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Boxenby depot


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Hi Ian, nice to hear from you again, thanks for dropping by.


Thanks for your comments and feedback, much appreciated. I totally agree it doesn't look right without the beams but don't worry they are on the very long to do list!

I plan to have both the support metal I/H beams and also the smaller ones that were part of the folding depot door setup which will allow me to have those type too if I decide to model the depot prior to 1988.

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Thanks for posting the photo that is right up my street!


Last year I had the parts produced to make a similar model of those particular lifting jacks ready, although I haven’t found the time to assemble them!

That is exactly the sort of scene I am looking to recreate with a loco up on jacks and the bogies removed.


They looked so good in triple grey......

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Despite a busy few days I have finally managed to conduct a test with the trolley. Using a spare inspection pit, two lights have been glued into position with the help of the trolley and I have to say that I am very impressed with it. To say that it will help make the job easier is an understatement, using the trolley allows two of the lights to be added very quickly. What a great piece of kit!


A small adjustment, come modification is required, but it is pretty much there. Hopefully I can get another test completed later this week after the mod has been made.


In the meantime a few photos to show how the test went:


The trolley loaded with two inspection pit lights


 14143268318_0090bf9584.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


One of the lights after gluing in position


14328187202_09fb973bbe.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


14328186872_56bbe2cae1.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A plan view showing the two lights in position


14326599941_bfa974c127.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


The pit with inspection light and chopper


14143267929_dfed1bb1d0.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


I am pleased with how the test went and feel that the inspection pit light resembles what I am trying to achieve.


Now to get cracking with getting them added to the proper pits.....

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Yesterday I took delivery of the modified trolley, thanks to Grimley Senior, and carried out another test. Two more lights were successfully glued on to the test inspection pit and I am now ready to tackle the 15 pits.......


A few photos:


The modified holder on the trolley


14163840470_4bbe5626d7.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


The procedure for adding the light to the pit is as follows; place the light into the holder, add glue, position the trolley on the rail in the correct position, slide the holder over to the wall, using the knife blade hold the light in place, retract the holder, wait 20 seconds and hey presto it should be glued on.


Here you can see two inspection pit lights on one pit wall 


14163787038_9214f9753c.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A view looking down on the pit showing four lights in position, the spacing is between the first two on the left  and the ones on the right is not correct. I just carried out the test to check that the modifications worked. When it comes to gluing the lights on to the proper pits I will have a guide down the side of the inspection pit to make sure that the spacing is correct.


14347100101_7c688a4976.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


A few including a nice chopper on the pit


14163786818_3135874879.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


14350444015_60c048302d.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Looking down the pit from the pit floor


14163840290_402f944ea9.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


14350444145_e98751bc13.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get on with getting the lights added to the real pits.

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Last night I carried out one final test using the trolley:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to move on to the real pits...I am a little nervous at the prospect of gluing the inspection pit lights to the proper pits if I am honest, especially after the work that has gone into getting them to this stage.....fingers crossed!


Hopefully tomorrow I can get the guide printed out and ready to allow gluing to begin on the first inspection pit.

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Hi Scott, many thanks for posting the photos. I am always interested to see depot inspection pits, that is how sad  I am! Very topical and very useful, much appreciated.


Looks like they are a standard BR regulation light and identical to those at Toton. I have even seen one like that at my station albeit painted black!


The pits look fairly clean and well kept. Not like my ones......


Hope you had a nice trip, by the sounds of it you did! 

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Yesterday I finished the guide to help with the positioning of the trolley which will hopefully mean that the lights get glued in the correct place. This morning I printed it off and hopefully this week I can make a start on one of the inspection pits. Unfortunately I didn’t have time over the weekend to get any modelling done.


 Here is the guide, it needs cutting out and then putting on a piece of wood which the pit will sit in.


14196909460_40984dc8a6.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


Whilst in my modelling room, don’t tell Mrs Grimley that is what I call it, I remembered Cav’s former 37707. Couldn’t resist sitting her on one of the inspection pits. Can’t wait to see her sat on the pit once the inspection pit lights have been added.

What a lovely Tractor, Nice!


14382041702_c44c65b387.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


I need to get these lights added.......

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As mentioned before the plan is to have a piece of wood that the pits will sit on with the guide attached. Yesterday Grimley Senior kindly cut out a channel from a piece of wood for the pits to sit in using his router. Now I just need to stick the guide to the wood next to the channel.

The inspection pits for roads 5 to 12 have the sides filled in, these inspections pits allow for bogie inspection where the depot floor is lowered, so will not fit in the channel. These ones will just sit straddling the channel.


Here is a photo showing one of the through road pits sat in the channel:


14393893721_6a19240b92.jpgimage by AP474, on Flickr


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Hi Jeff, some of the lights will work but not all of them. I will be adding the dummy lights first before fitting the working ones. Working up to tackling the more complicated ones......


Thanks David.


Hi Class60lover, she certainly does, a bit of a beast!

That is very kind of you to say but I have to confess that I don't come from an engineering background. However I do try to get my drawings as accurate as possible using my limited experience!


The guide has now been stuck down to the piece of wood and I am now ready to add some lights to one of the pits. I might make a start tomorrow......



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr

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This evening I decided to have a go at gluing on some of the lights to one of the inspection pits. After a little tweaking to the trolley I managed to sort out a method for how best to add the lights going forward.

Road 15 now has lights added.


Here are a few photos:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


14 to go.....

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Hi Class60lover, I am trying not to think about all the wires and the work involved to fit lights!


The lights really do make a difference to the look of the pits, they bring them to life. If that is at all possible for something made of plastic!

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This evening I added some of the lights to one of the long inspection pits. It didn't take as long as I expected to get them glued on thanks to the trolley which makes it straightforward and quick per light.


A few photos:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Finally some progress is being made.

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Hi Alex,


The pits are really coming to life - I'm sure you'll be as keen as we, the readers are to see all of the pits in place with lights and the floor down.  Keep plodding on - it will be well worth it.


Best wishes,


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Hi Chris, the lights certainly make a huge difference to the look of the pits. I am very pleased with them so far. 

Most days I search the internet for photos and video clips of Toton for inspiration and motivation and it makes me think about how the depot will look once the pits and floor have been added to the board. Why is there never enough time for modelling?!!


Hopefully I can plod on a bit more this weekend!


The current state of play with the pits is that 2 and a half of the long pits have now got dummy lights fitted. Half, because unfortunately last night just before the football, one of the brackets on the trolley, which hold the light in position came unsoldered. This needs soldering back on, which hopefully Grimley Senior will do later today. This will then allow work to continue over the weekend. My plan is to get dummy lights fitted to all but three of the pits over the next week or so.


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Thanks Bob, I am glad that you like the updates.


This morning I managed to finish off the third long inspection pit which now means that three out of the four through road pits have had dummy lights added.


A few photos, I know that 56006 is not from the same time period to run with 37707 but I just couldn't resist a photo of the two of them together!



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Looking down the pit.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I am very pleased with how the dummy lights look so far.

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This afternoon I have made a start on the dead end road pits, commencing with road 5. The pits for the dead end roads 5 to 12 have concrete sides for the area where the depot floor is lower. This is to allow the fitters to work on the bogies and under frame. As you can see road 5 has the concrete wall towards the rear of the pit where Grid 6 is sitting on.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Hopefully I can get more work done tomorrow with another pit getting lights added.

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