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Boxenby depot


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Hope your move went well class60lover. You are not wrong, moving in 30 degree heat was hard work! Still at least it was dry....those storms were nasty!

I have wanted a train room, so to speak, for a while and have to say that it is perfect. Just what I had thought of.

Thanks, hopefully the unpacking will be a lot easier than packing! Still once all the unpacking has been done, I can go out to the play room!


Thanks Terry and Jinty, we are all in now. 


Just a quick update: Boxenby is now safely set up in its new home and I am very pleased.


14731169502_fc860e8f20.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the home sorted and then I can get back to some modelling.....

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Thanks class60lover, it is a relief to have moved Boxenby and halve it set up in its new home. The play room is certainly big enough, allowing for New Southwich to be set up in there as well. I will post some photos later.


The unpacking is progressing, albeit slowly but I think it will take a couple of weeks to get straight.


Today BT connected the telephone and broadband so I can now update my thread, although not too much to report!

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Some photos of Boxenby in its new home:


Yesterday whilst setting up board 2 I decided to put out the two Bachmann washing plants. These are very nice models and whilst they are not quite in the correct position, I think the washers should be further to the right and on board 3, it was nice to get them out and see how it looked.


14770822896_65c033bd79.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A view looking towards board 2 from the depot:


14793823685_cb98bfc57e.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Whilst unpacking I came across these two cheeky chappies:


14813664543_9826748c26.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Two of my favourite Grids, 002 and 024 both in Original Railfreight. What a superb livery which really suited the Grids. These two models were converted from the old Mainline model, and whilst they were done a good few years before Hornby released their new version, they are still nice locos.

Come on Hornby, please release an Original Railfreight Romanian version next year!


14790694021_7985744d5e.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


The washer road would often be used as extra stabling sidings, something I will definitely do.


Here you can see New Southwich on the other side of the room:


14607116340_ca1de13b85.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


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  • 2 weeks later...

It is a nice room David, I do quite like it!


Class60lover and Cav, like you two I have wanted a train room for a little while so I am very pleased to have one. In fact, over the moon if I am honest.

Now to get on with some modelling!


After a brief jaunt across the pond for holiday, I am now looking forward to making use of the new room and getting some modelling done, in between unpacking a few boxes!


Time to catch up on RMWeb...

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Hello Alex,


 I am now looking forward to making use of the new room and getting some modelling done, in between unpacking a few boxes!

Time to catch up on RMWeb...


Good on 'yer.  And we are looking forward to watching the layout develop!


Best wishes,


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Hi Alex, i would kill for that room, really looks the part.

And boxenby is coming on lovely, nice to see it moving to a new room were you can get the next boards in place.


Great job mate

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Thanks Terry, Jinty, Chris, class60lover and Neil for passing by.


Terry, I do hope it turns out okay!


Thanks Jinty, hopefully more updates now that we are getting more settled.


Thanks Chris, I am sure that your Type 5 fleet are due for B exams at Boxenby!


Class60lover, The room doesn't have any heating but a couple of portable ones should do the trick!

No plans at the moment to join up Boxenby with New Southwich. But hey, you never know!


Thanks Neil, It is nice to have a room that I can go and do some modelling as and when the time allows. Hopefully now it has a nice home I can make some progress!

Good to see you are still modelling with Millwood.

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Well over the past few days I have managed a bit of modelling, although I am having another deja vu feeling. It seems like I keep coming back to those bloody roof sections!

I have kept looking at them and it has been niggling away at me. Every time I looked at them certain areas of the roof just annoyed me. Unfortunately unless I am happy with it, I have to revisit, but now I have to say that I am pleased with it. Phew, got there at last...I now look at the roof and it doesn't annoy me! Result......hopefully that will be the end of it.


I think I need to get out more........


Tomorrow I am planning to sort out getting the roof sections held in place.


It is good to get back to modelling......

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Well over the past few days I have managed a bit of modelling, although I am having another deja vu feeling. It seems like I keep coming back to those bloody roof sections!

