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Hi Sam, thanks. I am pleased to have seen 30 odd lights in one pit lit up, quite a sight, albeit a little too bright!

You are correct, one LED behind each light. I have taken some photos which I will post later.


If it helps, the lights were purchased from The Range by Grimley Senior. I planned to post a photo of the box for those interested but unfortunately Mrs Grimley threw it out, she thought that it was rubbish! Never mind…..


Here is a link to The Range website, whilst the version we have is yellow ribbon lights and not green this gives you an idea of what we are using:




Will post some photos shortly.

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Hi Sam,


Here are a few photos of the LEDs:


The Christmas lights come in a 5m length with 50 LEDs covered in a yellow ribbon. Here you can see we have removed the majority of the yellow ribbon:


15950873285_458edf819f.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A close up of the LED:


15764846019_c1a260a48d.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


The LEDs working:


15948915971_4cb18c86a3.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


LEDs taped to the rear of the inspection pit, this example has the LED facing inwards:


15948916021_0edd3241b0.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


This LED is facing outwards, this does make a difference to the amount of light passing through the hole:


15764846049_160b155f92.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Hope that helps.

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Grimley Senior has been making a current regulator, using an LM317 (whatever one of those is!) to help dim the LEDs. Hopefully over the next couple of days this will be ready and I will be then able to experiment and get the lights at a more acceptable brightness. Then we can start installing them properly.

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Hi Sam, it certainly does. Very good value if you ask me!


Hi MM, the LEDs so look good, as you say, albeit slightly too bright! Great value though, hopefully once dimmed a little they should look okay.

Grimley Senior went to another Range store but unfortunately didn't have any! Typical, however he did come away with these, for some unknown reason I cannot paste the link!

If you go on The Range website and type in 81387, 150 warm white LEDs. I think these might be useful too although we have not lit them up yet.

You could always get them delivered!


I also noticed the other day that B&Q have quite a selection of LED Christmas lights, might be worth a visit.

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A few photos showing the LEDs and the effect that the dimmer has on the brightness:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


As you can see it has dimmed them but still not as we would like.

More experimentation is required.

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Hi Neil, I do like 58s. In my opinion the Heljan 58 captures the look of the class very well and they look great in Original Railfreight too!
I would definitely recommend getting one, they are lovely models.


I seem to be going through a 58 phase, keep browsing Flickr for photos of them in Original Railfreight. Better control this otherwise my wallet will come out and before you know it a couple more will be on their way….

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Hi David, as you say in improvement on before but not quite what we were after. However, I have just been informed by the research and development department that version 2 has been made and initial tests have proved successful. Now for the real test on the inspection pit LEDs. Hopefully tomorrow the new dimmer will be wired up to allow proper testing. I have it on good authority that version 2 does actually dim the LEDs, looking forward to seeing it coupled up!


I only have one Coal sector liveried 58, over time I will add a few more to the fleet. A model based on Toton wouldn't be right without lots of 58s on shed now would it?!!!

I agree with you they are very nice models.

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Thanks Peter, one of my favourite class 47s. I was very tempted a few years ago by the Limited Editions from Rails of Sheffield, 461 and 541, but in the end thought it was a bit over the top for Boxenby. But, after seeing that photo I think that if may have to get 461!


Grimley Senior has just paid a visit to test the latest version of the dimmer and it works! Very well. I have just seen the inspection pit lights having their brightness controlled, very impressive.

We can now get them to the desired brightness, superb. Very happy!

Now to get boards made up and then get the LEDs installed.


I will post some photos later.

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A few photos, first of all the prototype board:



image by AP474, on Flickr


This uses Pulse Width Modulation to dim the LEDs whilst maintaining the colourimetry.

Here you can see the pulses on the oscilloscope:



image by AP474, on Flickr


A couple of photos showing before and after, first off one of the LEDs on normal brightness:



image by AP474, on Flickr


And dimmed down:



image by AP474, on Flickr


I will post a few more photos later.

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Hi Peter, I have just carried out a search on the internet for photos of 47461 to see if it actually made it on shed at Toton.

Guess what, it certainly did:




I am definitely going to get a Bachmann 47461!

Hope you can find one Alex,

It doesn't seem that long ago that Rails had them, if only you had known back then.


Cheers Peter.

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The pit lighting windows are fantastic and the led lights look pretty good too. I remember going down a few pits and they are pretty dim and dark in most cases so the led lights look good from what I can see. I would never have the patience to make the little light windows for the pits :).

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