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Boxenby depot


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Thanks for the kind comments Artizen. I have also been wondering about the pit lighting and how it can be controlled. I think you are probably right that they must be able to only illuminate certain lights where a particular loco is sat overhead otherwise the waste of energy and cost would be ridiculous! More research required before I fit the final lighting, especially for the long through road. Might be a good idea to have the ability to manually control the lights in say four sections of that one particular pit.

After a bit more work weathering the inspection platforms, they are pretty much ready except for some detailing bits which need adding. These include; hand rails, drain pipes and other bits and bobs but nothing major.


I decided to take a few photos, this time BR blue period, with a cheeky 58!



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the inspection pits ready for final fitting, this means getting the working lights added and wires soldered on to the rails for the power. I am also going to start the preparation work for the depot floor.

Progress is definitely being made.

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I am no electronics expert so if this is a daft suggestion i aplogise in advance, but could you not utilise the locomotives to turn on and off the pit lighting? Wether that would be by pressure or motion sensor as they arrive/depart or possibly using the loco to complete the lighting circuit?


Not sure how realisitic it would be but then again I know little of diesel period


Very impressed by the project as a whole :)



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I am no electronics expert so if this is a daft suggestion i aplogise in advance, but could you not utilise the locomotives to turn on and off the pit lighting? Wether that would be by pressure or motion sensor as they arrive/depart or possibly using the loco to complete the lighting circuit?


Not sure how realisitic it would be but then again I know little of diesel period


Very impressed by the project as a whole :)



Could probably manage this idea with reed switches. Just a thought

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Thanks for the comments and feedback.


Thanks Duncan, I agree, also the typical depot clutter will make a big difference. Benches, trolleys, loco parts, cabinets, tools…….
I am glad that I decided to only have working lights in three of the fifteen pits, otherwise it would have been ridiculous! The work and wiring would have been silly!


Thanks Chris. I go through stages of BR blue with Peaks and then early 1990s variety. Need to get more Banger Blue, 20s, 31s, 37s, 47s and Grids….I would like a couple of blue 47/0s.


Thanks for the info 37038. I am sure that you are right, depots must have the ability to switch on and off certain lights as required.


Hi David, that is a good idea, whether using magnets, light sensors or something else it must be possible. Although that would have to be dealt with by Grimley Senior as my electronic skills and knowledge are well, almost non-existent!


Going to make a start on the planning for the depot floor this weekend.

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Despite my preferred period being that of the late 80s/early 90s, I still have the often urge to model Boxenby during the late EWS/early DB period. So whilst out in the train room earlier I took these three photos:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Normal service was resumed shortly after as I found these two:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I do really love Thornaby 37/5s, especially these two beasts, lovely!


Over the next couple of days I plan to start on the depot floor, first off the design......I have decided to use laser cut MDF for the concrete floor. More over the coming days.

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Hi Alex,


The pits and service platforms are looking very good, certainly has the Toton feel to it. Yes have to agree regards Thornaby 37's, got 501 & 502 in the loft, don't think they have actually been run yet! Wish I had bought 37507 along with the two Hattons were selling a while ago for £50 each.





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Hi Simon, thanks I am pleased so far although the real test will be once the floor is down and the shed is on. The lighting is completely different once the shed is sat on the board, hopefully it will look okay, especially once I get some depot clutter positioned around.
My 501 and 502 have only been run a handful of times and 506 and 514 I don’t think have been run at all! I have to confess these were purchased from Hattons for £50 each, I just couldn’t resist! I share your sentiments, I too wish that I had bought 507 as well. Never mind, may be if in the future one comes up on eBay for a reasonable price then I might get one, although there are requirements for other classes before another 37/5!
As the second Lakenby to Corby coils on a Friday was recessed at Toton over the weekend and the locos stabled at Toton, it is a nice excuse to have a couple of 37/5s on shed at Boxenby. When modelling 1991/1992 I can then start to introduce Metals sector 60s to Boxenby, lovely job!

Any progress on the Cowans Sheldon crane?

Hi David, I thought that you might like that one!

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Re the pit lights: At Newton Heath, the pit lights are split into two, so either half of each road can be lit. I imagine it's the same at loco-only depots!


Hi 37038, I have heard that the pit lighting was split into two allowing half of each road to be switched off/lit. May be this was common practice for BR depots, who knows. Perhaps someone on this forum with knowledge can confirm. Thanks again for your post.

