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Boxenby depot


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This looks familiar,........I am not going to say anything else, as you know where this is going!


Yesterday I made another guide to help with drilling the rectangular holes:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I then realised that the dummy lights that will sit in front of the holes were not ready. Although the light frames had been sprayed just before we moved nothing has been done on them since.


This morning I made a start on cleaning up the light frames and preparing the inner clear plastic.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Half way there, hopefully tomorrow I can finish them off and then they will all be ready for adding after the holes have been drilled.

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Hi Dave, you had me worried there. I thought that I would have to sort out a few more!


Thanks, it is nice to be back modelling again. I am motivated at the moment!


Well this afternoon with the help of Grimley Senior the rectangular holes have been drilled. It took us quite a while to get the drill set up and aligned correctly to allow the holes to be drilled in the right position. However, it appears to have paid off as the holes seem to be in the correct positions!


First off we had to mark on the outer walls of the inspection pits where the holes needed to be drilled:



image by AP474, on Flickr


The guide that I made yesterday came in very handy!


We started off working on the longest pit, one of the through road pits.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


The other two dead end road pits were harder to work on due to the sides being filled in meaning that the pit could not be slid all the way along whilst sitting in the jig. This meant that only half the pit could actually fit into the jig and at one end, not ideal but there we go.

Once one side had been marked up, the pit was turned around, put in the jig at the other end allowing the opposite side to be marked. Once the holes on one side had been drilled the process was then used on the reverse side. Hope that makes sense!


Starting again, using the guide, lines were marked on the outer wall to show where to cut.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Finished, all done!



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the dummy lights added.


Couldn't resist a quick photo of these:


After having worked a cement train from New Southwich, 31247 is seen outside Boxenby keeping Grids 002 and 024 company. Lovely liveries!



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Hi Dave, you had me worried there. I thought that I would have to sort out a few more!




Sorry Alex. Didn't mean to worry you!  Those inspection pits really are the pits. Oh no, there I go again.


Fantastic attention to detail in those latest shots, Alex. You're veering off into the world of model engineering there. It makes my pits seem very primitive now! The trouble with a layout like WW is that there is always so much else to do that it's difficult to spend too much time on anything in particular. The same could be said for Boxenby I'm sure, but you seem to be determined to put that detail in! Brilliant.


Keep up the great work.




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Hi Dave, no need to apologise, I manage to wind myself up without any help!

Thanks for your kind comments, I do wonder at times if it is worth all the detail and if it will look right, but who knows. I can understand what you are saying about WW and spending too much time on one particular area as you have so much to focus on, whereas I can concentrate solely on the depot. Luckily I don't have a station to model for Boxenby!

My pits are the Peco ones, and to be honest, not deep enough for diesels but it is too late to make any changes now. Whilst I am pleased with them, if I was completely mad and started another depot project I would have to make my own with the correct depth. Sometimes you have to compromise, whether it is, cost, space, detail, time, or whatever.

As Mrs Grimley says "it's not real"......., still what does she know eh?!!


Hi Jeff, it was drilled using a Straight two flute TC tipped router bit, 1.5mm, in a Pedestal drill.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Peter, you are right. It's supposed to be a hobby!

I am looking forward to seeing some Choppers, Grids and Bones sat on them with the floor down as well. Still a long way off but getting there.


Thanks Terry and David.


After some thought and discussion we have decided to rethink the way in which the pit lights will be lit. The original design, which worked very well, has been discarded as we feel that it was going to be too difficult to install, especially for so many lights. We are now looking at using optical fibre cable but further research and development is required at this stage. Yesterday some 1.5mm optical fibre cable arrived ready.

More on that in the coming days.


Now that I have my motivated cap on, I decided to start work on getting the inspection platforms ready for installation. These were originally sprayed in grey but I was not overly happy with the colour so I decided to go over them with Plasti Kote Suede spray paint before beginning the weathering.


First of all the depot shed had to be removed from the board to allow me to get the platforms out.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Then the platforms were masked up ready for spraying.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Then sprayed.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the white lining on the edge sorted before commencing the weathering process.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great work and attention to detail as always!

A real labour of love. I think that I would have taken a few shortcuts by now if me!


Are you coming over to RMweb Live at the weekend? If so, a couple of visitors to Orchard Road would be interesting.

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Thanks MM, much appreciated. To be honest at times I have have taken shortcuts but ended up not being happy and revisiting. So now I just try and get it so that I am happy with it rather than trying to get it finished quickly. Grimley Senior always says "..it takes as long as it takes".

I have learnt to slow down and have a bit of patience. Cannot believe that I am saying that....


No sorry I cannot make it. I wanted to go but unfortunately have a busy weekend ahead so not able to go. Have a good weekend Sir and I look forward to seeing the photos.


Very true David, you are so right. Now unless I am happy with it, it has to be changed. Sad I know! I won't go on anymore.....

I will post some photos shortly of the inspection platforms.

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A few photos of the inspection platforms:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


There has been a bit of bleed from under the masking tape but nothing too serious, overall I am very happy.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the platform bases sprayed with Plasti Kote suede as well before commencing on the weathering.


Here is a photo showing the depot shed sat on board 2.



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Cant wait for the cladding to go on.


Just got one sheet of EVERGREEN today at £5.25 a pop.


It's gonna be expensive for Boxenby?




(edit: What happened to the Tyre Turning lathe? - is it in there somewhere!!!? - quite something I can relate too and was interesting.

Edited by Crisis Rail
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Hi Ian, do you know what, I think that you might be right?!! Perhaps it is time to book an appointment!


I keep looking at photos of Toton shed and then thinking about how Boxenby will look once the cladding has been added. It will hopefully bring the building alive.

However, one thing that I am not looking forward to is the cost of the Evergreen sheets, as you say, not overly cheap!

The wheel lathe is still safely in a box following our house move, don't worry I just haven't got them out since. I will take a couple of photos later.


Hi Cav, I am happy to go if you are?!!

Ian is right, have you seen the crazy guy that is building a model of Millers Dale? Now he is mad?! That is in a completely different league of insanity!

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Talking of insanity, some nut job decided yesterday that it would be a good idea to cover all the girders on the inspection pits with Maskol ahead of spraying the bases!

In order to protect the colour of the girders, I thought it would be easier to use Maskol than mask them up individually using masking tape.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Hopefully I can get the bases sprayed with Plasti Kote suede later.

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This afternoon I masked up the inspection platforms ready for spraying. I think that there may be a shortage of masking tape after the past few days!


The platform bases have now been sprayed with Plasti Kote suede.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to let the paint harden for a few days before commencing on weathering the platforms.

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