project. It has been fascinating to see how much time and effort you have put into this project.


Just some quick questions that you may have mentioned, or previously been asked.


1. How heavy do you think the shed board weighs ?

2. Is there plans to have it on the exhibition circuit ?

3. What make & type of track are you using ?

4. What is the total number of loco's for each class have you now got, as reading the pages so fa, as a new one keeps on appearing ☺

5. Is it a DCC or normal D.C. layout ?

6. What is the size of the layout ?


Keep up the good work, and look forward to reading the progress.


P.S planning to get back into modelling myself after almost 35years away from it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, is it really over four months since I last updated this thread? Blimey, time flies…


First of all, a Big Thank You to all the members that have visited or posted on my thread, very kind and much appreciated. It is nice to know that people are still interested in Boxenby.


I know what a lot of people have been thinking, after more than six years working on Boxenby he has finally admitted defeat and conceded that this project was a silly idea and too ambitious to complete. And to be perfectly honest, you are not far off being right!
Things have been hectic over the past few months with work, family life and other things going on which has meant that time for modelling has been limited to say the least. Even when I have found a bit of time, it has been extremely hard to get myself motivated. There have been times recently when I have been ready to call it a day as I just haven’t had the time or inclination to continue. As most of you will know it is very difficult at times to find time for family and friends let alone a hobby.
However, things have quietened down a little and from somewhere I have found some motivation.
Yesterday I did some modelling for the first time since January and I have to say it was nice to get back to it. I am hoping that now I have got back into it, and the more that I do, it will be much easier to keep the momentum going.

So what have I been up to, well a return to the main shed but this time attention turns to the outside. I have been pondering this particular piece of the depot jigsaw for quite some time and even started design work on it many months ago but nothing really came of it. I have been working on what I believe is a lift to the rear of the main shed, just to the rear of dead end road number 5. It may not be a lift so I apologise if that is incorrect. Anyway, whatever it is, I have started work modelling it.
Here are a couple of photos of what I mean;


In this first photo, it is the tall thin section located just to the left of road 4 which the blue 31 is sat on:

16151834040_aed84d59a0_z.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr

And here directly above the 31;

16153025189_1fcfbee0ae_z.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr

I hope to get this finished off over the weekend so that it is ready for the cladding to be added as per the main shed. Then hopefully at some point in the near future I can carry on where I left off and get the brass rod finished and added to the inside of the shed.

Thanks again to everyone that continues to follow my thread.

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Great to see you back, Alex. You had us all starting to get a bit worried! I fully understand your predicament though. I try and squeeze in a few short modelling sessions each week if I can, but it's not easy.


Looking forward to more updates and banter.



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I always enjoy reading your thread and get many ideas from you about my eventual layout! I wouldn't worry how long things take as you enjoy it! 


I look forward to your next update



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Welcome back indeed. Motivation comes and goes, but the quality of your work so far is here to stay. Just do a bit when you can but only when you want to.

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Hi Alex


Relieved to see you are still about, like many other readers and contributors of this great thread I am sure.


Motivation is very important in this fine hobby of ours, but when lost it can certainly be hard to regain, and the bigger the project the more profound the effect. I think many of us have been there at some stage in our time modelling.


I am certainly thankful that you have found your mojo, as Boxenby has certainly given me the needed inspiration to try and model a prototypical location, albeit with a few adjustments.


So much so that I am now about to embark on producing what will hopefully be a good representation of Grangemouth (Fouldubs) diesel depot in the late 70's and early 80's. It is this thread that has shown me that taking the time to plan relentlessly will produce great results and even though the time scale involved can be considerable, the finished results in the end is extremely worthwhile. I am lucky in that Grangemouth isn't such a major depot as Toton so things for me should be a lot easier, especially as I have Boxenby to guide me along.


Look forward to further updates and developments.


Welcome back.



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First of all, a bit of housekeeping;
Thanks to the following for dropping by over the past few months; PCM, Thebritfarmer, Dave (Waverley West), Marcus, JeffP, Ian (Crisis Rail), Will (DJ_Crisp), Pete 75C, and Paul W.
Thanks again for your support. Most of you have achieved more over the past few months than I have in six years! And well done to you!

I know a lot of people these days spend their time juggling between, work, personal life, domestic duties and free time. Perhaps I was a bit silly and ambitious in the choice of my project.
May be next time a model of a branch line terminus with a two car DMU would be more suited!
Anyway, it is what it is and I will try and continue plodding on….

Whilst I have visited RMweb now and again over the past few weeks it has helped keep my interest in the hobby going. At times like most modellers, I just want to play trains…..Ah well, time to stop waffling…..

Johnny5 and Paul W, I will get around to answering your posts properly in more detail at some point over the coming days.

You have to love Chigley Jeff!

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I must apologise for giving some incorrect information the other day, the part of the depot that I am currently working on is not in fact a lift and but a storage facility for cold water tanks. So there you go!

