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sean hpw

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Hi all.


I joined RMweb some time ago but never got around to posting. this is my layout, huckwood started as a combination of Bestwood and Hucknall collierys about 3 years ago, Mk1 was never completed. Mk2 is 20 feet long over the fiddle yards and 18 inches wide with a 12 foot scenic section between the 2 cassette type fiddle yards of 4 feet long, accomidating a good train lenght set in 1964. most trains are coal traffic, comprising of workings both directions, with a regualr schedual of passing goods trains, passenger workings are minimal, loco's are primarily RTR (although several kits are planned) and wagons much the same, well weathered as per period and a good mix of steam and diesel traction is in evidence. most of the buildings are scratch built, using wooden shells with brick paper and wills roofing slates to complete. signalling is most likely to be ratio kits with Dapol motorised ones in for good measure. Mk2 is DCC controlled, and the points are all controlled by SPDT switch controlled SEEP SM1 motors, train detection is due to be installed, and almost all buildings have lighting and there are several cameo scenes throughout the layout bringing everything to life. this project is fairly well underway with the first 2 scenic sections nearing the end of the construction phase, alot of track needs to be got and most of the points were kindly donated by a friend. leaving just the crossovers at the right hand end of the drawing to aquire, after some thought i decided to use Peco code 100 flexi track for the layout.


I do intend to exhibit the layout when it reaches a good enough standard, i will keep you posted as and where i will be exhibiting!


I do post alot of pictures and always welcome advice and chritisisums.


First up, the track plan.



please excuse the low quality,. it is actually for the signal box diagram


first of the scenic boards



A few days later




a better shot of the stores house




Looking at things i have been working on the embankement at the rear of the layout, royal scott loco 46515 stands on what will soon be the bankers siding, showing how the bank has been given plenty of texture




Just to add a slight varyation to the ER/MR feel, a couple of WR interlopers are seen from time to time, the 56XX is one of my favorite locos, seen here very in begrimed condition!






finally my newest loco, on a temperary piece of track, giving an idea of the size of the stores house.





I will hopefully add alot more to this when i have time to, any thoughts and comments are welcomed.



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Ok gang, time for more photos


first up the base of the signal box, with the controll wires ect






also ive been a-fiddling with the embankment




also the shed is well under way now, along with a storage hut at the side of it




Much still to do, alot of wiring to complete and a lot of detail to add.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the encouragement Les,


Im not sure whats happening with the pics at the mo, there showing up OK at the moment, but were not earlier... anyone else care to check and see whats happening??


 hope to update soon (I havent had much time for  the layout as of the last updates)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, Progress has been slow of late, but I have nearly finished two of the buildings


forst the stores house, a 4MM MDF shell, with match stick doors and outer window frames, cocktail stick down pipe, thin card gutter board and the roofing is a re-cast of the Wills sheets, cast and painted by me (I am very tight with my funds) the brick paper was free of the interweb, so i cant compalin, and it looks OK weathered..




I will be weathering the blue of the down pipe and weather boards before long, and the windows and guttering will need to be added to finish




The signal box has had a little progress made to, although I am not happy with the slope of the roof, so it will be re-built when i find time!




Thoughts and feelings people??



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