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hi andy


yeah the tin foil works well as i see it being used by some one else here on rmweb so thought id give it a go.it will look better once painted i think.


things are going ok at home thanks for asking.




p.s. do you own a mercedes benz hence your profile name?


Nah, if only. I used to drive a Mercedes Axor for the company I work for, my original username expired and I couldn't log back on, so that was the first thing that came to me. 


Glad to hear things are improving, I hope the modelling is helping the long road back.

Edited by Merc435
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thanks for the comments guys, its good to be back.


i blew the dust of my airbrush yesturday and proceeded to weather up some of the new locos a have including the class 128 that you can see in the video i posted onto youtube.

i have not yet got round to doing the new class 47 as i cant find a suitable photo of it yet.

i will post some pictures of the locos i weathered later today.

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thanks for the comments guys, its good to be back.


i blew the dust of my airbrush yesturday and proceeded to weather up some of the new locos

i have not yet got round to doing the new class 47 as i cant find a suitable photo of it yet.

i will post some pictures of the locos i weathered later today.

Do think that the 47/7 will need a heavy weather as from what I've seen they are quite clean, well ish.

But it looks fine as it is to me, it's a beast! Tempted by one myself even thou I'm current scene

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Do think that the 47/7 will need a heavy weather as from what I've seen they are quite clean, well ish.

But it looks fine as it is to me, it's a beast! Tempted by one myself even thou I'm current scene

funny you should say that as i have been looking through tonnes of photos for the 47 today and every one seems to be clean as you say, so it looks as if i will 

have to give the under carriage, bogies and roof a light dusting along with some dirty exhaust smoke.dont want to over do it really.


i am just about to upload some photos of some of the weathering i did on the locos yesterday including the 128 which i have still to add the finishing touches too.


i have a question for you...you know when you leave a comment on some ones thread, how do you know if they have replied as i dont think i get and notifications so 

i have to remember who i left a comment with and revisit their thread a few days later to see if i got a reply but im finding it hard to remember who i have been talking too?



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whilst in the loft i decided to dust off the airbrush and get cracking on with weathering my stock as some of the locos i started weathering some time back but never got round to finishing them.

First off is my new Heljan class 128 which i love so much i want to get another one.i have only just started to grime this up and have still got lots to do to it yet 

to get it looking how it did back in the day but as you can see from the pictures the weathering its received has made a huge difference already.



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Next up is my Heljan class 86 which again is one of my favorites.i started to weather this some time ago but then lost interest so i decided to crack on 

with it but as the body sides and bogies were more or less done i wanted to concentrate on getting the roof very dirty as they were in real life but not sure 

if its looking as grimey as i first hoped it would.



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Next up the line are my Bachmann class 57 arriva, Heljan class 33 NSE and the Heljan class 33 BR blue.

the first two i started weathering a while back but again never got round to finishing them off.


the 33 NSE is now finished and is very very dirty and in need of a visit to the wash.the 57 is very dirty also and is almost complete apart from the roof.


the BR blue class 33 is a new model and have only just started to add a few coats of grime to the bogies and body sides.i still need to add some more 

light dirt to the sides and make a start on both cabs.




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funny you should say that as i have been looking through tonnes of photos for the 47 today and every one seems to be clean as you say, so it looks as if i will 

have to give the under carriage, bogies and roof a light dusting along with some dirty exhaust smoke.dont want to over do it really.


i am just about to upload some photos of some of the weathering i did on the locos yesterday including the 128 which i have still to add the finishing touches too.


i have a question for you...you know when you leave a comment on some ones thread, how do you know if they have replied as i dont think i get and notifications so 

i have to remember who i left a comment with and revisit their thread a few days later to see if i got a reply but im finding it hard to remember who i have been talking too?



I'll send you a PM buddy

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Lovely video and the weathering of the locks is looking great. Must get myself a class 128 it looks so good. Now where did I put my wallet?



hi mike


you must get yourself a 128 as its a fantastic model and heljans best yet.infact i love it that much that im buying another one and going to respray it into royal mail livery.

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Great work Terry. You really have the hang of this weathering. I am partial to the 86 and the 57 in Arriva livery. 

im the same over the 86's and 57's. although i did not like the 86's at first but have now grown on me and my 86 is one of my favorite locos i own.

im thinking of getting another one but they seem to be very expensive.

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Really like all the loco weathering. Post 418 has a lovely little water feature too. Great stuff, as usual. Enjoyed the latest video too. :thankyou: All useful stuff to emulate...

Glad to see you back up to speed......speed of light that is........vroooooooooooooooooooooom.

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Really like all the loco weathering. Post 418 has a lovely little water feature too. Great stuff, as usual. Enjoyed the latest video too. :thankyou: All useful stuff to emulate...

Glad to see you back up to speed......speed of light that is........vroooooooooooooooooooooom.

lol thanks jaz.for me its all about the realism and that includes making sure all stock is weathered to a very grimey standard as in real life.

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Hi guys


Well i have been busy in the loft this week building the new station and weathering my stock.But i have decided to take a break from all that 

and have decided to scratch build some houses from plastikard which will be used on the residential area of the layout when i get round to 

building it so at least i will have some of the houses built ready for it.

So here is the bare frame of the houses minus the roof and windows ready for the brick plastikard to be glued on.


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