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Rail-ex Taunton .

Sidecar Racer

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Yes I agree, very busy just after 12.00 when I arrived, but later on plenty of room to move and time to chat with operators.


I enjoyed Tormouth Quay, among others, but did not offer my services at the controls.

I wonder if those presflos are still going backwards and forwards?


Nice to see 3mm Hennock as well,


A good show



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  • RMweb Gold

Good show, as usual, if rather stuffed in the morning.


Catering at the school was first class and value for money. The roast tomorrow @ £5.50 sounds good! Probably the best on the circuit as we all know of dire catering at some.


Trade reasonable. Layouts good, particularly Bodmin (P4) excellent operation, Kingswear (2mm FS) so well observed and modelled and Millwall Goods (S7) looks superb.


Also deserving a mention were 'Crossing the Sierras' (N) American well modelled scenery and 'Bratton Fleming' (009) best snow effect that I've ever seen.


A couple of snaps from the cameraphone. Not very good I'm afraid and then the battery went flat. I'm sure that some better ones will be put up by others.


'Bodmin'. Amazing that this layout was built in the 70s and still looks and operates well.










'Crossing the Sierras'



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Had a good day at the show and got lots of bits ,so i can build the station building on the layout.

Kingswear is a master bit of modeling ,the running of the loco's was amazing !.

Lots of good layouts to look at like Bodmin .that was another one i had to go back to a few times ,was very busy during the morning ,but later thinned out a little so a bit more room to look round .(after i spent a silly amount of money with the traders).

Good to meet up with some good friend and have a good chat ,that is where RMweb comes in ,as instead of walking round a show and not knowing anyone,but to able to meet you with other RMweber's that you have become friend with!.

It make the day out so much better.

Well done to all the people who put the show on,thanks and well done.

All the best








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  • RMweb Gold

Good to meet up with some good friend and have a good chat ,that is where RMweb comes in ,as instead of walking round a show and not knowing anyone,but to able to meet you with other RMweber's that you have become friend with!.

It make the day out so much better.

Well said Darren, good to catch up with you, Mudmagnet, Sidecar Racer & Cornish Exile, plus other folk I bumped into during the day.


Highlight was definitely 'Bodmin', layout is circa 35 years old and still runs very well and still looks fresh.

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I enjoyed Tormouth Quay, among others, but did not offer my services at the controls.

I wonder if those presflos are still going backwards and forwards?



Richard had got them on a spring, on autopilot, while he tried to get his brain back into gear - a morning's concentrated shunting on an unfamiliar layout was more demanding than he had expected! Shortly after you left he hit the wall, mentally speaking, and suddenly said "I've got to get some fresh air". Judging by the expressionless face, the vacant eyes and the speed of his departure, I think he made the right decision! Still, at least he seemed almost normal again when he came back!

It calmed down during the afternoon & we had a gentle last couple of hours with plenty of time to talk to people.


Nice to meet you & have a chat - maybe next time we'll get the controller into your hand . . . .

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  • RMweb Gold

Was there all weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Catering and venue good. Enjoyed all the layouts, Vauxhall was good and also Kingswear - though I should say that the chap operating this layout later on this afternoon was extremely miserable, he could hardly bring himself to speak to me when I asked how the lever frame operated. I thought that the idea of having an operator sitting out front was to engage with the visitors, not be almost rude to them. Very disappointing. In contrast the operators on Millwall goods were great and wereletting visitors operate the sidings, a great way to encourage them. The Kingswear team need to be friendly....Not rude.

Also enjoyed watching trains go by on Highbridge Road, well done.

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This show in going down hill fast these days, yes there were some good layouts but there were far too many layouts that were too poor to be there if they want to keep chasing the top flight exhibitions which this show has done in the past. As one person greeted me with "You have also paid £6.50 to see this *&^%"



I think 'Industrial's' comments are those of a very small minority of visitors. Perhaps if he realised that over 75% of visitors are average modellers or families just bringing the kids for a day out. There is constructive criticism and then there is rudeness. I suppose he is one of those modellers who falls into the last category who would even criticise something like 'Bath Green Park' or 'Liverpool Lime Street'. If you cannot do better then keep quiet which leads me to the question 'Can you produce a better layout that Exhibition Managers would be falling over themselves to invite you to exhibit?'

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I enjoyed my time at Taunton today and thought it was quite a reasonable exhibition. It might not be quite as good as Wells, say, but it was a lot better than Plymouth and I certainly intend going again next year.

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A well organised friendly weekend was enjoyed by the Hennock crew. Better than the previous venue and accomodation and food were excellent.

On the back of it we got three more invites,

The layouts were a good mix- what time we got to see them- specialist shows are what it says-specialist.

The families want to see certain types of layouts, the enthusiasts something else. So to please all is somewhat difficult. Certainly, the comments we heard did not echo a slide in quality. Indeed, it makes entrants into the hobby a little less intimidated by the top layouts.

All in all well done to the organisers.


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Had a great day out at taunton helping Graham/Devonseasider on his Tormouth Quay layout only derailed a few times.Had a look round at the other layouts they where good. Traders i had money to spend if i was modeling N or 00 But no O gauge stuff so i went home with the money i went with.Food was great beef dinner i was stuffed after that well done Taunton.


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  • RMweb Gold

Thats not really fair though "Crewelisle" , Industrial paid his money and is allowed his view of what he saw just as much as anyone....Ive always liked the Taunton show when I used to cover the 120 miles each way to have a look at it, but Id not be shy of saying if it wasnt upto the standards Id come to expect of it.... fair does in my opinion ;)

I would agree with Mickey here.


Whilst it would be fair enough to say that the selection of layouts is OK when viewed in the context of the family visitors, there were other points to consider:


- Three of the best layouts there (Bodmin, Bratton Fleming & Kingswear) have been around for quite some time, especially Bodmin

- The above three all had their own lighting and were all in the darker hall - it was just as well, because that larger hall was i) gloomy ii) stuffy (why was the overhead heating still on mid-morning?) and iii) extremely crowded for much of the day

- too many of the other layouts did not have their own lighting rig, and whilst they might get away with it in the smaller, lighter hall, the overall effect in the darker hall was such that the modelling could not be showed off to best advantage. Not perhaps the fault of the organisers, but one could mention the need for layout lighting when inviting layouts?

- the food was excellent indeed, but on the walk to the eating area, one passed through other areas of that wonderful school, and you can see that there are potentially other areas of the main building that would provide a higher calibre of exhibiting space - more light for a start, thinking of a series of rooms accessed through a door labelled 'Arts Centre' or similar


I'd be happy to go back, but mainly for the social side, travelling there with friends and meeting more friends there.


To be frank, if the two sports type halls are to be the permanent venue for this show (as opposed to some other parts of the same school), then I prefer the previous school venue by a long way.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know about the new venue but the old one was awkward with bits upstairs and out in other buildings. Maybe ok for the audience but not so easy for those putting it on.


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