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Boxenby depot


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This afternoon I carefully removed the masking tape from both sides of the skylights and was very relieved to find that no paint had bled through on to the glazing. The hours spent masking up the skylights have certainly paid off.


I am very, very pleased with the result, and despite having to respray and weather the roof sections again, it has been worth the time and effort. Whilst adding the trim and then masking it all up I was beginning to wonder if it was worth bothering with but now seeing the roof sections back on the shed I am seriously pleased with how it has turned out.


The only downside is that my fears of the masking tape removing some of the paint have been realised but in a strange way I quite like it. The skylights now look like BR have neglected the depot roof for a good few years and it is in need of some TLC. My initial thoughts are to leave it as it is and just tone down the areas where the paint has peeled off by going over them with some washes of weathered black. But overall I am not too disappointed with what has happened, far better that I only have to touch up the paint on the skylights rather than having to try and remove paint or worse still replace the glazing!


Here are a few photos:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Late this afternoon 56040 arrived on shed, here is a quick photo:



image by AP474, on Flickr


Tomorrow I will take some photos of the new arrivals inside the depot now that the masking tape has been removed and light can get in!


This evening I have started preparing the industrial roof vents for weathering which hopefully can commence over the weekend.

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Hi Porkie, thanks it is nice to see some traction out the front of the shed.


Thanks Duncan, as you say hopefully once toned down a bit the roof will look okay.


Yesterday morning I finished off preparing the industrial roof vents for weathering which hopefully can be done in the coming days.



image by AP474, on Flickr


I took some photos of the recent arrivals but unfortunately had issues uploading them yesterday evening. All sorted now:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I have to admit to really liking 56040, Romanian style 56s in Original Railfreight, nice!


I apologise for the last photo but couldn't resist! When I saw the two sitting next to each other and after looking at Jeff P's photos of sector locos I just had to......



image by AP474, on Flickr

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The 60 in triple grey looks very nice, I really wish I could get away with one on Millers Dale!


The depot is really looking the biz now though. Its very atmospheric and realistic.

Edited by RBE
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Great work


Super photos. If it wasn't for the floor you couldn't tell its not actual footage.


Im a little young to remember the old paint jobs but yhey look great.


Always room for a photo of a 60. ;-)



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Thanks Cav, I am starting to see it coming together now. Funny isn't it, I spent a lot of time working on the running rails and the metal work and as you can see in the photos above, you can't really see much of it! In photos 4 and 5 you can really see what I mean.


You could definitely get away with a Brush beast on Millers Dale, if I am honest it is a must! Just extend your period slightly to allow Construction sector 60001 to arrive, she would look amazing passing over your superb viaducts. Come on, just do it! You know it makes sense....


Thanks David.


Thanks Class60lover, hopefully in a few months the floor will be down. I agree, don't worry once it is finished there will be plenty of class 60 action.......sector style!


The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day........this week I have been applying two coats of grey to the areas of the skylights that required attention. This has taken quite a few hours.......on some of the skylights I had to touch up a lot of the individual bars, seriously time consuming and mundane.........

This evening I applied a coat of weathered black on top of the grey on one of the roof sections, another two hours, but it certainly has been worth the effort. I am really pleased as the roof section looks really good. Once the lead flashing is added it should really finish it off.

Just two more roof sections to go before we are ready for the lead flashing and finally the industrial roof vents. Then finished.....

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Looking good Alex,

Suppose you will be changing the number on 56040 at some point then, I have been looking for a blue 56 for Llanbourne but they all seem to be well expensive I might have to paint my Construction one.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Mate


The shed is excellent and the rolling stock is all my era mate, I had to look twice to see if it was real, some of those photos have a cartoon image to them, that's just how good this looks.


Must be quite wide judging by the amount of track, are you planning to joint it to some bigger layout....


Cracking job



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Thanks Arnie, glad that you like them.
Hi Peter, yes 56040 will become 56038 Western Mail, although I will have to attempt to return the cant rail grilles to the original version. I agree that the recent releases 56082 and 56083 seem to be very expensive. What about getting a Large Logo one when it is released later this year? On test from Crewe...
That would look superb arriving at Llanbourne, oh and with a sound chip!
Thanks rs4. It is also an era that I remember well. Lots of variety both in traction and liveries.
Thanks 7APT7, it will look better once the floor is down.
The plan at the moment is to model the main shed, the stabling sidings out the front of the shed, a few sidings to the rear and then the fuelling point. I will try and post a track plan to help explain. Eventually I would like to have a four track mainline passing by, but that is a long way off.....probably when I retire!
Yesterday I finished touching up the skylights and this morning started weathering the industrial roof vents. I also need to get cracking on the lead flashing.


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Hi Alex,

Tell you what seeing that pic I am suprised how big the shed area actually is.


I remember seeing 56038 in blue back in the day, any reason for doing another western region loco, would have thought you would have done a midland based loco.