Over the weekend I managed to finish off the construction of this particular part of the building and it is now ready for the cladding to be added.

26917731890_253bf56f30_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

27096881362_c2999b8dd5_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

26587673393_4f982af9d4_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

27096879542_cd385f0573_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

27192642435_8298f8a62e_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

26917725210_2cf6b6cf77_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

Yesterday I did a bit more work on the design for the administration building which sits directly to the rear of the dead end roads. Whilst I had started on the design a couple of years ago it was only a very rough one.

Here is a very poor screenshot of the design:

26587670013_121c896c8a_z.jpgUntitled by AP474, on Flickr

I am hoping to get this building made over the coming months in addition to getting the internal pipework added to the inside of the shed.

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Good to see you up and posting.


Sometimes when a build is up and running it can feel like the pressure is on to constantly update.


No rush - bit by bit and enjoy it - I find it worse if no ideas are on the boil.


Four projects on the go up here in various stages of dormant modelling - one tip -  don't get a Border Terrier.......



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Thanks Dave, I was starting to get worried myself, thought it might be the end of Boxenby!
But I have managed to hold it together!
Your progress on your TMD on Waverley West has definitely helped keep me inspired and motivated.


Thanks Will I am glad that you enjoy reading my thread. I do wonder how long it will take to get there, six years is a very long time! Especially when you just want to play!


Thanks Peter, no need to worry, just a lot going on! I have managed to visit RMweb and keep motivated by visiting Llanbourne for my 80s fix!


Thanks Pete, I am very impressed by your latest layout Ripple Lane, being a GE boy I am a big fan. Looking forward to seeing a few of Stratford’s finest on display!


Hi Jeff, it is incredible just how quickly time passes by. I cannot believe it is almost June and I haven’t made much progress at all with Boxenby in 2016. Not what I had planned!


Thanks Britfarmer.


Hi Paul, yes as you say motivation comes and goes very quickly. And very hard to find again once gone. But after all as has been said so many times on here and other forums, it is only a hobby after all!
Anyway, I am glad that Boxenby has helped you with your modelling, thank you for your kind comments. I find that seeing what other people are interested in and how they conduct their modelling really helps and inspires me. Not only the periods or subjects that appeal or are of interest to me but any type of modelling. It is always helpful to me to look at different layouts.
Grangemouth, in the early 80s, very nice! Do you have a thread for your layout? I would be interested to see what you are up to.


Hi Johnny5, thank you for your kind comments.

I will try and answer your questions;

1. That really is a difficult one to answer. It is pretty heavy to be honest! There is a lot of wood used in the basic structure of the board frame. My thoughts being that if you had the depot filled with locos, so potentially 30 odd, with the newer models being much heavier than the older Lima models for example, the board needed to be strong enough to cope with all that weight. Put it this way, even when you have two people lifting it, it is heavy!
2. I have thought about, but whether or not it will ever go on the exhibition circuit is difficult to say. May be if there was enough interest then I might try one and see how it goes, but to be honest, I am not sure. It has been built to allow it to be taken out and about but who knows. I have to finish it first!
3. The plan is to use C&L concrete sleeper Finescale OO, and for the wooden sleeper either C&L or SMP. The points will be handmade from C&L point kits.
4. The total Boxenby fleet is currently quite small, it falls far short of what the allocation should be! Just to give you an idea, 11 class 20s, 2 class 31s, 6 class 37s, 2 class 45s, 2 class 47s, 7 class 56s, 6 class 58s, 3 class 60s, I think! I need to buy a few more me thinks! But please don’t tell Mrs G!
5. The layout is DCC
6. At the moment I only have two boards built, Board one which houses the main shed, this being approximately 1240mm x 1510 mm. Board two is 1240mm x 1760mm.

Thanks again for your interest. Good luck with getting back into the hobby, I bet it has changed a lot since you were last modelling!


Thanks Andy, I see you now have an APT-E, looks like a lovely model!
Rapido have done a great job on it, they make lovely models.


Thanks Class60lover, Star wars eh? Blimey….
No new additions for Christmas I’m afraid, the pull of the Heljan class 60 was just too much to resist to be honest. Whilst slightly over scale for Boxenby, it is a bit good!
It hasn’t even been out of the box since just after Christmas! My plans for a small 7mm layout have also been put on hold.
Anyway, I think you might quite like my update later…..


Hi Ian, funny you should say that as I often put pressure on myself to do some modelling and get things done. I then get annoyed if I don’t get the things done after work that I had planned to. Very silly really and totally unnecessary! Sad I know….
As you say it is important to enjoy it which in fairness I do at times, especially when I can see progress being made.
Earlier I was looking at the shed building and it made me smile, I am pretty pleased with it.

Sounds like your new addition has kept you distracted from modelling!

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