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Hi all,


Just a quick update to end what has been quite an eventful year working on Dent. This time last year I was still laying track! At times you think things are not progressing very well until you look back and realise just what has been achieved in a remarkably short space of time. Anyway, this is the final chapter for 2014 where a couple of loose ends have been addressed and a major structure commenced, hope you enjoy....




Both the 'Up' and 'Down' Bracket Signals have now been painted in white here..




This shows them fully in white in place on the layout...




These two views show the signals with the 'black' areas coloured and all ready for the arms to be fitted, one of the first jobs for 2015!


More to follow....

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Another area awaiting completion for some time was the 'Rise Hill' tunnel area....




Here shows the current state of affairs




This shows the work done on the embankments





This view shows the 'Fell' back in position and finished off area.


More to follow....

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Another thing bugging me for weeks was the 'NON-GLOOMY' tunnel(s). In order to darken them and provide a tunnel lining I used some old black packaging I had, its the type which has a sort of rib running every 4mm or so.





If you cut the TOP face through on every 3rd rib or so....



You can bend it to a circular form




Placing on the baseboard , fix it down with a couple of screws and curve it around the 'stone' lining already prepared from the tunnel mouth.

Fix the other side down and you have a perfectly good tunnel. A simple silicone bead over the top will hold things in place.



This one showing 'daylight' has also been done but I need to let the silicone harden before removal of some formers.


More to follow...


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The last project started this year will sadly not be finished until next! The signal-box kit from York Modelmaking.



The instructions sheet



The laser-cut MDF fret



The main structure separated from the fret




Main structure assembled with superglue



Each 10ft panel comprises of three section built-up in a sandwich



As seen here



The twin panels are jointed with a strip at the rear and all were left for an hour or so to cure.



The roof comprises both MDF and Plasticard (Rowmark) sections again built up in three sections.



Next the roof formers are added, these slip into pre-prepared holes for easy alignment.


More to follow






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The roof parts



Assembled components



The roof itself is scribed panels which receive laser-cut slates so gaps are no problem 'apparently'



Next to build are the steps







These views show the model being finally assembled less the minor detailing parts which will be in the new year.

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And here are a few shots of the signalbox in its rightful position on the layout









And a couple of shots showing the now fully painted bracket signals along the line length.


I sincerely hope you all have a great New Year and thank you all for coming along on the ride, its been hard work this end but great fun also, there's nothing more satisfying 'at the time' than seeing the first train run but even that gets eclipsed by seeing it run in proper surroundings. I think I'm getting there and wonder what I'll be doing this time next year.


All the best to everyone, see you in 2015 for 'more tales from the embankment'! :jester:  :locomotive:  :senile:

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Hi Mike, so tonight's your night, a good knees up with your Kilt around your Belly Button a shot of the Brown Stuff, and no pants to ward off the wind, it really doesn't bear thinking about it.


Anyway, yet another great set of pics to brighten my otherwise dull evening.


Great stuff as usual,


Happy New Year to you all.

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Hi all,


Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. Go on you can all get back to nursing your headaches Hahaha :jester:  :jester:  Doesn't apply to me as I had very little, just enough to bring in the New Year.


All back to normal from tomorrow then eh!

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Nice work with the signal box although with your skills I thought you might have built it from scratch.


Looking forward to 2015 on Dent

Hi Duncan,


I did think about doing the signalbox from scratch but chose the kit option for expediency (big word again) some expediency as I have had it for almost a year I think! It also gives me some ideas how other people do things and although quick to build I do have some reservations. We'll see how it turns out in the end.

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Hi all,


Just aquick question for those signalling experts. As I understand it the lever colours in the box would be:


Distant: Yellow

Home: Red

Points: Black

Point locking: Blue (Don't imagine there are any at Dent though)

Spare: White


My problem is I don't know what colour ground signals are so have 4 levers unknown. I have seen Red with a White stripe perhaps this is the colour? If I give you what I have perhaps you could confirm or advise please.


1: Distant - Yellow

2: Distant - Yellow

3: Home - Red

4: Home - Red

5: Spare - White

6: Points (pair) - Black

7: Ground signal - ?

8: Ground signal - ?