I have kept looking at them and it has been niggling away at me. Every time I looked at them certain areas of the roof just annoyed me. Unfortunately unless I am happy with it, I have to revisit, but now I have to say that I am pleased with it. Phew, got there at last...I now look at the roof and it doesn't annoy me! Result......hopefully that will be the end of it.


I think I need to get out more........


Tomorrow I am planning to sort out getting the roof sections held in place.


It is good to get back to modelling......



Calm down Alex.


It's usually me with the crisis-is :D



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Hi Grimley,


After reading through you recent postings I was quite interested in your Mainline Grids. I have a couple of these as half finished projects and seriously thinking of finishing them off. I know the new Hornby model is up to date but in my opinion it still needs a bit of work.


Have you re powered yours? This is something I'm thinking with mine once I find something suitable.




Edited by Wayne 37901
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Hi Wayne,

Have a look at the Kingsley Colliery thread. Chris has some nice class 56s, one has a Heljan chassis it looks pretty good.


Cheers Peter

Hi Wayne,

Have a look at the Kingsley Colliery thread. Chris has some nice class 56s, one has a Heljan chassis it looks pretty good.


Cheers Peter

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Hi Ian, apologies, I obviously need to take a chill pill. Oh, and get out more.....


Hi Wayne, to be honest the Mainline Grids have not had any changes made to their motors or mechanisms. I have only recently got them out after years of being in storage!

Whilst they will both eventually be replaced by the newer Hornby model, 002 and 024 are my two favourite Grids, for the time being they will be used as non runners around the depot.


As Peter says it is well worth visiting Chris' excellent Kingsley Colliery thread, he has some lovely traction including many Grids.

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Well, with the help of Grimley Senior, the two main roof sections have been properly attached using metal clips to hold them in position. I am a very happy bunny!

This is how I had hoped the roof would look, although at times I did wonder if that was achievable!


After handling the roof sections over the past few days whilst working on them, unfortunately this has resulted in a bit of touching up being required with some paint in certain areas. Although once that has been done, I think that I can say that the roof sections will be finished!


Here are a couple of photos of the roof sections in position:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get on with adding the working lights to the last three inspection pits. Then I can start work on the depot floor......

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Thanks Sam, David and class60lover, I am very pleased with how it looks. Definitely worth the time, effort and frustration!


I am thinking of a name change for my layout from Boxenby to Déjà vu depot, I definitely keep experiencing the same event when working on certain areas of this project!


After tweaking the roof it is now time for a return to the inspection pits and in particular adding the lights to the last three pits. These three inspection pits will have working lights, so in order to have them actually lighting up, the walls of the pits need holes drilling in them.

A few months ago I bought a router drill bit to allow a rectangular hole to be cut which will then allow the light from the LED or bulb to bleed through.


Many hours have been spent working on the inspection pits and I have to confess to being quite apprehensive about the cutting of the holes. I really don't want the pits getting damaged.

So today with the help of Grimley Senior a start was made on moving this forward by conducting a test cut on some spare pieces of inspection pit.


First of all a test cut was made on an unused piece, before moving on to my test inspection pit.


Here are a few photos:


The router drill bit



image by AP474, on Flickr


The first cut, outer wall



image by AP474, on Flickr


First cut, inner wall



image by AP474, on Flickr


A slight adjustment to the position of the drill in relation to the pit wall to allow the cut to be made higher up. Below you can see the first cut on the left and then the second cut slightly higher up to the correct height.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Finally the rectangular hole cut on the test inspection pit, either side you can see dummy lights. These were added when testing the jig.



image by AP474, on Flickr


I am very pleased with the results, the test cuts have not in any way damaged the inner walls of the inspection pits which is great news. That was my main worry, so to see the nice finish on the test pieces was very pleasing, oh and a relief. This will allow the dummy lights to be added in just the same way as the other pits.


Now to get the drill set up ready to cut the holes on the three real pits.....

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