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Parrot Hall - 80/90?s 25kv NW suburban in OO.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On route to the station yesterday for a spin out behind 37 401, I thought I'd do some recon for the first Parrot Hall building. May I present - The ''Dirty Duck''




Formally known as the Swan, but we barrovians have an annoying habit of not calling things by real names, so a previous landlord gave up and renamed it to the nickname! This, the front, is the bit I will not be modelling. The bit I'm more interested in is the back -




And this ''veranda'' is awesome!




It will have to be a mirror image though. So this will be the side facing the operators -




Oh yes, and this is the beast on arrival at Lancaster -





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Not much progress this week, but I did 'rough out' 'the duck' -




This side is completely fictitious of course, but I think the sizes work now. On with cutting out windows and detailing next. Kev.

Edited by kevpeo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kev,


The layout is progressing very well, had to look twice to work out where the real dirty duck is not been to that part of town for many years, the brick arches gave me a useful clue. Will look forward to seeing this later in the year.


That shot of 401 is very good as I will be adding that to my DRS fleet by updating the Bachmann release. My mum had that for haulage from Carlisle to Barrow on Saturday, much better than the coach rail replacement from Edinburgh.




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  • 1 month later...

Firstly, many apologies for the lack of updates, work and a family illness have caused a severe lack of time (and mojo!) for modeling lately. I have managed some work on ‘the duck’ though –




and the other, non public, side -




Lintels and sills have been added, as well as the main roof areas. You will notice a couple of slight changes in the window layout, as I'd forgotten about the chimney stack! The layout has also been confirmed as making its first public appearance at our show in Barrow in Furness on the second weekend of October. Let’s just hope I can make it this year! Kev.





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Yes Gordon, as mentioned above, the first show is the Furness MRC's show on the second week of October. It also has a booking for Stafford in 2018, I may even have finished it by then! Kev.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still slow progress, but plodding on -




Lean-to structures have been added, as well as the chimney stacks, although both need some cleaning up. Metcalfe pavements and a yard wall have also appeared. I'm still undecided if I should model the pub as still open, or closed with boarded up windows, which would add nicely to the dilapidation I feel! Kev.

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  • 1 month later...

Fantastic layout. I've been watching this layout develop and you have truly captured the scene incredibly well. You can almost imagine being the train spotter on the EMU trying to sneak a peak of the 08 number as it shunts around the yard.


More pics please :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably the last update before Parrot Hall’s debut, but after adding some wires and copperclad -




We now have platform lights –




And the slowest ‘slow acting’ point machine going!  Perhaps the 9v router transformer is going to struggle a bit! It is easy enough to disable the lights if it becomes an issue. Not long now and a just a few painting and tidying jobs to do. Kev.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All boxed up with nowhere to go. Until tomorrow that is!




The end/transport boards have had spacers added to prevent damage to the track and scenics at the joint, and Loch Dour's longest face protecting board pressed into use to protect the O/H. And a couple of nameboards added for presentation. Hope to see all of you Sat/Sun, say hi, if I'm not behind PH I'll be behind the Thomas stand! Kev.

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Hi Kev,


The layout looks fantastic. Good luck at the show. How have you built your steps down to a the platform? I need to build something similar and I like how you have done yours.


Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Jeff. Details on the bridge origins can be found here -




Parrot Hall is now all set up and working, with a 'jerry rigged' lighting kit! The only issue so far discovered is that my Heljan 128 unit rides up on the chairs of the SMP yard track! Kev.

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I'm pleased to report that Parrot Hall worked perfectly all weekend!  A couple of items of stock however played up, the 104 having to be replaced by a 156 on Sunday being the main one.  Only three of us operated over the weekend and all agreed that despite the simple track plan, the layout is very relaxing and interesting to 'play with'. My 14 year old daughters verdict, it's crap, and just like 'the other one'.


Parrot Hall = the same as = Loch Dour


WTF as the young folk say!  Kev.

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