9: Points (pair) - Black

10: Points (pair) - Black

11: Spare - White

12: Spare - White

13: Points (pair) - Black

14: Ground signal - ?

15: Ground signal - ?

16: Points (pair) - Black

17: Home - Red

18: Spare - White

19: Home - Red

20: Distant - Yellow


Thanks in advance for any info, cheers Mike.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ground signal levers are red (because they are stop signals).  Section Signals (I think that will be 4 &17 without checking back) will have a  red lever with a white stripe indicating taht they are electrically released by another signalbox/block instrument.  The lever frame itself - 'orrible knee bashing thing that it is - will be gloss black.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ground signal levers are red (because they are stop signals).  Section Signals (I think that will be 4 &17 without checking back) will have a  red lever with a white stripe indicating taht they are electrically released by another signalbox/block instrument.  The lever frame itself - 'orrible knee bashing thing that it is - will be gloss black.

And the name of the signalman's cat is . . . . . . .



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Hope the dram went down well Mike,

I also stopped after last night but I have to admit that it was only until tonight - I'm now nursing a refreshing cider as all is quiet here now! Look forward to the next episode!

Kind regards,


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Evening Mike, I had a weeeee tipple last night and toasted Lunesters everywhere, hope your all O.K mate.


I'm glad you asked about the signal / lever frame colours as I need to re look at my requirements.


All the best matey.

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Ground signal levers are red (because they are stop signals).  Section Signals (I think that will be 4 &17 without checking back) will have a  red lever with a white stripe indicating taht they are electrically released by another signalbox/block instrument.  The lever frame itself - 'orrible knee bashing thing that it is - will be gloss black.

Many thanks Mike, as I have said before signalling is black art to me, its a bit like logarithms were to me a school, it just fails to sink in but I am trying - say nothing Hahaha

I take it that section signals are the home signals immediately preceding the distance signals of the following box?

And the name of the signalman's cat is . . . . . . .



Its got to be 'Bessie' up in then there hills don't you think?

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Nice work with the signal box although with your skills I thought you might have built it from scratch.


Looking forward to 2015 on Dent

Hi Duncan,


Your little prompt made me have a look for an old model I had started probably 20 years ago but my allegiance to the MR changed to the LNWR and so the building did not get finished.


However here are a few shots of the old structure which I have managed to salvage the interior detailing kit from - result, cheers Duncan




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Just had a day mainly playing with trains after fitting the signal arms onto the two bracket signals.





Class 9F No. 92233 is heading south with a fitted van train



BR Sulzer Type 2's D5237+D5233 exit Widdale tunnel with a lengthy oil train assisted by a Brake tender




The pair are held at the signal where the 'Bobby' calls them on





Opposite the box the Bobby advises there is a 'hot box' on one of the tanks, not a good thing on an oil train eh! The 9F has been slowed as a precaution



The 'ESSO' tank nearest the loco has been identified as the culprit and uncoupled, the train is pulled forward for reversal


More to follow...


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  • RMweb Premium

Forgive me for saying this Mike, but there are some almighty gaps on that Signalbox, especially where the front and side meet (I guess the roof isn't fixed yet for obvious reasons). Having seen your abilities at scratchbuilding, can I assume that it is a failing of the kit, or are there parts still to add?


With regard to scratchbuilding rather than using a kit, I must admit that if there was a decent kit available for an L&Y box, I would most likely have used it. Signalboxes are such stand-out buildings that define, to an extent, the railway we are modelling, that a decent kit is worth it's weight in gold. The LNWR box on BCB (at least the top half....) is the London Road etched brass kit and there was a lot of scratchbuilding talent available for that layout construction.

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The defective tank is shunted into the refuge



The tank is isolated in the refuge



The train is then coupled back together and following a brake test is on its way....but forgot to take pic - doh!



Fairburn 4MT Tank No. 42121 pulls into Dent with a southbound stopper





Whistle blown for departure




Super D' No 49375 is on coal hoppers heading north


more to follow...





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The G2a passes the signalbox at a sedate speed



The stopper and hoppers pass each other



Detail shot of 42121






Fairburn and Webb pass each other while the Super D' heads for Rise Hill Tunnel

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