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How do we all keep our layouts CLEAN?

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  • RMweb Gold

As per title, really.


I don't have a layout, yet, but when I DID, even in a spare bedroom, it gathered dust at an incredible rate.


How do others remove dust etc from delicate buildings, trees, ballast, stock, etc, etc?


A small hoover (battery / 12V) ... and a soft brush

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Problem will certainly be worse in a bedroom with all that dusty bedcovering! Try taking clothes out of a wardrobe in bright sunlight and see the countless dust motes that fly around. Avoid such locations if poss.If not cover layout with clear plastic supported on a lightweight wooden frame.If not practical,previous response applies!Tim.

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As Tim says we should cover our layouts when not in use. 'Value' dustbin liners split to make a sheet make great lightweight covers which won't crush what's underneath (negating the use of any frame). Why 'value'? Because they're thinner! Not only will you stop the layers of dead skin (which is what most dust it - yuck!) but you'll also stop the scenics from fading (and brickpaper which turns blue or green when exposed to light for too long). One last thing, avoid biodegradable dustbin liners, they literally shred with age.

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My 7mm layout is in the garage, including the car and is a paintshop & general workshop. I never clean the layout and certainly not the stock. It adds a wonderful weathered look to everything.


The rails are rubbed over a couple of times a year and that's it. (The car has a dust sheet thrown over it when spraying models or doing other dusty work though.)

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