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Boxenby depot


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Hi Peter, I have been a good boy this year although Mrs G might not agree!

I have five Original Railfreight ones and a Coal Sector version. To be honest I do not know how many I would like to have eventually. Vince Minto of this parish kindly let me have copies of his note books from past depot visits to Toton. On one particular day in 1992 there were 26 class 58s on shed, that is a lot of Heljan 58s! Oh and a lot of money required.......

Being realistic, may be 15 to 20 would suffice. I still have a long way to go yet to get the fleet up to requirement, but luckily I have time.


Hi Chris, may be if I win the lottery! However, in reality another 10 odd would probably do. Especially as I am still short of 20s and 56s as well!

Still, I am concentrating on getting the depot finished first.

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This evening I have made a start on the holder for the inspection pit lights. The plan is to have the LEDs sat on a wooden tray which will be attached to the underside of the board directly under the inspection pit. Then if in the future there is a problem with one of the LEDs, which require replacing, it will be fairly easy to resolve. The holder can be removed, the LED replaced and then put back in place. Sounds good in theory, hope it works!


Here is the holder:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Tomorrow I plan to tape the LEDs on to the piece of wood and offer it up to see how it works.

Fingers crossed.

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Hi Peter, I have been a good boy this year although Mrs G might not agree!

I have five Original Railfreight ones and a Coal Sector version. To be honest I do not know how many I would like to have eventually. Vince Minto of this parish kindly let me have copies of his note books from past depot visits to Toton. On one particular day in 1992 there were 26 class 58s on shed, that is a lot of Heljan 58s! Oh and a lot of money required.......

Being realistic, may be 15 to 20 would suffice. I still have a long way to go yet to get the fleet up to requirement, but luckily I have time.


Hi Chris, may be if I win the lottery! However, in reality another 10 odd would probably do. Especially as I am still short of 20s and 56s as well!

Still, I am concentrating on getting the depot finished first.

No more class 60s then?


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In the process of loosely modelling these offices and yard complex from the PECO LK-81 office kits.




Aerial shot of the rear of TOTON - you can see the swarf conveyor coming from the building to deposit swarf into a blue a skip outside.

Obviously the "wrong" side but may be of interest.











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Hi Ian,

Sounds like an interesting project, how far have you got with this? I look forward to seeing it.
I do like the Peco office kits, have used a few of those when I was younger!


Thanks for the photos, very useful. At some stage next year I will be building the main office/admin block which you can see in the photo directly behind the dead end roads to the rear of the shed. As you know I have built the swarf conveyor belt for the inside of the shed but not the one you mention outside.

Looking at the photo my roof has not turned out too badly at all!

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Only a side project nothing decided - just trying different wall combinations.

It has been in the bits box (in bits) for ages so I got another to double it up -  the kits are quite flexible.

I thought they were just the square ones as pictured on the box - maybe add some air con and Unit Models ducting on the roof and all that.


All good fun and yes your roof looks damn fine :D



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Hi Ian, they are very good kits and make lovely buildings.

It is, that is the fun of modelling!


I am pleased with how the roof has turned out, better than I expected to be honest!

Happy Birthday Boxenby!


Is it really five years since I started this project? Wow, how time flies....

It is hard to believe that five years ago this was how it all started:






I do wonder if after so long whether I should have made more progress, however it is what it is!


Ian's photo of Toton, post number 1583, got me thinking of how my shed looks compared to the real thing. So here is a photo taken earlier:



image by AP474, on Flickr


Thought it would be rude not to post a photo of what I am trying to create, this photo was also included in the first post:




Hopefully this time next year I will be able to recreate the photo with Hornby's Large Logo Grid, fingers crossed! I would also like to hope that the track and point work will be down on board number two by then. Well, you have to set yourself targets to work to!

Is that achievable? I think so.


This afternoon I have enlarged the holes on road 3 ready to have a test with the LEDs and holder. After tea I am planning to have a go at offering up the LEDs to the inspection pit.


I will update later.

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I have been out to the train room and offered up the LEDs in the holder to see if it works okay. Well, I am very pleased with the result. Considering the LEDs were quickly installed using masking tape to hold them in position, it looks pretty good.

Very happy!


I will post some photos later.

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Hi Ian, they are very good kits and make lovely buildings.

It is, that is the fun of modelling!


I am pleased with how the roof has turned out, better than I expected to be honest!

Happy Birthday Boxenby!


Is it really five years since I started this project? Wow, how time flies....

