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Blog- Argos' Blog - Cut and Shut Station

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I appreciate I am jumping around a bit in this blog, but then that reflects my modelling. I find the initial stages of any layout build a bit dull; yes, the excitement of the first stages of creation is there but previous layouts have got bogged down in the board building process. If I wanted to shape and join bit of wood as a hobby, I’d have taken up carpentry!

To get around this problem I try and mix in bits of modelling, that is after all what the hobby is! The danger is that this creates many started sections but nothing finished. Hopefully the discipline of producing a blog will help keep focus on a finished article.


The original intention was to model the station building at Loch Tay. This was the terminus of the branch so it would be entirely appropriate if this was replicated once the line was extended to Fearnan. The building did fit on the original plans although the goods shed could not be in line as at Killin, which detracted from the “signature” look of the line.




Once the final templates where drawn up I was more uncomfortable using this structure as the Loch Tay building was too dominant, so, what to do?


Looking at the plans of Killin it became obvious that by deleting two of the offices I could have a functional building (Ticket office, waiting room and Ladies and Gents Toilets) in a slightly smaller space than Loch Tay, as Killin was the Headquarters of the line upto the 1923 grouping these office would not be required. The added advantage was that the goods shed could now be brought back into line with the station building as at Killin.





The plans are copied form Modellers Backtrack Aug/Sep 1994 (volume 4 number 3)


So setting about with the oxy-acetylene torch (or scissors and sticky tape) the building was duly shortened



This plan was then photocopied onto card and the cutting commenced.


After a few hours’ work good progress had been made:-




To get the correct “texture” the sides layers have been cut out of thin card, these will then be laminated together on some mount board backing to provide strength (bear in mind the building needs to be demountable also).


I’m still contemplating how to replicate the planking, I don’t feel confident that scoring the lines will give a consistent plank, also looking at the photos the planking is quite subtle:-


I quite like BCN Pete’s (LDN Pete?) work around which provides a neat solution (http://www.rmweb.co....ard-all-aboard/ ) but the printed planking is still a bit harsh for my prototype. I am contemplating a watercolour wash of the correct colour, hopefully this will be translucent enough to show the printed planking but will also tone it down whilst providing the correct colour. I will do some trials and post the results (good or otherwise) in a future blog.




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