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Boxenby depot


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Looking great, Love the pic of the red stripe 31.


Dont know if Facebook is your kinda thing Grimley...

Theirs a stunning Toton depot layout on the N gauge group on their.


Look forward to your next update

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Hi Porkie, many thanks I am very pleased with 31247. Like all my 80s and 90s stock it just needs some weathering!

Unfortunately I am not on Facebook, do you happen to know if the layout is available to view on another site? I would love to see it.


Thanks David, I am just waiting for some dry weather to allow the top coat to be applied to the skylight tops.


Thanks Cav, yes I believe the screw heads might be a bit over scale! Hopefully once the roof is finished and the inspection pits down I can get to work on the depot floor. Then it should look a lot better. 

I really want an Original Railfreight 31, loved them in that livery. Plus a couple of battered blue ones like you.


As the weather was not great last week I decided to work on the signs that sit above the tracks to identify the road number. Whilst these are not yet required it is one less job to do later on. The artwork has been done so when I am finally ready these can be produced.



Depot-Road-numbers2 by AP474, on Flickr


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Thanks Hybridangel77. The conical industrial roof vents were made using 13mm push button cap 4mm plungers, purchased from RS, glued to a square plastic base. Hope that helps.


Hi Class60lover, thanks. To be honest I used to model the current scene before starting Boxenby so my 80s/90s fleet is not that large. An approximation would be 9 class 20s, 1 class 31, 5 class 37s, 2 class 45s, 1 class 47, 4 class 56s, 3 class 58s and 5 class 60s. Slightly short of traction one thinks!

There may be a few MGR services cancelled......


At the moment I am concentrating on getting the depot finished but once completed I will be in a better position to increase the fleet.

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Hi Alex,


I really like your progress with the roof, the geometry and symmetry really set it apart from your run of the mill two road depot layout. This is truely stunning.


By the way, I was hoping for the red stripe 31 to compliment this.... But all sold out




I hope you don't mind me posting this.


Best wishes,


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Thanks for the kind comments Chris. I am pleased with the roof so far, fingers crossed that once finished it will look okay.


I certainly do not mind at all, that is a very nice 31. I am sure that I have mentioned this before but isn’t that 31 due an exam at Boxenby?!!!

According to TOPS it has just been allocated 0F54......


On Thursday I managed to get the long skylights sprayed matt black, now to get one side of them painted grey. I have no idea when that will be as the weather forecast seems to show rain for the next week!



image by AP474, on Flickr


My younger son had a Karate competition in Sheffield on Saturday and we were staying a stone’s through away from Rails of Sheffield. As I have not visited this shop before I thought it rude not to pop in. I came away with two of the recently released Bachmann Mechanical Wash Plants.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Whilst the wash plants at Toton are different I think that these will do the job nicely.


Yesterday after watching my elder son play football we ventured to Peterborough with Grimley Senior to the National Festival of Railway Modelling. Whilst we arrived late in the day we thoroughly enjoyed our visit and it was nice to see and chat to some RMWeb members.


I also came away with another loco to boost the Boxenby fleet



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now for some dry weather to allow me to finish off the roof!

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Hi Alex,

I like your new Skinhead red stripe beast, I have been looking for one myself. Hope the weather gets better so you can get spraying. Just so you know it's been raining here all day.


Cheers Peter. 

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Hi Peter, I have also been after one for a while so pleased to finally get my hands on one. Need a couple of BR blue ones now. 

It is nice to know that we are not the only ones enjoying this fine weather! The rain this morning was unbelievable....not sure I am going to be able to do any spraying at the weekend.


Thanks David.


Hi Mark, thanks. I always liked 31s, so it is nice to get a couple for my layout. Yes the wash plants look very good and are nicely made by Bachmann, just need to get the layout finished to allow them somewhere to sit!


I must say thank you to my elder son for allowing me to use his new base boards to take photos of the wash plant and 31. He is starting a new project which I am very excited about. The past week or so I have been conducting some research and pondering different ideas to help him with this project. This has kept me busy whilst work on Boxenby has stopped briefly.