My triple grey 56 has a sound chip but isn't the best runner, I don't seem to have much luck with them as my railfreight red stripe one was pretty bad too.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks Arnie, glad that you like them.
Hi Peter, yes 56040 will become 56038 Western Mail, although I will have to attempt to return the cant rail grilles to the original version. I agree that the recent releases 56082 and 56083 seem to be very expensive. What about getting a Large Logo one when it is released later this year? On test from Crewe...
That would look superb arriving at Llanbourne, oh and with a sound chip!
Thanks rs4. It is also an era that I remember well. Lots of variety both in traction and liveries.
Thanks 7APT7, it will look better once the floor is down.
The plan at the moment is to model the main shed, the stabling sidings out the front of the shed, a few sidings to the rear and then the fuelling point. I will try and post a track plan to help explain. Eventually I would like to have a four track mainline passing by, but that is a long way off.....probably when I retire!
Yesterday I finished touching up the skylights and this morning started weathering the industrial roof vents. I also need to get cracking on the lead flashing.




This shot, shoes just how big the shed is.... take my hat off to you mate for all your hard work and efforts in getting this far,,,



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More great updates, Alex. That shot Jamie pointed out really does show how big the shed is and more to the point how straight you managed to keep everything. That's my major concern with the impending depot building builds. I'm planning on copying much of your technique by the way. Hope you don't mind!


That's quite a loco fleet you're building up there too. Have you got a plan for the "final" fleet? BR blue, Railfreight, Sector 37s, 47s, 56s, 58s, 60s, hmmmm...




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Hi Peter, it is quite a large shed. The depot shed has its own board! What a silly idea......


No reason other than it remained in that livery until late 1991. You are right I should really model Midland region ones!


Sorry to hear about your Grids, that is a shame as I would like to see some 56 action at Llanbourne.


I have to confess that as yet I have not taken the body off 040 so not sure about that. I think I may have to get a sound fitted Grid for Boxenby!

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Hi class60lover, me too. I do quite like them......and 60s!


Thanks Jamie, there have been a few occasions over the past couple of years when I have thought why I started such a large depot project! But at least now I can start to see something for all my time and effort. Just want to get it finished and play!


Thanks Dave, I too was very conscious of getting the shed to sit nice and square and also straight. The sides do have steel in them to help!

No worries at all Sir, although I am not sure that there are many techniques to copy!

If I can help at all, passing on how I approached different areas and worked on them please feel free to ask away.


With regards to the fleet, that is a good question about the final fleet. I do have certain locos that I plan to model, here are a few examples;


Class 20s, Original Railfreight; 023, 059, 090, 104, 108, 132, and 215. BR blue; 071, 143, 164, 169, 210, 214 and several more.....


Grid wise; 002 and 024 in Original Railfreight, my two favourite 56s. I have old Dapol/Mainline versions of these two although they are not quite as good as the latest Hornby version. The latter remained in that livery up until 1992, perfect!

BR blue, 004, 008, 010 and 022 as these remained in blue for a good few years. Then a couple of Doncaster examples.

Red-Stripe Railfreight; 011, 019, 044, 048, 049, 068, 076, 100, 107 and 108.

Sector; a couple of construction and a good few coal ones too. I plan to model 066 as this one had round buffers which made a change.

Large Logo, a few of these to include 093, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 111, 119 and 126. May be a few more.....


58s, all of them! Eventually.....


60s, well as I am a big fan of them it would be rude not to model each one........


Plus some 08s, 31s, 37s, 45s, 47s....


Some of the above locos will be suitable for the whole period modelled from 1988 to 1992.

Obviously it will take many, many years to get any where near all of the above!


If I am honest I would quite like to model all the locos that were at Toton when I first visited on the 20th of February 1988. I think that would be quite good to actually model a particular day.

I have a list of all the locos that were present, I will post it later.


Best I keep this thread out of sight from Mrs Grimley otherwise any future funding may be severely cut!

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This thread seems to have been around for decades.


Dedication to say the least - it would have been shelved long ago - how you retain the interest without wanting a change I do not know....!




Any more images of the completed tyre turning lathe and swarf extraction system?



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Hi Ian, it feels like decades! I cannot believe that I am still going with it! Must be mad.....


To be honest I have not been near the wheel lathe for a couple of years. Once the roof is finally finished I will be getting the lights added to the inspection pits and then make a start on getting them down in their final position. This will also include the lathe pit so will take some photos when I work on this part of the depot. The wheel lathe and extraction system need weathering too so will take a few photos then as well.

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Here is the list of locos present during our visit to Toton on the 20th of February 1988





Rear of Shed









Fuel Line






Front of Shed


































Inside the Shed




























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Forgot to do an update!


This evening I have continued weathering the industrial roof vents and they are almost ready.


Grimley Senior has been working on a test piece of brass for the lead flashing and quickly painted it Matt black to offer it up. Here is a photo:



image by AP474, on Flickr


It needs trimming but gives an idea of how the finished skylight will look.


Hopefully over the weekend we can make further progress with the lead flashing and finally get the roof finished!

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