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Boxenby depot


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Nice one Pitbull. shed side is   a lot less windy i hope than sitting on Toton Bank in guessing.


Sorry grimley   back to topic.....




Apologies in advance for more boring photos of inspection pits and inspection pit lights.....  No chance grimley, any photo of a 60 is always worth posting. looking down the pit is a fantastic view.  you can really see the detail and what you are trying to achieve.


nice work

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Nice one Alex and nice one Scott for the legendary swarf conveyer and skip! - a DB Super (Red) 60 is on order (maybe!) if Jon is still doing them.


Yes the lights look the real deal - a lot of work and patience as per usual the picture comparison is uncannily good.



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Thanks, Happy New Year David.


Thanks David, I am pleased with how they have turned out. Some trial and error with a bit of a change of approach but we seem to have got there in the end. I suppose that is the fun of modelling!


1. That what I like doing,takes weeks for me.


2. In the 3-ish years of doing this, I have yet,to find,           the fun part,   maybe am not trying hard enough........


 A belated Happy New Year, to you.

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Hi Class 60lover, thanks. It does look good when you look down the pit and see the lights lit up.

If I were to be honest, I could quite happily fill the depot with Sector liveried class 60s, but that would just be silly!
My OCD would love it though!
They are superb models, Hornby have made a great job on it. Thank you Hornby!

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Thanks Ian, the lights certainly have tested my patience! I am looking forward to getting them finished and moving on. Whilst not an exact replica, the pits and lights should do the job.


Wow, what a superb link. Thanks for posting it. You are right, a 60 fix is just what is required! Some great photos, I am especially loving the Sector liveried ones. There are also a few photos taken inside Toton as well, very useful. Thanks again.


Don’t resist anymore, get involved in some Brush Beast action. 60074 and a DB red one is a very nice starting point. May I also suggest Tata liveried 099 to accompany the other two?!!! You know you want to!

I am intrigued by your plan, please enlighten us?!!


I really did like the Triple Grey 60s with big beastie and large black numbers on the front. So much so that I modelled 066, 076, 091 and 095!
Funnily enough 073 was on my to do list before the active 60 fleet was reduced to just four, this was prior to DB starting the super 60 overhaul program.


Here are 076 and 091 in action at Grimley:






Makes me want to play trains!

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Hi David, Happy New Year.


I suppose we need to keep going until we are happy with it. After 5 years working on this I share your sentiments, I don't think I will be able to enjoy it until it is eventually finished allowing me to play trains!

Often I will come in from doling a bit of modelling and be frustrated shall we say, and my wife will say, "it is supposed to be a hobby that you enjoy"...she is right! Still it is a good feeling once you have done something that makes you happy!


Keep smiling!


Now what is next on the list......

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Go for it David, you can never have too many 60s!


Unfortunately, as you say, they are just so expensive, especially as Hornby have only released 60062 in sector livery. As and when they do come up for sale, the prices are silly most of the time. I cannot imagine what the price of Hornby's Coal sector class 60 will be when it is eventually released this year!

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Well not much to report on Boxenby, this week has been busy with back to school and a return to work, so not too much time available for modelling. Except for a bit of work on New Southwich.


I have found this:



image by AP474, on Flickr


How good did 58s look in that livery?!!


Rail Enthusiast, what a good magazine that was. I did enjoy browsing through this one, especially an article about 58s operating out of Toton on the Ratcliffe workings, right up my street!


There are rumours circulating that the first pieces for the depot floor will be arriving next weekend. These pieces will cover the main part of the depot.

As mentioned before, I plan to do the floor in three stages; 1. The main area, this covering all the concrete areas between roads 1 and 15, 2. The area between the east wall and road 1 which includes the wheel lathe road. This will also include the concrete area to the front of the shed and finally 3. The concrete area to the rear of the shed and the office and admin block.


I am quite excited about the pieces arriving next weekend!

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Hi Class60lover, my plan is to get all the pieces for the depot floor produced and dry fitted, this being the concrete area of whole depot. Then I will paint and weather all the pieces before permanently fitting the whole floor in position. Well that is the plan at this stage, may be subject to short notice alteration though!


Now that the platforms, buffer stops, and pits are all ready, it is just a question of getting the pit lights finished, the pits wired up and once the depot floor pieces are painted, weathered and glued down, it will hopefully all come together. In theory!

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Nice one Pitbull. shed side is   a lot less windy i hope than sitting on Toton Bank in guessing.

Toton bank on a summer Saturday in 76/77, rows of 44's awaiting their fate, rows of Peaks and 20's too!!!!

One visit gave up just about all the 44's underlined in the 'bible'.

I remember the short bus ride from Derby, we went when Derby County were playing at home, the streets were very busy!!!


