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Boxenby depot


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Thanks David and Jamie.


Thanks Neil, hope the Little Layout Company is going well.


Thanks Class66 and WCML100.


This evening I have given the inspection platform bases a couple of washes of weathered black:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


They have been left to dry.


Next up, weather the tops of the platforms. Hopefully I can make a start on that over the weekend.

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Thanks Duncan, I am starting to get a bit excited now as I can see light at the end of the shed....sorry that should be tunnel!

Once the platforms are ready I can then get the pits and platforms in place and start on the depot floor. You never know I might be able to get this finished by 2020!


I am not sure whether I am really sad or just obsessed with modelling, I think I know which! This week whilst waiting for the tube I have started looking at the rails and concrete and in particular the different colours. It looks very much like Railmatch weathered black covering everything....surely this is not normal behaviour?!! Am I the only one that does this?

Should I be worried?!!!....is it too late?


I really need to get out more......

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Thanks Duncan, I am starting to get a bit excited now as I can see light at the end of the shed....sorry that should be tunnel!

Once the platforms are ready I can then get the pits and platforms in place and start on the depot floor. You never know I might be able to get this finished by 2020!


I am not sure whether I am really sad or just obsessed with modelling, I think I know which! This week whilst waiting for the tube I have started looking at the rails and concrete and in particular the different colours. It looks very much like Railmatch weathered black covering everything....surely this is not normal behaviour?!! Am I the only one that does this?

Should I be worried?!!!....is it too late?


I really need to get out more......

Personally, I don't think you're sad or obsessed, just have a good eye for detail and a mind that finds a way to model it.


After all, I've been known not only to look at certain details but to photograph them as well. Where does that put me?



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Thanks Duncan, I am starting to get a bit excited now as I can see light at the end of the shed....sorry that should be tunnel!

Once the platforms are ready I can then get the pits and platforms in place and start on the depot floor. You never know I might be able to get this finished by 2020!


I am not sure whether I am really sad or just obsessed with modelling, I think I know which! This week whilst waiting for the tube I have started looking at the rails and concrete and in particular the different colours. It looks very much like Railmatch weathered black covering everything....surely this is not normal behaviour?!! Am I the only one that does this?

Should I be worried?!!!....is it too late?


I really need to get out more......



Yes - when are you doing the cladding!!!!!! :scratchhead:



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Thanks David and Jamie.


This afternoon it was time to return to the inspection pit lights, and in particular the fitting of the dummy lights. So out came the wooden jig to hold the inspection pit.

As the holes have been drilled, the modification made previously could be removed.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now ready for the inspection pit to sit in



image by AP474, on Flickr


Out with the brass jig to help hold the lights in position whilst the glue sets. Here it is loaded and ready to go



image by AP474, on Flickr


Sitting in position



image by AP474, on Flickr


All done, dummy lights fitted



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Inspection pit returned to its home



image by AP474, on Flickr


A Peak sitting on the pit to see how it looks



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Two pits to go.......



Ah -  the Holy Grail that is a MODELZONE flush front Peak.



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  • RMweb Gold


I am not sure whether I am really sad or just obsessed with modelling, I think I know which! This week whilst waiting for the tube I have started looking at the rails and concrete and in particular the different colours. It looks very much like Railmatch weathered black covering everything....surely this is not normal behaviour?!! Am I the only one that does this?

Should I be worried?!!!....is it too late?


I really need to get out more......

Don't worry I do the same when I visit London!

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Thanks Duncan, don't worry I too have photographed things to model. I have also been known to enlist help from Mrs G counting bricks.......time to change the subject!


Sorry Ian to keep you waiting! I keep thinking about how the shed will look with the cladding added and weathered but I have a plan which I am endeavouring to stick to!

The idea being that if I get the majority of the modelling and detailing completed for the inside of the shed then I won't have too much work to do after that. Sounds good in theory!


Indeed, lovely models although I would like a high intensity headlight fitted on one and converted to a 45/1. I still cannot believe that Bacmann have not released a sealed beam Peak, long overdue.....come on blue team, it's time!


Hi MM, that is a relief to hear that I am not alone!


Hi Class60lover, nice idea! Always helpful to have photos to study.


Hi Cav, too true, special indeed! Modelling madness!....


Ian, could I please ask which particular ballast stone were you photographing?!!!

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I think look pretty good Alex. I know what you mean about when you feel something isnt quite right. I get it all the time, although no one else would ever see what you see, it still bugs you until you mess it up even more, sorry fix it!

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I was at Preston waiting for my daughter to arrive on a 158 from Leeds - just saw the usual plank on rusty rail scenario which

had just modelled as a coincidence on the last diorama.


Sad but true.



Edited by Crisis Rail
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Platform walkways look fine.They are the correct height and just need toning down with dirty thinners to blend in

maybe you are unhappy as they look too clean?


Also when everything is "in place" they will sit well with the rest of the depot.



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Hi Cav, thanks. I keep thinking that once the shed is on and it is much darker inside, will you even notice the inspection platform bases? Perhaps I am just being too pedantic! You are right, a few times in trying to fix it, it makes it even worse! However, I then seem to discover a new way of achieving the look I was after!


You are right Duncan, once I feel it looks right, I can then move on.


Hi Ian, so it wasn’t the ballast you were photographing?!! Sometimes whilst waiting for the train, I find myself looking around at buildings, track, weathering…..

May be you are right, as the tops have not been weathered yet perhaps I am looking at the other areas too much.


Thanks David. I am not sure what it is to be honest, cannot quite put my finger on it…..may be the middle of the bases, the area around the support girders. Certain patches and lines.


Well after many a minute pondering what to do, I decided to try toning it down a bit by adding a wash of dirt to the bases. This appears to have helped, I am happier with the look of them now. I think!


I will post a photo later to see what people think.

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