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My detailing/repainting projects

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An update of a few projects on the go.
47706. Distressed, filthy black, streaking paintwork, it's been quite a challenge!
Trying to get the details right...such as the replacement unpainted high visibility headlight surround.
This is going to be large logo 47603, 'County Of Somerset'.
Undecided as to what to do this as yet, possibly 47403, 'The Geordie'.
To be 58050, 'Toton Traction Depot'.
A stranger to Annitsford's shores!
A rare cop!!
The joys of RTC stock.
And finally a rake of Dogfish that have been loaded and weathered.


I think I need a little lie down after that lot  :locomotive:
Edited by blueeighties
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Be careful with your choice of blue Generator 47s there Lee.... 47403 would have had different cant rail grills (all the first batch (of what 11?) were different to the rest).... which is why I went for 415.

The photos look nice... you've done some good work there and I think I could be justified in not adding any dust/dirt to the bottom of the sides of my 47 too... I spent a happy hour or so last night browsing my Bradford Barton collection looking for photos of 47s with dirty sides... and only found 4 photos in the whole collection of passenger workings in such a state... and only one of these was a generator... otherwise they were always clean on the sides; flithy everywhere else, but that's the beauty of the 47 B)

Edited by Jon020
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Evening Lee


Good work there with 47706, can I ask how you did the lighter streaking on the bodysides as I'm currently at that stage with mine and was thinking of the best way to get the effect.


Oh and great minds think alike eh?



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The current crop of items on the bench!
These are ging to be 2 large logo 47's, and the RTC 24.
This one is just about lined out now, all of the window bars next   :scratchhead:
'Toton Traction Depot' is progressing nicely.
Yes, I'm waiting for a new delivery of large arrows!
Something a bit tasty...the Silver Fox 89. Not built by myself, I'm just weathering it, and adding lights.
Bachmann's version on the bottom, my version up top!


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Evening guys and gals.

First job today was a bit of housekeeping, after an arrival of a pile of transfers and paints.




The little 24 is progressing nicely, I'm not too sure how to go about the white lining curves on the cab sides though.



Just black window surrounds to go on these 2 and that's the colours on.



Another one of my 'back from the scrapline' Heljan 47's. I was gonna bin this, as it's the original version with the silly perspex panel as a headcode panel. Rather than try the impossible task of trying to shape and fit an inset panel, I have decided to just fill it flush, and do a sealed beam marker version. So...





First job was to fill the gaping void with a bit of plasticard.



Ta da! Finished. Lol. not quite. Will take a good few fillings and sandings before it's properly flush.



Now onto light fitting the 89. I had to paint the interior with a few coats of black paint, as the material the body is made from is pretty much transparent. The marker lights were then carefully drilled out for the fibre optic channels, toy can just see the rear of them here. Once the glue has set, they will be cut flush to the body.



Something else missing from the model was glass covers over the light lenses. I decided to try and see how 'glue and glaze' would look. Obviously, it dries clear!



And this is the pile that has to be fitted next! Because of the rather steep slope of the cab front, I will have to file each led to an appropriate angle to fit. And then work out how to wire it all together   :O

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Hi all.

First off I have checked with Andy Y about making this announcement, I am not actively touting for business here, my workbench pictures, and updates will continue in the usual way. Should I feel the need to properly advertise my services in the future, Andy has explained the correct procedure for doing so. 


Thanks Andy  :)


I know a lot of you follow my work, and a few people have been kind enough to give me the odd commission piece during the last Year or so. You know who you are, and I am eternally grateful.  You are also partly responsible for what I am about to tell you next!

This Year has seen me have a bit of a rough time at work, and has meant taking a bit of time off. During this time, I have started getting through quite a lot of repainting/weathering/detailing projects, and more people have been asking me to do jobs. This has been building at a steady rate, and this week I decided on a slightly different career path.

Yesterday I handed my notice in at work. Believe me, not a decision I have taken lightly. I have given up a decent salary and company car. But, priorities change, and my time off has given me the chance to experience, and think hard about what I want out of life. Previously it was money, that has now changed to...



job satisfaction

doing something I enjoy

Doing something that feels genuinely worthwhile

Self employment and working from home

Flexibility for Family

If anything ££ is left over at the end of the month after bills, then I'm happy!


So, as from This month, Lees Locos is officially a trading company. To be honest, I never actually thought my hobby could produce an income and allow me to follow this path, but I have been proven otherwise. 

I am under no illusions or wearing a set of rose tinted specs here...I appreciate just what I am letting myself in for, and how demanding self employment can be, both financially and mentally. But in large part because of people's confidence in my work, (again you know who you are!), you have all given me the confidence to take this path. I hope it is the right one.

Needless to say, feel free to contact me through the forum, or come and see me at the increasing number of shows I will be attending to discuss any projects you would like doing. I have met a few of you already this way   :locomotive:  

I am off down to Manchester this weekend, to meet a few people, and maybe get involved in something else that can only be beneficial to business. I''ll let you all know what this is in due course if it goes ahead.

My return on Monday see's the start of yet another project, (is self employment really this busy!!), having grown out of the spare room makeshift workshop, the builders are coming in and converting my garage into a workshop/office. For anyone interested in following its development, I'll be posting updates on my workbench thread.

Many many thanks for everyone's interest and support. You are all a big part of the reason behind this decision.
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Congratulations, Lee. A good move I'd say. I wish you all the best. You're obviously very talented with an airbrush. I'd still like to see you make more use of dirty washes though. But then I use dirty washes to hide my inadequacies with an airbrush, so I can't talk.  :D


Looking forward to more updates and hearing about your travails and ups and (hopefully not too many) downs.




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