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Boxenby depot


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Hi Porkie, I really like your new shed and look forward to seeing some BR traction outside of it.


Thanks for the kind comments class60lover, hopefully it won't be too long before we see some movement. Still it has nearly been four years since it all began so a few more months won't matter! But I too am looking forward to seeing some locos moving on the board......


Well this morning I started adding the trim to the edges of the skylights, the first of which can be seen below:



image by AP474, on Flickr


This is a fiddly job and very time consuming as each skylight has to be individually worked on.


Whilst the photo does not really show much of a difference between the three skylights and the others, in reality it does change the look of them. Now to get the other 38 done.........


Whilst this does not have any relevance to the skylights I couldn't resist a couple of photos of some type5 power on shed.......



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Thanks David. I am not sure if you had noticed but I am quite partial to Type 5 traction......
Well work continues on the roof sections, it seems like I have been working on this part of the project for months.....Oh I have! Just when I get it into my head that I am nearing the finish line it seems to move further away.....
I am really looking forward to getting this finished!
Last night I managed to get the end trim pieces added to the last of the skylights. Hopefully over the weekend I can get the long cross pieces added and any gaps filled in ready for touching up. Then the lead flashing can be added.


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Hi Jeff, the strips are made from ASA, an off white composite plastic. The saw used was a jeweller's saw with a 48 TPI blade and the reason for using this particular one was due to the finish that the blade gives.


Hope that helps


This afternoon the trim for the widest of the skylights has been added.

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This afternoon, with the help of Grimley Senior, the last of the trim was added to the skylights on the lathe road roof section. Thank goodness that job has been finished.....this was very time consuming. I have to be honest and admit that at times I did question whether or not to bother but on reflection it has definitely been worth the effort. The trim really does finish it off.

Now to get the gaps filled and touched up with paint before adding the flashing on the top of the skylights. Progress has been made..........


I now feel motivated again after a lull in enthusiasm!


Here are a few photos showing progress:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Merry Christmas to all RMWeb members, some Type 5 traction on shed!



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Thanks Peter, Merry Christmas to you and your family.


This afternoon I spent a couple of hours finishing prepping the skylight trim ready for painting. Hopefully I can get primer on and the top coat added later this week. I can definitely see light at the end of the tunnel!


Merry Christmas RMWeb members.

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Merry Christmas Chris and David. Hope you both had a nice time.


I do feel that there is some light shinning through Chris, albeit a small amount! Hopefully 2014 will see a lot more progress with the first movements around Boxenby shed! Fingers crossed.....


Yesterday evening I masked up the inside of the skylights ready for spraying:



image by AP474, on Flickr


Hopefully this evening I can get the tops masked up allowing me to spray over the weekend. Subject to the weather!

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Hi Class60Lover, I had a nice Christmas thanks and hope you did too.


Funny you should ask! Father Christmas has kindly helped boost the Boxenby Type5 fleet with a couple of new arrivals. First up is another Heljan Original Railfreight class 58, not sure which one this will become as yet. Perhaps 58047 or 58049.

The other loco due to arrive is an additional Grid, this time 56040. Whilst I know that this model has the later style cantrail grilles as modified by Loadhaul, my plan is to attempt to return the grilles to the original version and renumber it to 56038 Western Mail which retained its Original Railfreight livery up until late 1991. Just right for my modelling period.

I am quite partial to a Romanian style Grid in Original Railfreight.....


Happy New Year and thanks for the continued interest.

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Today is Boxenby’s 4th Birthday, I cannot believe that I have been working on this project for that length of time.....
I thought it might be good to do a comparison between the photos taken four years ago at the start and the most recent ones to see how far this project has come. So here goes:
December 2009: 
When the idea for this project was first conceived
Building the boards
Starting to assemble the main shed building
Looking down roads 13 to 15
How different the depot looks from when the first loco, 60040, was put in for a quick photo
Present day:
Looking down roads 13 to 15
58041 is sat roughly where 60040 was
Hopefully in 2014 we will see the shed finished and locos finally moving around the depot.


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Hi Class60lover, it is nice to hear that you enjoy my updates. You don't need to worry about the updates coming to an end just yet, still a long way to go!......


Don't tell Mrs Grimley but I do really need a bigger room, especially once I move on to boards 2,3,4 and 5........


Happy New Year to you too.

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Hi Lewis, apologies I hadn't seen your post. Thanks, I am pleased with progress so far. It will be good to finally get the roof and skylights finished......

The fleet is slowly growing, still need a few more locos to be able to run the depot in a prototypical manner.


Thanks Mark, hopefully I will be able to show a video of some movement in 2014, fingers crossed! The same to you Sir, all the best for 2014.


I am beginning to think that this is becoming déjà vu depot......this afternoon I have been adding washes to the roof sections. Have I not been here before?!! Oh yes back in September........


The tops of the skylights were masked up ready and then a coat of primer applied to the areas where the trim had been filled.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Then a further coat of grey applied.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


This afternoon a wash of weathered black was given to all roof sections.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Hopefully I can get the top coat of weathered black applied over the coming days, subject to the weather......


Happy New Year to all RMWeb members.

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I have to admit that I am another who doesn't want to see this completed (in some respects). The updates provide ideas for myself and others.


However, I would love to see the finished article.


Happy New Year



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Happy New Year.


Hi Duncan, thanks. I am glad that you like my updates. Don’t worry as mentioned earlier there is still a long way to go. But, even when it is finished you will get plenty of updates as the fleet grows......oh and the layout expands....


Thanks Neil.


As today presented an opportunity of dry weather, albeit a brief period, I took full advantage and managed to get the roof sections sprayed with weathered black. What a relief, hope they are okay! Seeing as it is meant to rain on and off tomorrow and then continuously over the weekend, I am pleased to have got this done.


Next up is to remove the masking tape and touch up the paint on the skylights if required. I fear a few may need some attention. Another job to do.....Then to get the industrial roof vents weathered up ready for gluing down.


In addition to the above,  there is also the lead flashing which will sit on the top of the skylights. My plan is to have a strip of 0.1mm brass, with 0.4mm brass wire soldered on to represent the lead flashing. This can then be painted and weathered to match.


Here is a strip of brass that has been cut and bent:






The brass strip sat on one of the spare skylights to show what it should look like, although the brass wire needs adding:




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