Yesterday evening Grimley Senior came to visit and brought with him something very nice to show me. He has been working on developing a prototype for the inspection pit lighting for Boxenby. When I saw what he had made I was very, very impressed. Just what I was after, many thanks Dad!


Here are a couple of photos showing the representation of a fluorescent tube which will eventually be fitted to a couple of the inspection pits:



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


GS is now planning to produce a couple more before attempting to fit one of the prototype lighting kits to a section of Peco inspection pit. I am looking forward to seeing that!

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What a talented modelling family you've got over there. Those lights are going to look the business.

Shame about the weather but unfortunately it's getting to be that time of year where modelling seems to become confined to being indoors.



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Hi Tom, thanks not sure about that although Grimley Senior is very talented.

As you say it is getting to the point where modelling has to be done inside rather than outside. That is why I was desperate to get the spraying done as soon as possible allowing me to continue work in the home.


Luckily a window of opportunity presented itself yesterday afternoon allowing me to get the long skylight tops sprayed. Good job I did rather than waiting until today as it has rained on and off all day. I have been looking at the colour of the other skylight tops for the past couple of weeks wondering if the colour grey used was right. Every time I went in the room and looked at them it made me ponder if another grey should be used. As I needed to spray the long ones, I decided to use a different grey, a slightly darker shade and at the same time give the others a coat too. I am pleased that I took the decision as they look much better now, definitely the right thing to do.



image by AP474, on Flickr


Here you can see them in position, the colour looks much better. I am glad that I resprayed the others.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get a couple of washes of weathered black on them, the glazing added and then glued down.

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Good to see your OCD is alive and kicking Alex.


I'm very interested to see how your (or should I say GS's) inspection pit lighting develops, as I'd like to do light my new inspection pits on Haymarket. The lights at Haymarket were spot lights in the side of the pits, so I've been considering some sort of "light box" arrangement with holes drilled in the side of the pits, but it's interesting to see a different approach. I'm watching with interest! 


Keep up the good work.



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Thanks David.


You know it Dave, this project was only started to try and help overcome my OCD problems!

Not sure it has helped much......


I am only planning to fit working lights to three of the fifteen inspection pits but don't worry my OCD will be pleased as in total I need about 320 of the light fittings.......

Hopefully GS will have more for us to see next week.


Thanks class66.


After nearly a week to allow the painted skylight tops to fully harden I thought it was about time to get them covered in a wash of weathered black. Don't tell Mrs Grimley but I used the kitchen floor.....



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the glazing added.


Some Red-stripe Railfreight 31 action at Boxenby:



image by AP474, on Flickr

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I've been following progress with Boxenby since I first found this site over 2 years ago. This is the first time I've posted here so I 'll start by congratulating you on this incredible project. It has been fascinating to watch how Boxenby has developed. -especially your attention to detail and the way you have tackled the problems associated with building such a large structure. Are you still planning to run the layout mostly from late 80s to mid 90s? Definitely the best time for liveries!


The other reason I thought it was about time I said hello was to pass on a few shots of Toton taken in November 87, hoping they might be of interest to you.

The quality isn't so good as the original prints were copies which have now been photographed with a digital camera. Usually I only took slides on occasions like this but ran out of film before even getting close to the depot....who visits Toton with only half a role of Ektachrome in the camera!

Most memorably it was a VERY foggy day - making it impossible to see further than the length of 2 locos. 
























Sorry - nothing I could do would persuade that 56 to turn upright.


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Hi Alan, many thanks for the kind comments and posting the photos. What a superb set of photos, right up my street! Superb job Sir!


Loving all the different locos, how good does that Grid look in Large Logo?!! Oh and the Original Railfreight 58s...lovely!


I agree about the liveries the late 80s and early 90s was a good period to model. Whilst my preferred modelling period is 1988 to 1992 I am quite keen to go back a bit further to 1985.

But we shall see!


As I have been helping Will with New Southwich, Boxenby has been neglected. So I thought it only fair to do a bit of work on the depot.

This afternoon I made a start on the glazing for the skylights and in particular the narrower version which sits above the lathe road.

I have to be honest and say that I really have not been looking forward to this part.....but this afternoon the glazing has been added to the skylight tops.


Some photos later.

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