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Hi Simon, Metals 60s were my favourite, perhaps I should have modelled Thornaby depot?!!!
I don’t know how you do it, what with Dallam, your crane and 7mm Grid, three projects on the go at once, I struggle just with the one! Oh and three superb projects too! If you need somewhere to store the Cowans crane, I can certainly help!!


Hi class60lover, agreed, in fact there is nothing wrong with any liveried 60!
It is quite scary to think that this project has been going for nearly 5 years, but as you say when you go back to the first page it makes you realise just how far I have come. Hopefully over the half way mark! I do hope so, I just want to play trains!

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image by AP474, on Flickr

I do really love Thornaby 37/5s, especially these two beasts, lovely!

Hi Grimleygrd


Nice to see 501 and 502 on Boxenby

The Thornaby 37/5s were one of my favourite sub classes too.

Class 60s always looked at their best with black diamonds !


It's always interesting to watch progress on Boxenby. Work on the layout seems to be a real labour of love  -the attention to detail, like the installation of inspection pit lights.




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Hi Alan, agreed, at the time I remember some real tractor fans were not impressed with getting rid of the split boxes on them. I really liked them!
Remember a day out at Langley Mill in 1988 seeing both the loaded from Lakenby to Corby and return empties, the pair on the latter could be heard long before they came into view.

I am glad that you like following my progress, it has been slow at times but I keep going!

Not much to report, I have been busy over the past couple of weeks with very little time for modelling unfortunately. I am still at the planning stage for the depot floor and hope to have that finished soon allowing this to move forward. I also need to push on with the inspection pit lights…..


Whilst out in the train room last night measuring up for the depot floor, I took a few photos:


First up 56006, Will had this one out on his scenic board so thought I would take a few photos, please excuse 37501 in the background!


15583215747_83a4da2b68.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


15148422664_84013b3d66.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


15768370455_21da7e27aa.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


After looking at Heljan’s latest class 58 releases I couldn’t resist getting out a couple of mine:


15768370375_7898409920.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


15769937972_bcf8acce3f.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


15583572670_232c0b84c4.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


I can definitely see me getting 58006 and 58036, well I think it would be rude not to!

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Love that side view. There is a pic of 036 and your 56 on an earlier post on 29th oct, 7th pic down that is square on the side. I love the way that looks. Captures what it must look like inside.


Must admit if I was will , when ur out id be filling the pits with my 66 and 60 just to have a more modern feel. All safely put back after of course

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Thanks David, I am into 58s at the moment!


Hi Class60lover, thanks I too like that view. However, when eventually finished, it will not be possible to take photos from that angle. Well, unless a camera is placed on a wagon of some sort! Something to consider may be?.....

Don’t even go there! It is a shed free shed!......

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I like 56006, Alex. Very nice.


I'm into 58s too at the moment of course. I now have 4 for which I have no justification, other than that I like them. It's a little known fact that 4 of them were transferred to Haymarket during the 80s for use on local MGRs. Well, maybe not, but Boxenby, sorry Toton, wouldn't have missed a few back then, would they?


Incidentally, I have now laid my new depot floor and am hoping to start painting it soon. Will let you know how I get on. I have painted a test section using Woodland Scenics "Earth Colours" (white, concrete and stone grey) on some scrap from my scrapped floor and am pleased with the results. Nice colour and a nice matt finish. (Mrs WW says it isn't a nice colour but it does look like concrete, so I guess that'll do). Easy to use too, being water-based. 


Cheers for now,

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Hi Dave, me too it is a beast! Always loved the Romanian ones, especially in Blue and Original Railfreight lovely!


Sometimes it is nice to just run what you want, and they are good models. Glad to hear that Haymarket have four 58s, I look forward to seeing them running through Waverley West. As you say, Toton wouldn’t have missed them!


I will be interested to hear how you get on, sounds like you have found a nice solution to the colour. Funny isn’t it how the other half can often be most helpful when it comes to modelling! Mrs G is often consulted because she knows very little about our hobby.
Looking forward to seeing the concrete floor.

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Yesterday, with the kind help of Grimley Senior, we measured up ready for the depot concrete floor. I have decided to get the floor laser cut out of mdf. Now to get a list of the required parts to make up the depot floor typed up ready to get them cut.


15803651701_4454efcffb.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


All this talk of Grids, couldn’t resist this:


15186084923_ba7c03333f.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A bit later than the Boxenby modelling period but they do look good sat in the bays.

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