It is hard to believe that five years ago this was how it all started:






I do wonder if after so long whether I should have made more progress, however it is what it is!


Ian's photo of Toton, post number 1583, got me thinking of how my shed looks compared to the real thing. So here is a photo taken earlier:



image by AP474, on Flickr


Thought it would be rude not to post a photo of what I am trying to create, this photo was also included in the first post:




Hopefully this time next year I will be able to recreate the photo with Hornby's Large Logo Grid, fingers crossed! I would also like to hope that the track and point work will be down on board number two by then. Well, you have to set yourself targets to work to!

Is that achievable? I think so.


This afternoon I have enlarged the holes on road 3 ready to have a test with the LEDs and holder. After tea I am planning to have a go at offering up the LEDs to the inspection pit.


I will update later.



You really cannot dislike a good collection of Traction Alex - even looking at the photo it has virtually everything and covers most angles and individual tastes of the Toton era.


As for board Two take your time and make it as enjoyable to follow as board One :)



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5 years Alex! Wow, you've done well to stick with it, I know I would have trashed it rebuilt it and trashed it again by now...  That's why I still have bare baseboards.

I'm on a railtour Saturday which is going to pass through Toton depot, I'll  think of Boxenby as I pass.


Keep up the good work and here's to another 5 years, hopefully it will be finished by then and out on the exhibition circuit!

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Hi Ian, as you say a nice variety! 20s, 31s, 37s, 47s, 56s and 58s in a nice array of liveries too! That is one of the reasons that I want to model that period, also it takes me back to my youth!


I am looking forward to trying to recreate such a scene. Hopefully Hornby will release the long awaited Large Logo Grid next year!


Thanks Ian, I am hoping that board two will not take nearly as long as board one. Seeing as it only needs track and points, lighting towers and the odd building, in theory it shouldn't take too long.

Famous last words!

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Thanks Scott, a lot of people have said that too. To be honest if I don't make enough progress on it next year and not be in a position to run some trans I might give up on it!


Very nice, enjoy! What traction will be on it? A class 60 would be good!

I remember back in February 1988 going passed Toton behind a lovely class 45 with mk1s. If I recall correctly around that time a Peak was booked to work Nottingham to Leeds services and via Toton, it may have been due to engineering works. Someone can probably correct me.

Could have been due to a shortage of Sprinters, not too sure. It was great though!


Well I hope to have it finished by 2020!

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Update time.


The first job was to enlarge the holes for where the LEDs would sit, this was done using the router:



image by AP474, on Flickr


I then offered up the holder and whilst in place marked where the LEDs needed to be located using a pencil:



image by AP474, on Flickr


The LEDs were then put in position and held in place using masking tape:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


A quick test of the lights before they are put under the board:



image by AP474, on Flickr


In position:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now with the inspection pit in place:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


A photo for Class60lover taken in the dark, whilst you can see some light bleeding around the edges of the inspection pit, once the depot floor is down this will stop that.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Overall I am very happy indeed, nearly there and with a solution that is very acceptable.


Now to build the two holders for roads 5 and 13 and get all the LEDs installed permanently!

Progress at last on this part of the project!

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A 60 is the booked loco, But we'll have to see on the day.




I'm sure you'll get some trains running soon. Once the major infrasructure parts are complete the fun starts with bringing it all to life.

Happy New year to you.


What a tour Scott!


Last time I was at TOTON was June 1979 - (I was 16) - never been back since.



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  • RMweb Gold

The pit lights are looking great! Nice work.


My only comment being that the masking tape may not be the best way of holding the LEDS in place. After a time, the glue wil dry and the tape will become brittle leading to eventual cracking. Perhaps a few small spots of hot-glue applied to the wires may be a better long-term solution?

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Hi Scott, I agree with Ian, sounds like a great tour with 60 haulage too, lovely! Enjoy the tour.


Once the pits, platforms and depot floor is down and the main detailing of the inside of the shed is complete that will be the major part of the layout finished. I am really looking forward to when that has been completed!

At least there is much less to do on the outside of the shed, the majority of it will be the track and ballasting. Still, making progress!

Not that long ago then Ian!

Thanks David, I am very pleased with how it has turned out. Now just need to get them properly installed.

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Thanks MM. The masking tape was just a bodge job to test out the idea of the LEDs in the holder and sitting underneath the board. Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated. It was done very quickly!

As yet I have not decided in how best to hold the LEDs in position on the holder. I also need to take into consideration of the fact that if an LED needs replacing they need to be accessible.

Need to have a think about a long-term solution.

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