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Boxenby depot


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Yesterday in the post two DVDs arrived from Electra Films, if like me you enjoy watching video footage from the late 80s and early 90s, then I strongly suggest visiting their website. I cannot recommend their DVDs highly enough. Not only are they good to watch but great for modelling ideas too!


After watching some of the DVDs, my list of locos that I would like to model has grown considerably!

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Excellent Grimley. The platforms are looking really good now.  you get an idea of how long they are to.    Not really seen much of Toton internally,  Id there room for two / 3 per platform?


Going back to the evergreen card, I found ebay useful, some people, if they have the stock will do multiple buys for cheaper so might be a idea.  I did pinch your idea from way back re the card and go a sheet myself to see whats its like  and i think the finish on boxenby is going to look amazing.

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Thanks Class60lover. My understanding is that when Toton was originally built, the dead end roads could accommodate two peaks. That is my understanding, however, I am sure that someone on this forum has better knowledge and can correct me if that was not the case. The four through roads can just about take four class 60s, buffers touching, inside the shed.


Thanks for the suggestion, when I am eventually ready for covering the outside I will certainly have a look on eBay. The Evergreen sheets are great in my opinion, hopefully it will look good once covered and weathered.

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I have removed the masking tape and Maskol from the inspection platforms and it took nearly as long as it did to put on! Still done now and I am pleased with how it has turned out.

Now to leave them for a few days for the paint to harden off before commencing on the weathering.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Here you can see two peaks sat on one of the dead end roads



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Hopefully this week I can get the dummy lights added to the three inspection pits ready for fitting the working lights.

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Thanks David and Jamie.


This afternoon it was time to return to the inspection pit lights, and in particular the fitting of the dummy lights. So out came the wooden jig to hold the inspection pit.

As the holes have been drilled, the modification made previously could be removed.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now ready for the inspection pit to sit in



image by AP474, on Flickr


Out with the brass jig to help hold the lights in position whilst the glue sets. Here it is loaded and ready to go



image by AP474, on Flickr


Sitting in position



image by AP474, on Flickr


All done, dummy lights fitted



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Inspection pit returned to its home



image by AP474, on Flickr


A Peak sitting on the pit to see how it looks



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Two pits to go.......

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Thanks Dan, and I agree, the Peaks need weathering!


Thanks Guy.


Earlier today I decided to crack on with adding the dummy lights, working on the last dead end road pit.


Here it is back in position:



image by AP474, on Flickr


A few photos:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Whilst in the mood I thought that I might as well get the last pit done. So this evening I went out to the train room and did some modelling, which was nice.

What a relief it is to finally have dummy lights added to all the inspection pits, phew....another job done....



image by AP474, on Flickr


With a few spares left over



image by AP474, on Flickr


Back in position



image by AP474, on Flickr


Brush Beast sat on the inspection pit



image by AP474, on Flickr


Not the best photo looking across the different roads, but you can just about make out the inspection pit lights.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the inspection platforms weathered and then I can get the depot floor down. Oh and get the working lights sorted....

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Hi Peter, my plan at the moment, subject to short notice alteration!, is to get the inspection pits ready for final installation, then weather the inspection platforms so that they are finished, before deciding how to attempt the depot floor. Well, that is what I am planning, hopefully that is how it will go.......oh, and I nearly forgot, get the pits with working lights operational!


Thanks Jamie.


Thanks class60lover, I do agree, always nice to have a class 60 around. I keep looking at the Petroleum 60 sat on the board and cannot help but love them, especially in sector livery. Lovely locos, both in real life and in model form.


Whilst adding the dummy lights, unfortunately the jig has removed some of the paint from the rails which needed some attention. Over the weekend and this evening I have been painting the rails and touching up the affected areas. But now that has been done, the pits just need the excess paint removing from the top of the rails.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Before the inspection pits can be fitted in their final position, wires need to be soldered to the underside of the rails ready for powering up. I feel that we are now not that far away from seeing the first loco movement at Boxenby....now that has been a long time coming!

The question is what loco will have that honour?!!!


Next up, make a start on weathering the inspection platforms.

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Hello .   is that 60014  a Hornby model ?  ive wanted one for a while but only seem to see the EWS ones these days. I have an old Lima version but nothing like that quality.


The pits are coming along well and although you have said you have suffered a bit of damage, for the scale of the model you have done really well not to have had more mishaps, unless i have missed something. ( its hard to remember all of what i have read)


I would suggest maybe using the first ever loco you purchased as the first one to run, I say that as technically its waited the longest, or maybe even you favorite engine from your younger days?  just a thought.

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Hi Duncan, I am glad that you are enjoying progress of my depot. I am sure that there will be some form of celebration once the first loco has run!


Hi Class60lover, yes 014 is a Hornby model. I believe it is a renumbered 062 and weathered, which I purchased off eBay. Lovely model!

I have had a few minor issues whilst working on this project which has resulted in having to start again or revisiting......best I don't try and recall them!

It might have to be a Grid as back in 1988 they were my favourite class.


Thanks Jamie, slowly but surely!


Thanks David.


Now that the paint on the rails has been sorted the pits have been put back.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Just noticed that road 15 hasn't been put back properly!



image by AP474, on Flickr


I am planning to make a start on weathering the inspection platforms, hopefully over the next few days.

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Thanks Jamie. Always nice to see 56s! I am looking forward to Hornby's Large Logo Grid coming out, surely that must be soon?!!...


Not much to report this week, I have been busy with work and on taxi duties so not too much time for modelling. However, I have just been out to the train room to look at the inspection platforms and how the weathered black wash looks.

This week I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about the weathering process and how to get the dirty look right on the platforms. Most evenings this week I have spent time looking at photos of the real inspection platforms at Toton from back in the mid to late 80s and early 90s to help me.

Whilst out in the play room earlier, I decided to gently remove the weathering from the support girders on one of the platforms to see how it looked. I am pleased, this will now be done to all of the platforms before further washes are applied to the bases and upper support section. Once I am happy with the look of the lower parts, I can then move on to weathering the platform tops.


Hopefully, I will be able to find some time over the weekend for a bit of modelling......

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