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Boxenby depot


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Hi Alex.


Long time no speak.

Boxenby looks superb. The roof detail is brilliant.

I´ve just been catching up on the last few pages and with reference to the metal cladding, South Eastern Finecast make a version of it. It is reference FBS413 Profiled Steel Cladding. Available in 14" x 9" sheets. About halfway between A4 and A3.


Keep up the superb work.



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Hi Andy, how are you Sir?


Thanks, the roof is almost finished. Hopefully at the weekend I can finally move on from it!


Thanks for the information on the South Eastern Finecast cladding, I will certainly have a look at that. Might get a sheet to experiment with before committing to Evergreen.
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The roof is almost finished, I have just glued the industrial roof vents on.


Just a bid of touching up with the paint brush is all that is required before I can say that is is finished. But it is pretty much there.

What a relief!


I will post a couple of photos later.

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Here are a couple of photos.


Firstly, in order to get the correct spacing and alignment for the roof vents I printed off something to help. This was then cut out and used to help get the vents in the correct positions illustrated here whilst working on the last few:



image by AP474, on Flickr


The completed roof section, including roof vents, which sits above roads 13 to 15:



image by AP474, on Flickr


A shot showing the whole roof of the depot:



image by AP474, on Flickr


I will take a few more photos tomorrow.

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This morning I took a few photos of the shed roof, sorry to bore you with continued shots of the depot roof. Don’t worry very soon I will have moved on and you will have to wait a while before I post anymore!








Now that the gap at the top of the skylights has been covered by the brass strips it has made a difference to amount of light that comes into the shed. I thought I would post a few photos to show the difference it makes although it is probably not that noticeable!








The old and new order at Boxenby.




Coal sector 60, lovely!




A nice variety of traction on shed.




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Hi Alex

Nice photos, some hard work gone into it...  nice era to model to.


and for Dave...

Who knows Hornby aren't the quickest when it comes to releasing new catalogue items... You just may beat them...



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Hi Alex

Nice photos, some hard work gone into it...  nice era to model to.


and for Dave...

Who knows Hornby aren't the quickest when it comes to releasing new catalogue items... You just may beat them...




Based on Hornby's track record, I reckon I might have a couple of years in which to do it, so the race is on.. :D .

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Thanks Dave, it is a good feeling knowing that the roof is pretty much finished. Relief!

Why don’t you respray one, not 091 and then when Hornby do eventually release their version you will have two. Bonus! Always nice to have a couple of 60s.....


Thanks Jamie, it certainly is a nice era to model. Well in our opinion!

Lovely locos and liveries....


Thanks David.


Now that the roof is near enough finished, apart from a bit of touching up with paint, I am preparing to make a start on the inspection pit lighting.

Whilst only three roads will actually have working lights, and the rest will be purely for cosmetic purposes they all need to be the same. My OCD will be pleased as I have just worked out that I need to produce approximately 350 of them. Good job I only plan to illuminate 59 of them.......otherwise that would just be silly!


Hopefully I can get the design finalised this week and get the different parts for the cosmetic side ready over the next couple of weeks. This is going to be interesting working on this part of the project! But at least I am moving closer to getting the inspection pits finished and permanently in position which will then allow me to get the floor down. Then I will be able to move something in and out.......I really must get cracking!


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Well not too much to report. Today I have touched up the areas of the skylights that required attention with the paint brush and I am now ready to move on to something different.


Time to get cracking with the inspection pit lighting.......easier said than done me thinks!

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Love the shine off the side of that 60. 


brilliant work.


Its going to be interesting  seeing all the inspection lights on. are you planning to have them all on/ off or will you be able to just light ones you choose ( maybe a step to far)


cheers  steve

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Hi Class60lover, oh yes just noticed that you can see the 20s in the side of the loco. 


I have to be honest that although it would look really good with all the inspection pits lit, to actually light 350 of them is a step too far....so my plan is to light one of the through roads, (roads 1 to 4), one of the dead-end roads, (roads 5 to 12) and then finally one of the heavy lifting roads, (roads 13 to 15).

Being realistic that is probably enough. I do however plan to have half of each of the roads with working lights to be independently controlled allowing half to be on and half to be switched off. If that makes sense!


Yesterday I had a few minutes to spend looking at the final design and hope to get the artwork finished this week.

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Last night I finished off the design for the inspection pit lights and hopefully the different parts can be produced over the next week or so.


Completely unrelated but I thought I would post this photo:



image by AP474, on Flickr


I do really like a bit of Original Railfreight and Red-stripe Railfreight action!


Need some track down......

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Hi David, I agree although it will look better once the track is down and ballasted! Oh and the shed covered.....I really must pull my finger out!


Hi Cav, oh I do like the sound of that. I look forward to seeing your 58.

You got me thinking about 58s, so took these for you:






They definitely looked best in Original Railfreight, in my opinion.

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Yes I a agree Alex. The livery was actually invented for them so goes to reason really.


Ill post some pics once the weathering gets underway.


Yours look nice on shed.

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Hi Cav, of course I forgot that! Memory is going, must be my age......I remember on Anglia rover days out we often used to get to Peterborough around the time the Fletton to Ratcliffe fly ash empties were passing through, sometimes with a 58 on. Always used to look forward to the prospect of seeing a type 5 on that. I have always quite fancied modelling the Fletton fly ash train, 45 odd wagons behind a 56 or 58 would look rather nice I think.

I look forward to seeing your weathering on the 58.

Thanks, I am looking forward to getting the inspection platforms finished and weathered. Then with the addition of the floor it should really start to come alive.


Thanks Bobster, a nice selection. It will be better once board two is added then I can line up a few locos on each siding.

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Thanks Jinty, glad that you like it so far.


Dickiegrid100, I too really liked both Original and Red-stripe Railfreight liveries and agree it suited the locos that carried it. I do like a nice lineup of locos!


Yesterday I picked up some samples of laser cut parts for the inspection pit lights. Now this will probably sound silly, well actually it does, the parts are very small and although that is to be expected I am still surprised at the size of them. Whilst I knew from the drawings and measurements what to expect, it was still a bit of a surprise to see the actual size of them.

Enough waffling......I am really pleased with the design and the result.

The inspection pits are going to look really good once the lights are fitted.


I will post some photos later.

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The inspection pit light is made up of an outer frame and then a clear plastic inner.


Here are some photos of the inspection pit light.



image by AP474, on Flickr


I used my test bed inspection pit, which was used for practicing weathering and rail paint testing to see how the light looks when added. The test light has been held in place using some Blu Tack. The outer frame will be sprayed a grey or aluminium colour before being weathered.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


It is quite amazing the difference the lights make to the inspection pit, it really brings it alive.

Once they are painted and weathered it will certainly change the whole look of the pit, although it will be difficult to really see the lights from the outside of the shed! One wonders if it is really worth all the effort bearing in mind how little of the inside of the shed can be seen, especially if most of the doors are closed and locos on the pits.....still at least I will know that they are there.


Now that I am happy with the test pieces, I can get the laser cutting completed for the 350 odd lights that are required.


After seeing how the test version looks on the inspection pit I am getting excited about this part of the project, I am really motivated to get the inspection pits finished and in their permanent position. Can't wait to see lots of choppers, grids, bones and 60s sat on the inspection pits with the floor down.

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