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Penhayle Bay


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Hi Gwiwer,


You have done an excellent job there on those Beatties.


Mine has left the UK and should be here sometime next week. Will have to dig out the spares, figures etc to add detail to it.


The models certainly do travel a long way from home.


My layout is more North East UK than south west, but what the heck, a nice model to run on the line.



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Hi Rick,

Just been catching up with your thread, looks like you have been quite busy. The new arrivals look good too and adding real coal certainly improves things, you are getting the hang of the weathering too very nice.


Not sure if I told you but I am having a BRMA meeting here on the 19th of November, you are more than welcome.


Cheers Peter.

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The white disc (which is included in the details packs) has not been fitted to these locos as yet. Contemporary photos show they ran without one some of the time anyway. The duty number on the disc varied over the years.

Those discs are another minefield for the rivet-counters. ;)

In a self-contained environment like Wadebridge, one wonders quite what value they added to the workings. They are not true safety-of-the-line items like a tail-lamp, and was the signalman at Wadebridge East or Boscarne really going to stop the Wenford trip and ask the driver where he thought he was going without a headcode? That said, standards were no doubt higher then, so having a disc or two in the right place was probably regarded as the required thing to do, irrespective of its actual value. And as you say, maybe the footplate crew weren't always rushed off their feet!

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Some Penhayle Bay sun for your winter evenings :sungum:


Newly-arrived rat on the hoods




While stepping back a little in time a maroon Western leads a down train including a Hawksworth brake as the second vehicle.



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Some refreshing of vegetation and roadways has been done and some weathering added to the Bachmann "Peak" which has a factory spray of dirt beneath the layers of powder and grease I have added.




The "Peak" energes from the fiddle yard alongside the lane leading down off the moors.




Some small new scenic areas have been added. Here the TPO runs past a newly-painted distant hillside including one of the most typical of all Cornish buildings on the horizon. The scene is painted around a rectangular rainwater downpipe!




And finally showing that a train isn't necessary to set off a scene as a lone cow and a car share space at Church Lane bridge where the rhododendrons are in flower.



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That is the latest Bachmann Peak, Peter, and if it's invited it could come down to Llanbourne next weekend along with the Beattie well tanks.


Sounds good to me, I do like a good Peak, as you know Llanbourne has a few. :locomotive: Love to see the Beattie well tanks too, thay look great.


Cheers Peter.

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Amidst a lot of excitement generated by the arrival of the Beattie well tanks and the now-imminent arrival of the Baby Warships as well I have managed to find time to play in the sea!


It is some time now since several thin layers of Magic Water were poured over the painted base and these have now had Woodland Scenics "Water Effects" product added over the top in the sea scenes. The still waters of the two rivers have been left untouched and are just Magic Water mixed with a drop of paint to give depth to the colour.


The local surfers now have a better ripple to ride!




The product is white out of the bottle and dries clear in thin layers but tends to retain some colour when applied thickly. I'll decide in a week or two as it goes off whether I need any more touch-up paint on the surf.




And replicating one of my personal favourite photo styles, the surfer in silhouette, here is one of our locals in 1:76 scale.




Meanwhile at the "family" beach life is more leisurely.




Gulls are a nuisance in 1:76 just as in real life!




And who says you can't find a Virgin in Cornwall? staff_muttley.gif The Hornby Mk2 air-cons have had their plastic wheels replaced with metal and their giant loop couplers replaced with small ones as a result of which the whole rake runs much better than it did and will appear more frequently.



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Hi Rick,


Excellent photos and the scenic work is too. Bring on the sun and surf.

My Beattie arrived and is an excellent runner, tested it with 6 4 wheel wagons behind it today on the club layout. plan to attend the next BRMA meeting.



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30585 paid a visit to Llanbourne today along with the good folk of BRMA where it was something of a star attraction. As many members had to then pass Penhayle Bay on their route home a fair number called in for a running session. The layout more or less behaved itself on a day of torrential and persistent rain which is seldom good news for us who do it outside. And something like a dozen people who had not previously had the chance to do so were able to see the layout, with lights and all looking rather effective in gloomy conditions, in the flesh.

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30585 paid a visit to Llanbourne today along with the good folk of BRMA where it was something of a star attraction.

I do hope some spotters & photters were on hand to record this amazing event Rick! Or will Peter invoke vague anti-terror laws to prohibit publication? ;)

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Hi Rick,

Hope you had a good time, I didn't get a pic of 30585 so if you did feel free to post one on my thread. I am not sure if you had a chance to run it I was fairly busy trying to find mugs etc, so didn't get a chance to run everything. I will do another RMweb meeting in the new year so will let you know.


Here is your Peak sitting on the fuel road at Llanbourne shed.


Cheers Peter.


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Honestly! You'd think it might have been run through the wash before going visiting!!!


Cracking shot Peter thank you. And thanks again for hosting what turned out to be a hugely popular and enjoyable gathering in such atrocious weather.


30585 finds itself in the unaccustomed surroundings of Llanbourne:




and was pressed into service to shunt some stock while no-one was looking! The driver was heard to comment "I dawn't b'long see these 'fore. Modern-fangled izza?"




Back at the Bay '85 and '87 paraded up and down the Ponsangwyn branch each with a train of 7 wagons plus brake amply demonstrating to those who braved the elements just how powerful theses locos are. The branch rises to the main line at around 1:36. 30586 sat quietly on shed while the main lines echoed to a double-headed maroon Warship combination on an 11-coach "seats and sleepers" express on the up, a Western hauling a mixed parcels rake including some Hawksworths on the down and a paid of green "bubblecars" on the St. Agnes branch and Agnes herself was present to enjoy the "four-in-hand" driving which I can show on DC. Some DCC layouts can't manage four trains moving on separate lines at the same time.

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Thanks for the invite Rick. you certainly have a lot to be proud of in your layout. Nice long trains, good scenery, constantly ringing the changes. As we were discussing Do what you like and like what you do!


The beattie well tanks make me think of changing my region!

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Hi Doug,


Back from the land of the ... whatever they call the UK. I succumbed and ordered a Beattie tank. Delightful little loco. Will not fit the LNER period though. But since I now have over 30 BR locos it may 'well' fit that period.


See you at next months meet.



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Very little traffic offering for the Sunday afternoon up stopper .....




Maybe because everyone is still in the water .....




Or on it!




Strong sunlight on the water and the up TPO on the cliffs.




But the St. Agnes branch passengers are watching a storm blow in over an angry sea even though the main line is still bathed in beautiful sunshine!




The water effect product first used a couple of weeks ago has remained white where it is applied thickly giving reasonable "white water" effects. Having seen how this product behaves I probably don't need to overpaint the waves any more to represent foam unless it clears very slowly over an extended time. I do need a little more in the shallow water to give a rippled effect and then a top-up pour of Magic Water in the river to blend the two products.

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As this is supposed to be a model railway this view does at least include a train! The table lamps of a Pullman charter glow around the cliffs while the observation car brings up the rear on Penhayle Viaduct on a warm summer's evening when the car park and beach are still busy well after dark.




Looking back along the length of the beach with the car park jutting out into the sea part-way along.




Details of the sloppy sea breaking at the foot of the cliff scene.






And with a wave "caught" in suspended animation and apparently containing some bits of seaweed as well!




And after several less successful attempts I finally had the lighting right to capture a silhouetted surfer :)



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Looking good! I like the evening scene at the beach... brings back memories ;)

Thank you. And yes it does ;) Though you should see what goes on at the little secluded beach below the cliffs :sungum:

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