Jinty ;-)

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Hi Jinty, for some unknown reason my browser won't allow me to quote your post. If I remember correctly, when we visited Toton, we took a short bus ride from Long Eaton station to a housing estate. Then walked through and out by the canal to the rear entrance of the depot.


No 44s then or Peaks on shed. However we did see 45104 at Derby in the morning and another one at Long Eaton on a parcels after our visit to the depot.

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As we all know, with the advent of new technology over the past few years and the ever evolving world, this has had a positive impact on our hobby, in my opinion. When I found out about laser cutting I was very excited and thought of many ways that this could help with my project. In particular, cutting pieces accurately and in large volumes, this has really helped with a lot of my mini projects. Boxenby tends to require parts in numbers!


So where am I going with this? What am I waffling on about? Apologies! Well, with the kind help of Mr RBE I am now going to have my first experience with 3D Printing. For a while now I have thought that this way of producing parts would come in very handy. Whilst I have only seen photos of things that have been made by members on here, I am very excited to see the results.


For a while I have pondered over how I would make the industrial high bay lighting for Boxenby, especially as I needed about 200 of them. But a few years ago when I first saw some 3D printed parts, I thought that that was the way to go. So thanks to Cav, I now have 220 of these lights on order. I am very excited to see how these come out!


In the photo below, you can see the silver industrial high bay lights:


7986464668_1ff47b7e2d.jpg56025 + 009 + 60046 Toton 31-07-93 by Wilbert B, on Flickr

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As we all know, with the advent of new technology over the past few years and the ever evolving world, this has had a positive impact on our hobby, in my opinion. When I found out about laser cutting I was very excited and thought of many ways that this could help with my project. In particular, cutting pieces accurately and in large volumes, this has really helped with a lot of my mini projects. Boxenby tends to require parts in numbers!


So where am I going with this? What am I waffling on about? Apologies! Well, with the kind help of Mr RBE I am now going to have my first experience with 3D Printing. For a while now I have thought that this way of producing parts would come in very handy. Whilst I have only seen photos of things that have been made by members on here, I am very excited to see the results.


For a while I have pondered over how I would make the industrial high bay lighting for Boxenby, especially as I needed about 200 of them. But a few years ago when I first saw some 3D printed parts, I thought that that was the way to go. So thanks to Cav, I now have 220 of these lights on order. I am very excited to see how these come out!


In the photo below, you can see the silver industrial high bay lights:


7986464668_1ff47b7e2d.jpg56025 + 009 + 60046 Toton 31-07-93 by Wilbert B, on Flickr


Hi Mr G, Good Morning,


It's great to see you being at the sharp end of new technology for your project and I know you're gonna do wonders with this.


Although I'm really a long way off of this myself yet, it is the small details that will make all the difference in depot layouts of the future and you have got me thinking very much about how 3D printing would be a good way to go, especially with direct access to measurements etc !


I managed a full site visit yesterday and looking around, it is certainly the small details that I need for my project to 'get the look'




So, thanks again for the inspiration........


Kindest Regards,



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Hi Grimley.


200 of the lights. God that's going to be fiddly to do. Your going to need some thin wire to hang them on.


Love that photo of the 56, 60. Won't be long before boxenby is looking as good once the floor is in.


Are u planning to add the yellow lines and all to the flooring.

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Many thanks to those that have posted, I will reply properly later.


A very quick update, Mr Tim Horn kindly delivered the pieces for the depot floor this morning, nice to meet you Tim and a big thank you, the pieces are absolutely superb. Just what I had hoped for.


I am so excited that I am like a child on Christmas morning! Well, some would say that I am just like a child!


I will post another update later when time allows. Just been out to the train room to have a brief look at the pieces and offered a couple of them up between two of the pits. Oh my goodness, it looks really, really good!

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  • RMweb Gold

As we all know, with the advent of new technology over the past few years and the ever evolving world, this has had a positive impact on our hobby, in my opinion. When I found out about laser cutting I was very excited and thought of many ways that this could help with my project. In particular, cutting pieces accurately and in large volumes, this has really helped with a lot of my mini projects. Boxenby tends to require parts in numbers!


So where am I going with this? What am I waffling on about? Apologies! Well, with the kind help of Mr RBE I am now going to have my first experience with 3D Printing. For a while now I have thought that this way of producing parts would come in very handy. Whilst I have only seen photos of things that have been made by members on here, I am very excited to see the results.


For a while I have pondered over how I would make the industrial high bay lighting for Boxenby, especially as I needed about 200 of them. But a few years ago when I first saw some 3D printed parts, I thought that that was the way to go. So thanks to Cav, I now have 220 of these lights on order. I am very excited to see how these come out!


In the photo below, you can see the silver industrial high bay lights:






Liking the sound of those lights! I could do with some myself !!

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